So Long Ugly Betty . . . Till The Movie Hits?

So Long Ugly Betty . . . Till The Movie Hits?

Posted by Dustin on 04.16.2010 at 10:15 pm

This past week was the final episode of “Ugly Betty.” Everyone basically got their happy ending.

– Amanda’s dog Halston died, but she met her biological father. It turned out he found her and that’s why he hired her as his stylist, to get to know her.
– Bobby and Hilda looked to move out and start their own home with Justin.
– Betty took the job in London and prepared to head over, while Daniel dealt with his feelings for her.
– Willy got back together with Conner, who might get out on good behavior soon thanks to helping turn over evidence on cellmates.
– Daniel quit Mode and gave Willy control, which is what he and Claire agreed on. Willy covered for the shooting incident with Tyler, claiming she was cleaning her gun and it went off.
– With Willy editor-in-chief, Mark looks to be promoted.
– Daniel followed Betty to London to ask her out to lunch, while she hinted she needed an assistant if he needed a job.

It was a good ending, I really liked how they left things with Daniel and Betty. They didn’t throw them together, but left enough hints to say it would probably happen eventually.

There is also already talk of a movie happening. Yay! I’m seeing something along the lines on “A few years later” with Betty and Daniel preparing to wed, which gets the whole gang back together?

– Oh – now that I’m thinking . . . . maybe I missed it, but did they ever resolve things with Tyler? He does know who his father is, but they didn’t have him expose or confront Cal.

Sadly Alexis didn’t make a return, so here is to hoping if they do a movie she’ll appear.

All in all, I loved the way they ended it . . . . but totally think it was canceled way before its time!

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Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty: Daniel And Betty Sitting In A Tree?

Ugly Betty: Daniel And Betty Sitting In A Tree?

Posted by Dustin on 04.07.2010 at 11:51 pm

Tonight’s “Ugly Betty” was soooooooo good! I can’t believe there is only one episode left.

Justin finally came out, inviting his boyfriend Austin to his mom’s wedding. The secret he was so afraid of was already known, and it was nothing big. However Hilda wanted to throw him the gayest coming out party ever, which Mark put a stop to, informing them Justin had to pick the time to come out to them.

Willy tried to use Tyler, convincing him to claim his shares of Mead then sell them to her to get rich and leave town, of course leaving her with controlling interest. However her plan didn’t work, Tyler was a mean and nasty drunk, far worse than she imagined. He stole a gun and went to confront Claire! Willy however stepped in the way and talked him out of it, but when she went to take the gun . . . BAM! It went off. I can’t see them killing off Willy . . . but I guess given all she’s done in this show . . .

Amanda took on a new client she tried to set up with a depressed Mark, but Mark learned a thing or two about him . . . like he has the tweety bird tattoo that Amanda’s father supposedly had.

The big story though was what was going on between Daniel and Betty. Henry returned, after being drunk dialed and invited to the wedding by Betty, who had planned to just take Daniel. Daniel ended up asking this girl he had been seeing. Betty hated her, saying she made Daniel act dumb. Daniel didn’t like Henry, thinking Betty was going backwards. In the end they both realized each other was right. Henry is gone, both he and Betty agreed it wasn’t the right time for them. Daniel just agreed that the girl he was seeing was dumb.

Betty and Daniel had all these moments in this episode, including one where Daniel seemed to have this epiphany that he might love Betty. She was giving Justin some advice about love and when things are right, which made Daniel just seem to sparkly. However Betty is poised to move to London and help start a magazine with a guy who offered her a job.

Ahhhhhh! How are they going to wrap this all up? I loved Betty and Daniel in this episode, so I want the hint that there is going to be a future for them. I am also hoping we’ll get to see Alexis return for the final episode as well.

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Ugly Betty

ABC Spoilers: Mid-April

ABC Spoilers: Mid-April

Posted by Dustin on 03.29.2010 at 4:11 pm

Some official ABC spoilers for Mid-April. “Grey’s” and “Practice” are repeats this week. “Brothers and Sisters” doesn’t appear at the moment it seems, they had a 2 part episode the week before this that was 2 hours long.

