Parenthood Finale Thoughts

Parenthood Finale Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 02.03.2015 at 4:56 pm

So all in all, I really liked the “Parenthood” finale. Some of it we knew was coming, other things I was surprised by. Let’s break it all down.

Sarah’s wedding to Hank was great. I was sort of secretly hoping she’d reunite with the English teacher guy, and Hank often got on my nerves, but in the end I think he was the right guy for Sarah. I loved that he asked Zeek for permission. The wedding was really beautiful, and Max catching a girl’s eye seemed to be a clue that Kristina has been desperately searching for, that he’ll be okay and find love one day too.

Zeek’s death was not a shock, especially since he didn’t want to go through the surgery his doctor told him was needed. When he and Camille asked Amber and the baby to move in with them I had a sliver of hope that we wouldn’t see his death, that we’d be left with knowing it would eventually happen. However the show did kill him off near the very end, which led to a touching funeral and then the flash forwards that revealed what happened to everyone.

Joel and Julia not only adopted Victor’s biological half-sister, but clearly had another baby of their own. I honestly expected that after they adopted Victor, but instead we got tortured with their break-up. I’m glad they made up, I just wish we had another episode squeezed in to watch Joel grovel a little more.

Crosby went on to successfully bring back the Luncheonette, while Adam took over as principle at Chambers so Christina could focus on building and implementing more schools like it around the country. Max graduated, and Crosby and Jasmine ended up pregnant with another child. Fortunately we didn’t have to be tortured with an appearance from Jasmine’s horrible mother!

Amber had another child with a new husband, another dude/actor from “Friday Night Lights,” which was a cute joke. She also made nice with her ex, who clearly got himself together and is sharing parental responsibilities with her. I really wanted them to end up together as well. Oh well, at least she’s happy.

Hank and Sarah’s marriage clearly is going well. Ruby seems to have adjusted and is fitting into the family as well. We saw that Drew was happy, but didn’t find out anymore about him. In my mind he finally came out of the closet and is happy 🙂

Oh and Camille finally went on her whirlwind vacation on Europe and to Paris as Zeek had originally planned for them.

Even though the show made me want to rip my hair out at times, I’m going to miss it and I’m at least glad it got the chance to have a proper ending in this age of immediate cancelations and the pulling of shows.

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Winter Finale Smorgasbord Post.

Winter Finale Smorgasbord Post.

Posted by Dustin on 01.03.2015 at 1:34 am

So this is my very overdue post on my quick thoughts on bunches of shows and their Winter finales. Between work and getting sick and then the holidays I just didn’t get to it as soon as I had planned to. Of note I’m heading out on my January vacation. Not too many shows are coming back yet though, but some are. “Pretty Little Liars” is starting up again, as is “American Horror Story,” and ABC is airing “Galavant.” The later I’m worried about since they turned an 8 week series into a 4 week one to just get it over with quicker. Yeah that probably isn’t a good sign.

American Horror Story
I’m just really disappointed with this show overall this season. As I said before, it really has just become nothing more that a shock-fest at this point. It’s hard to care about most of these characters, and the ones you do care for like Ma Petite get offed. I seriously can’t believe they killed her! However even the emotion I felt for her death can’t really save this season.

I really enjoy this show and the episode with the fallen angel they had to save was the best of the season because of the twist within. I seriously hope NBC doesn’t cancel this one.

This show still has my interest, though I really want an injection of some kind of masked villain or hero at this point. I feel like they aren’t using kid catwoman enough either.

Grey’s Anatomy
Once again Shonda has resorted to causing problems for Meredith and Derek. This far into the show I feel like that is just lazy writing she’s falling back on. We’ve watched too many seasons of that, just let them be happy and deal with other issues. I would also like to see Owen finally get a bit of happiness too. He’s just seemed so angry since Christina left.

Grimm is probably my favorite show right now, it is really delivering every week. It looks like Nick’s mom may be making a return with the baby in the second half of the season. I’d really like to see Truble back at some point too. Poor Woo has gone off his rocker though, and who can blame him. Nick should have told him the truth long ago. OF course we know Monroe won’t be dying anytime soon, but what’s going on with poor Julia? Has she really become a hexenbeast?

