Late March ABC Spoilers . . .

Late March ABC Spoilers . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.06.2012 at 7:50 pm

Some spoilers for late/end of March . . . .

On “Castle,” A “Dancing With The Stars” like TV show becomes the scene of a murder.
On the season finale of “The River,” one of the crew is shot dead!
On “Once Upon A Time,” Roger Daltrey of “The Who” voices the caterpillar in an “Alice in Wonderland” tale. Oh and Emma gets kidnapped by the Mad Hatter!
On “GCB,” Gigi throws a party for Carlene’s parents, and it’s a “dress as your favorite Texan” party!

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ABC More Mid-March Spoilers

ABC More Mid-March Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 02.29.2012 at 7:48 pm

A few more mid-March spoilers . . . in this group . . .

On “Body of Proof,” it’s another murder case, but fortunately Jamie Bamber is on as Megan’s new love interest Aidan. These two are hot!
On “The River,” the gang finds another clue that Emmett is alive, while they are stalked by cannibals.
On “Grey’s Anatomy,” Meredith returns to working with Derek, and Jackson’s mom returns! Debbie Allen guests.
On “Private Practice,” Erica begins to go downhill, while Amelia has to decide the fate of her unborn baby (uh oh, drug baby?).
On “Once Upon a Time,” Emma is forced to arrest Mary Margaret for Katherine’s murder (do they even have a body?). (Psssst! Alice in Wonderland will be coming up soon as Sebastian Stan has been revealed to be the Mad Hatter).
On “Desperate Housewives, it’s the funeral for the dead character. Rex Van De Camp and Mama Solis make an appearance!
On “GCB,” a relationship seminar causes girl (and boy?) drama.

Read on for the full spoilers . . . .

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ABC Early/Mid March Spoilers

ABC Early/Mid March Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 02.26.2012 at 12:32 pm

There seems to be a whole lot of re-runs going on in early March! Here are some of the new episodes being aired . . .

On “The River,” the crew is getting closer to Emmett as they discover his camera bag!
On “Once Upon A Time,” Emma hired Ruby/Red to be her assistant. We also learn Red’s back story in Fairytale land.
On “Desperate Housewives,” Mrs. McKluskey asks Bree to help her end her life. Oh my!
On “GCB” the second episode has a lot of scheming and name calling going on.

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The River: Guardians of The Jungle . . .

The River: Guardians of The Jungle . . .

Posted by Dustin on 02.17.2012 at 9:56 pm

I don’t know, perhaps all my horror movie loving has desensitized me, but I don’t find this show scary or creepy . . . . However I do like the storyline that’s going on, and want to know what in the heck is “out there” that Emmett found.

In the latest episode the crew disturbed the guardians of the jungle, who ended up using a powder to blind them. The sole crew member not blinded (because he didn’t sleep in camp with them that night) had to retrieve the cure for them all. I was impressed that the trees they talked about are real trees in the amazon. The sago tree is often used to produce food for people though . . . I had never heard of making blinding power from it.

We basically learned in this episode that the mom had an affair with the TV producer, and that while he was still in love with her . . . . the mom still wanted Emmett. The son was shocked to learn years ago that the affair happened when the parents were separated, there was really no cheating going on by the mom. We also saw the guy hired (I’m horrible with their names) to protect the crew making another cryptic call about “the source” and how he expected everyone to be dead before they could find Emmett or “The Source” because they were all blinded. Well that didn’t work out so well once the cure came! What is this “Source?” I still say it’s something like the Garden of Eden, where life began and a carefully guarded secret by some underground world wide organization.

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ABC End of February/Early March Spoilers + GCB Debuts!

ABC End of February/Early March Spoilers + GCB Debuts!

Posted by Dustin on 02.13.2012 at 7:57 pm

A bunch of ABC Spoilers for the end of February and beginning of March. (I’ll add some other networks spoilers in this week – CW/NBC/Glee-Fox)

Some previews before the full releases . . . .

On “Grey’s” Adele’s Alzheimer’s is getting worse. Are we looking at another big death coming soon? I’m thinking so.
On “Private Practice,” Erica is alive, but what kind of life does she have? Oh and is Amelia pregnant?
(Note: These are the week priors shows, reruns of both shows air at the end of February)
On “Castle,” Castle and Beckett investigate fairy tale themed deaths.
On “Body of Proof,” Jamie Bamber (Battle Star Galactica) guests as a new love interest for Megan.
On “The River,” the crew meets another boat and her crew, but they aren’t as friendly as they claim to be.
On “Revenge,” the hunt is on for Daniel’s killer!
On “Once Upon A Time,” Belle is back, and David’s wife has gone missing! Also the fairy’s from “Sleeping Beauty” make an appearance.
On “Desperate Housewive,” the father of Julie’s kid is revealed, and it’s someone close to home!
“GCB” premiers on March 4th!