Highlights include:
– A star studded guest cast for “Castle” as a talkshow host gets offed.
-The final episode of “Ugly Betty.” CRIES! Are Daniel and Betty fated to be together?
– On “V” the mysterious John May appears in what looks to be a flashback episode before the Visitor’s official arrival. Michael Trucco of “Battlestar Galactica” plays him.
– Two weeks worth of Housewives spoilers! Have we learned who the person who attacked Julie is? Looks like we’ve already met them from the hints!

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Catching Up With Betty

Catching Up With Betty

Posted by Dustin on 03.25.2010 at 11:48 pm

So our time with “Ugly Betty” is fast coming to an end. This is such a shame because this season has really been the best since the first. Ironically since the move to Wednesday and announcement of the cancellation, the ratings are fairly good too.

It’s been awhile since I blogged about the show, but I’ve been watching and loving it . . . okay for the most part. I’m not keen on Willy once again trying to take down Daniel and take over Mode. I thought we’d have a happier ending with them working together, but it’s not going that way. I guess once a villain always a villain! At this point I won’t cry if the show ends with Willy out on her butt. In fact at this point I think that would be a fitting end. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up in prison with her lover!

Daniel and Amanda’s F… buddy relationship ended as she chose Daniel’s half-bro Tyler, but even he now has gotten the cold shoulder from Amanda who felt the brothers were too much at each other’s throats. I don’t like that Amanda has been put in this position honestly. I was warming up to her and Daniel. I was however happy when in the end she told Tyler it was off with him untill he cooled down over his issues with Daniel (who in fact gave Amanda his okay to date Tyler).

The show has had some heavy Daniel + Betty hinting going on. Betty got her braces off this week, and of course everyone sees her outer beauty matching the inner. However Gio is on the return for an upcoming episode, so who knows! I really want to see them have the show ending with a Betty and Daniel paring hinting going on, that we know in the future they’ll end up together.

The big shock these past few weeks has been Justin’s story. With Hilda getting married to Bobby, Justin has been exploring his love life as well. He tried the whole straight thing, trying to deny what everyone else in the world knows, but in the end it seems he fell for a boy in his acting class. The shocking part was them showing Justin kiss this other actor. WOAH! I don’t think the show would have ever gone there had they not known they were already canned. That would have been a show breaker otherwise I think. It would have been too controversial because of the ages of the characters/actors and there would be an outcry. Though I think they are now probably adults given how long the show has gone on (didn’t bother to google). Then again the thirty somethings on 90210 are doing it too, but they are lesbians and there is a difference in what we’ll tolerate on air for some reason.

I’m really going to miss this show. I also hope Ignacia gets his happily ever after in the end as well. It’s probably too much to hope for a return of Alexis as well, but maybe they’ll surprise us 🙂

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Ugly Betty

ABC Early April Spoilers

ABC Early April Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 03.22.2010 at 6:50 pm

A few new spoilers this week, but a lot of repeats as well (“Grey’s” and “Private Practice” are the episodes with Sloan’s pregnancy/surgery)

On “Ugly Betty” it’s Hilda’s wedding as the show nears the end. On “Brothers and Sisters” it’s the two hour Walker event I already blogged about (which knocks out “Housewives” that week). On “Castle” a fun looking episode involving a museum and a mummy’s curse? Finally on “V” the hybrid baby is growing a little too fast!

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Brothers and Sisters, Castle, Ugly Betty, V

ABC Spoilers: V Returns, Ugly Betty Winds Down

ABC Spoilers: V Returns, Ugly Betty Winds Down

Posted by Dustin on 03.15.2010 at 4:45 pm

A few new ABC releases today (lots of repeats again near the end of March I’m afraid). On “Ugly Betty,” Betty heads to London and meets up with Christina as well as old flame Gio. Finally “V” returns, which I’m looking forward too. I might have to watch all the reruns coming up next week to remember what is going on though!