The Flash
I’m officially adding “The Flash” to the blog. I think this is one of the best new shows of the year. I absolutely loved seeing Dr. Tina McGee reprise her role from the 90s version. I also can’t wait to see how they pull of Firestar, who is one of my favorite DC characters next to Wonder Woman. News has also dropped that Mark Hammill will reprise his role as The Trixter which he too played in the old 90s version. I just hope he doesn’t have that horrid spandex body suit.

That mid-season finale was definitely one with some twists and turns I was not expecting. I kinda knew Rayna wouldn’t go through with the wedding, but I never saw an Avery and Juliette wedding that quick. Surprise! I’m also stunned at Deacon’s health issues, I wasn’t expecting those either. Meanwhile Jeff is up S-creek as it looks like Layla may be the latest casualty on the show. Would they really kill her off? Would anyone really care if they did might be a better question. Like Zoe she’s started to outlive her purpose.

Once Upon A Time
So it looks like we haven’t gotten rid of Anna and Elsa just yet, as they seem to now be stuck in Storybrooke with the others. I hope they don’t keep them around simply to keep cashing in on “Frozen.” The rise of the three bad girls looks to be good, and I love me some Maleficent! I loved Belle one-uping Rumple and commanding him to leave town with the dagger. Having to watch Robin leave to save Marianne was heartbreaking though. Poor Regina! At least they are back to looking for the book’s writer, but now Gold has that idea too. Oh boy.

Red Band Society
Red Band left us with a string of cliffhangers, and it looks like we may finally be facing the death of one of the kids. Hunter headed into surgery, Emma passed out at her house, and Jordi is now a drug dealer? Oy! I could do without Jordi’s illegal activities honestly.

Sleepy Hollow
Henry/Walter finally saw the light and turned on Mollock in what was a “effing finally!” moment. I was getting so sick of Henry’s bitching and moaning about his parents abandoning him. I really hope this doesn’t turn out to be a ploy though and he still ends up on the side of evil.


Thursday Night Dramas: Grey’s And Parenthood Latest Episodes.

Thursday Night Dramas: Grey’s And Parenthood Latest Episodes.

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2014 at 6:07 pm

So “Grey’s” has been really good lately, but also really infuriating. Thanks to the story with Geena Davis’ character they made me feel sorry for Arizona, and I really don’t want to feel sorry for her. Davis’ character has been riding her hard, but we learned it’s because she’s dying of a brain tumor and thinks Arizona is the one to succeed her in her work. Arizona has been keeping quiet about her condition in order to learn, but it’s getting more difficult for her to do as the tumor is causing serious problems for Davis. Okay, is anyone going to be surprised when one of the Shepard’s eventually save her? Come on!

Meredith and Maggie are slowly getting closer, though Maggie is fuming mad at Richard for not manning up and telling her the truth when he realized it. It seems she came to town knowing who her dad was, but Richard got blindsided by it. I think she should cut him some slack. It’s obvious they’ll eventually mend fences.

The last episode had Amelia’s past being made publicly known to all, thanks to a woman from Narcotics Anonymous who recognized her. Did nobody at the hospital not know this about her? I figured it wasn’t a secret at all. The whole thing however was to set Derek up to try and take her job, which he did consider doing. They’ve really made Derek in to a terrible person lately. He admitted at the end of the last episode that he’s become a very unhappy and angry person. Duh! Something tells me he’s going to wish he still had his trailer soon enough.

Onto “Parenthood.” So while Dylan wasn’t in love with Kristina as I thought, she still isn’t in love with Max. Max lost it and took it out on a student she was interested in. Through this whole episode I kept thinking “damn Kristina is showing her kid serious favoritism.” If she keeps letting Max get off for his antics, other parents will pull their kids from her school.

The problems for “The Luncheonette” continued, though Crosby and Amber tried to find solutions. Adam was out of town. The cast agreed to take episode cuts in order for this final season to be made, which unfortunately showed in this episode. This was just a boring episode to be honest.

Most of the show was about Hank and his daughter Ruby, along with Hank’s ex-wife. I don’t care about these people at all! Zzzzzzz. The previews showed Mark Cyr returning. Something tells me we are looking at putting Hank and his ex back together, and Sarah back with Mark by the end of this season.

