ABC’s The Glass House Premiers!
Last night ABC premiered its new reality show “The Glass House.” CBS tried and failed to block this show, as they felt it was too much like “Big Brother.” Also former execs from “Big Brother” defected to this show. I watched the premier to see what the fuss was about. The “Big Brother” influence was definitely there, from the kitchen layout, to the television monitor where they received information from a voice that viewers have named Ori or Oracle.
There are however major differences between the two shows. The biggest is the amount of direction the viewers will have. While the house guests basically nominate the people for eviction, it’s the viewers who decide who goes and who stays. The house guests also get one fan question a day (week?) they can ask viewers to get direction on how to play.
Unlike “Big Brother,” the show only airs once a week. There are live feeds, but they aren’t 24/7. You can watch them on ABC’s Website for the show, on certain days/hours, and while you watch you get to vote and direct things. It’s actually fairly fun! Plus it’s free, so your not wasting anything but your time.
It will be interesting to see if this will affect the new season of “Big Brother” in anyway. That show has gotten a little stale over the years, so some competition could be good. BTW the latest promo for “Big Brother” is promising more house guests than ever before, and four huge surprised throughout the season. I hope Jesse is NOT one of those surprises!