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Ugly Betty, V

ABC Spoilers March ’10

ABC Spoilers March ’10

Posted by Dustin on 03.01.2010 at 3:54 pm

A few spoiler releases for the moment, including Dana Delaney’s two-part appearance on “Castle,” John Barrowman on “Housewives” and Carol Kane guesting on “Ugly Betty.”

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ABC Ides of March ’10 Spoilers!

ABC Ides of March ’10 Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 02.22.2010 at 3:02 pm

Some ABC releases mid-March. There are also 2 early March releases for both “Grey’s” and “Practice” in this as well. “V” is set to return on March 9th, but as of yet no official releases have been released for the return.

Highlights include . . . .
Someone on “Grey’s” is related to a famous surgeon!
Love triangles galore on “Practice”
“Betty” meets a fireman who could become her new love.
Supermodels guest star on “Housewives.” Also the long lost Scavo kid is back!
Tommy is back on “Brothers and Sisters”

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Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Ugly Betty

Various Casting Bits . . .

Various Casting Bits . . .

Posted by Dustin on 02.13.2010 at 2:41 pm

I’ve tweeted (or retweeted) these over the past few days, but wanted to include them in a post before they disappear from the side bar . . .

Kathy Najimy (Sister Act) will be the one to un-brace Betty later this season on March 24th! (Via )

In other “Betty News,” it looks like indeed it is Hilda that is getting married at the end of the season/series.

Supermodels of the world Heidi Klum and Paulina Porizkova are set to appear on “Desperate Housewives” in March, presumably as themselves as it’s part of a story with Gabby (once a model herself). (Via E! Online )

Side note with some “Runway” news. Because of the way it worked out schedule wise this season, the show is sending 10 designers to Bryant Park to showcase their works. The news broke awhile ago, Tim Gunn ended up confirming it on a video blog. However only 3 will be the finalists shown on TV and only one can win. Still, as many have complained, it takes the specialness out of the show as this is what they are all competing for, to make it to Bryant Park/Fashion Week.

SNL funny lady Molly Shannan is set to appear on “Glee!” as a new astronomy teacher Brenda Castle, who is Sue’s archnemesis! ( Via E! Online ) )

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Desperate Housewives, Glee, Project Runway, Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty, How I Will Miss Thee!

Ugly Betty, How I Will Miss Thee!

Posted by Dustin on 02.05.2010 at 9:01 pm

The news of “Ugly Betty’s” upcoming demise really ticks me off, because this season this show has been better than ever. I really wish ABC hadn’t moved it to Friday as that really killed it, and again this has been the best season since season one.

The past episode with Willy’s drag queen copycat Whiladiva Hater was so awesome. Not only did her brother do a great job as her in drag, we finally got to hear Vanessa Williams sing on the show. Also Claire and Mark had some of the best lines in a long time!

Once again with the conflict between Betty and Daniel, which was of course resolved, I can’t help but wonder if they will put Betty with Daniel in the end. There have been many spoilers coming out from Kristen (E!) and Ausiello (EW) this week that a wedding will be in the finale, but it might not be Betty’s. My guess is it will be Hilda and her BF/Baby Daddy. Oh yeah, what the hell was she doing drinking champagne with Betty in this episode?

If it is Betty’s, there are a lot of possibilities, with them bringing in Gio or Henry. Another possibility which has been hinted at is Betty will get a job opportunity overseas and move, not marrying anyone as she needs to be independent.

I don’t know, at this point, if the show is going to end, then I think I do want her to end up with Daniel. I think both Matt and Henry’s boat has sailed, Gio I think was not developed enough romantically, and I don’t think I’m a fan of the idea that Betty needs to be single and independent. The whole show, for the most part, has been about Betty finding who she is and pursuing her dreams. I want a happy ending with a man 🙂 I think I’ll make a new poll on this!

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Ugly Betty