Oh, the previews also showed Zeek having another health issue. I have suspected all along they were going to kill him. I am just waiting for it to happen at this point.

Spoilers for this week’s shows below.

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Grey's Anatomy, Parenthood

Thursday Show Spoilers + Thoughs: Parenthood and Grey’s Anatomy

Thursday Show Spoilers + Thoughs: Parenthood and Grey’s Anatomy

Posted by Dustin on 11.06.2014 at 1:18 pm

First up, I’ve found out that the server I used had gotten blacklisted months ago by a few major email servers, so many emails the blog sends out had been bouncing back. I’m working to migrate over to a new subscription service that isn’t blocked, and to contact my server about the blacklisting. The new system is already in place on the blog. You can find a subscribe form on the side bar and on the comment form. So feel free to re-subsribe. I’m going to port over everyone’s emails over the next few days. If you no longer want the emails from the blog, just ignore the canned email you get asking if you want to subsribe.

So first up, “Grey’s” wasn’t on last week, and the week before was simply watching Arizona and Callie crash and burn. I HATED that episode, and I couldn’t stand Arizona by the end of the episode. Can we go back in time and kill her off to get one of the dead from the plane crash back in her place? I am looking forward to tonight’s episode and getting back to Meredith’s drama with her newfound sister.

On “Parenthood,” the previews have been hinting that Joel and Julia may reunite. Well duh! If they remain broken up by the end of the series I won’t be happy, even though I do want to smack Joel upside the head. Crosby and Adam are watching The Luncheonette go down in flames, and I really hope they can somehow save it. I need to believe this show will have a happy ending for all involved, and not the usual depressing and “this is the real world” stuff it usually portrays. We are talking about the end of the show, let it go out on a happy note. Oh yeah, one final thought. Why do I have a feeling that student who is pretending to like Max is really in love with Kristina? Poor Kristina just thinks she’s looking to her as a parental figure.

Spoilers for both shows for the next two episodes below!
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Parenthood Thoughts + Spoilers!

Parenthood Thoughts + Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2014 at 4:01 pm

So “Parenthood” continues its march toward the series finale. Joel and Julia are the two I’m most focused on, and I don’t know which way I want things to end. I do want them to hopefully find their way back together, but I really am enjoying watching Julia make him squirm. I was cheering when she told him that he’s the one that broke their marriage and walked away, and that now it was too late as she moved on. Yay Julia!

Hank’s ex-wife Sandy may be more mental than he is! She’s demanding Sarah not be around when Hank has his daughter Ruby there. While this would be reasonable if Sarah was someone he just started dating, she’s much more than a new girlfriend. I think Sandy is going to be a huge problem, and I’m starting to understand why Ruby is acting out.

Zeek made it through his operation, which I’m glad about. I was worried they were going to off him. They technically still could, but I really hope they don’t. I just feel they will and have Adam transition to the man of the family by time the show ends.

Amber told Ryan about the baby, and he’s ready to be there and support Amber. Oh boy, I don’t think that is really what she wants. I hope we don’t have to see Ryan’s abusive Mommy Dearest again anytime soon to be honest. What is it with the crazy mom’s this season? If we do see her, I hope Amber tells her off.

Spoilers for the next two episodes below!
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Season Finales and Season Premieres! Dallas, Extant, Nashville, Parenthood and Grey’s

Season Finales and Season Premieres! Dallas, Extant, Nashville, Parenthood and Grey’s

Posted by Dustin on 09.28.2014 at 8:03 pm

So I decided to just blast out some quick thoughts on a bunch of shows that aired this week, as I don’t want to fall further behind and the countdown to “OUAT” and “Resurrection” is on!

I was really sad to see Annie from “90210” leave the show, but then again she had no future given they blew up Christopher! I was never a huge fan of his, he was a little too much of a goody-goody. However I would gladly have him stick around and would rather have seen Elena blown to pieces. I’m over the Ramos family at this point. If Elena thinks she’s gunna try and pass the baby off as John Ross’s then she better watch out. I think that would really drive Pamela off the deep end, and she and her baby could be in big trouble. Meanwhile can we talk about how amazing Judith Light is on this show? She’s quickly become my favorite, and I love Mother Ryland working with John Ross! I also love Melinda Clarke coming on as Tracy McKay (a recast). I love everything she does, and I think Anne needs a wake up call.