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The River: Premier Thoughts

The River: Premier Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 02.08.2012 at 4:13 pm

Last night was the 2 hour premier of ABC’s “The River.” This has been getting a lot of promo time. It’s from Spielberg and the guy behind the “Paranormal Activity” films. I am a big horror fan, but I’m not a big fan of those movies. I went into this expecting to have a lot of the same techniques from those films in the show, and indeed that’s what it was. A lot of standing around, a lot of talking, a lot of jiggly cameras with some creeps thrown in here and there.

The show is about an explorer, Dr. Emmett Cole, who basically had his own “Discovery Channel” like show for 20 years. He disappears in the Amazon, and his family goes in search of him. A television crew follows to make a show about them searching for him. It turns out after 20 years, he seems to have found something, real magic!

As with a lot of new shows this season, I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it. It was just okay. This only seems to be an 8 part miniseries, and since I basically just watched the first 2 parts, I want to at least see how it ends. I am also interested the religious/magic themes going on in it too.

I never found myself scared out of my wits, but neither was I with the “Paranomal” movies. There were times with the movies I jumped, but I never felt the dread others did. The same with this show. I never felt dread, and found I only jump once. I did feel creeped out in the second hour with the doll tree. But at the same time I kept wondering “how did people in the Amazon get all these damn plastic made dolls?” That annoyed me more than anything!

One of the men on the team with them was caught by the producer making a phone call, saying if Emmett found the source, he’ll take him out! All I could think of was either there is something in the jungle some corporation wants to make money off of, or this is going to play into some grand Illuminati storyline where people are put in charge of protecting some major world secret. It almost seems from the previews it’s the later, as we saw a clip of Emmett saying something along the lines of “This is the source of it all!”

If you watched, what are your thoughts? All I know is the ratings and reception seem to be less than stellar. So if I stick with this, only to have a giant cliff hanger and the show canned … I’ll be pissed!

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ABC February Sweeps/Valentine’s Week Spoilers!

ABC February Sweeps/Valentine’s Week Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 01.31.2012 at 8:34 pm

A bunch of spoilers for Mid-February here . . . of note there are two weeks of “Private Practice” as the spoiler release went out a bit later for it than the “Grey’s” episode for the same date. Previews for this bunch include . . . .

On “Private Practice,” Sam reconnects with his estranged sister.
On “Castle,” the first of a two-parter guest staring the one and only Jennifer Beals and “Drop Dead Diva’s” Jason Stamberg, both who play agents that work with Castle and Becket on an international conspiracy case.
On “The River,” the second episode finds the family/boat crew face to face with “guardians of the jungle.”
On “Body of Proof,” a body is found dead in a freezer of an Italian restaurant . . . I swear I watched this already? Or did “Castle” do a similar story?
On “Revenge,” it looks like we are finally nearing the present, where Daniel gets his at the engagement party?
On “Grey’s” and “Private Practice,” a two part cross-over as they turn to Derek to help Mason’s mom Erica with her brain tumor.
On “Desperate Housewives,” if you suspected Orson is the person who killed Alejandro . . . you may be right as he is back!

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Some February 2012 ABC Spoilers, Including “The River”

Some February 2012 ABC Spoilers, Including “The River”

Posted by Dustin on 01.24.2012 at 8:25 pm

Some upcoming ABC Spoiler Releases for their shows, including the new show “The River.” I definitely plan to give this one a try. I also STILL have to catch up with “Revenge.” I keep forgetting to watch that one.

These spoilers are mainly for the second week of February. Many shows are on a short hiatus from now until then. In this edition . . .

On “Castle,” Castle and Beckett go back in time with an old school hollywood-like mystery.
On “Revenge,” William Devane guests as Conrad’s father, who comes to town as Daniel and Emily’s engagement party nears . . .
On “Grey’s Anatomy,” It’s Valentine’s Day and the doctors are all trying to plan the perfect romantic evening with their partners.
On “Housewives,” Julie returns, very pregnant; and Lynette has her first time with a man since her break-up with Tom.

Read on for the full spoilers . . . as well as info on “The River” and its premier.

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