There is still now word on another season. At least they ended the show not with a total cliffhanger. The alien baby escaped, we still don’t really know what the hell it or its species want. Ethan became the hero by sacrificing himself to save everyone else, yet his artificial intelligence survived to perhaps be put into a new body. My guess is Halle Berry’s star power may get the show a second season.

Rayna chose Luke, which was predictable as if she chose Deacon so soon then the show would be somewhat doomed. I actually like Luke to be honest. Juliette’s pregnancy was way too predictable I thought. Who’s the daddy and who will she claim the daddy to be? Been there done that! I look forward to more of a story from Scarlett and Will this season. I guess his wife really didn’t know! I’m really sure why they are bringing the guy from “Dancing With The Stars” in, and I would love to see Charlotte Ross return to be with Deacon for awhile.

Amber’s pregnancy is predictable and expected (see Juliet lol!). Given this is the final and shortened season, I’m not sure what the introduction of Hank’s ex-wife is for. I’m starting to think there will be several unhappy endings when all is said and done, and I worry Sarah could be one of them. I am confused as to Joel and Julia’s status. They are still separated, he’s decided too late he wants her back, but she’s now with someone other than sexy teacher/principal? Where did he go? I fear Zeke’s health problems will lead to an unhappy ending for him, but also what brings Julia and Joel back together. Drew had a minor role in the premiere, which I’m fine with given his boring story usurped too much of last season. Unfortuntely now it seems we are stuck with annoying Hattie as a major character again.

I already miss Cristina, and I hate that Alex has become Meredith’s new person. I am totally on team Bailey when it comes to the seat on the board. Alex was ready to bail on the hospital last season, I don’t feel he and his piss poor actions throughout this series should be rewarded. I’m sad the Chief and Katherine didn’t work out. I’m already so over Meredith’s feud with the sister she doesn’t know, and you could tell by the previews that she’ll somehow take issue with Zola’s adoption. Who knows though, maybe it will bond them. If you are going to cast Geena Davis on your show, give her a bigger role in your season premiere please!


Parenthood Is Back! Spoilers!

Parenthood Is Back! Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 09.25.2014 at 1:58 pm

“Parenthood” begins it’s farewell season tonight. As much as the show drives me bonkers and I constantly wonder why I watch it, I will be sad to see it go!

Read on for spoilers for the first two episodes.
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Parenthood Season Finale: The Times Are A Changing

Parenthood Season Finale: The Times Are A Changing

Posted by Dustin on 04.18.2014 at 4:49 pm

So last night was the “Parenthood” season finale, and in some ways it seemed like it could serve as the series finale, should it not be renewed. Everyone was more or less left with a happy ending. Erika Christensen (Julia) was actually on “Access Hollywood” yesterday and said she did not believe the show would be canceled. She said that NBC loves the show, and if there was a chance of it being canceled then the network would have been given a heads up to the show in order to make this the series finale. Still, it seemed like it could be a finale if need be. She also said that when she and Sam Jaeger (Joel) were told about the separation and affair that they begged the writers not to do the storyline. The two are good friends in life and were as heartbroken as the fans over it.

So the big stories were some reconciliations, or possible ones. Amber seems to be taking Ryan back after his accident. We finally met his drunk mother, and he was about to go with her off to Indiana as he’s been discharged from the army for “medical” reasons. That’s a nice way of saying he’s an addict from PTSD. Amber seems to feel sorry for him and doesn’t want him to go, though he doesn’t want to burden her with taking care of him anymore. There was an odd scene at the end of Amber buying a pregnancy test. Um, when did THAT happen? Those hospital rooms aren’t that private!

Victor won an essay contest at school, and that seemed to bring Joel and Julia closer. That, and Sydney throwing yet another tantrum. Man can that kid scream! By the end of the episode they shared a touching hand holding moment, however at the very end for the backyard Braverman dinner, Joel was not with Julia. We don’t know if she told him that she totally boned the teacher she’ll be working closely with at Adam and Kristina’s new school. Awkward!

The last reunion was Sarah and Hank apparently giving their relationship another shot. Maybe they won’t screw things up this time?

Zeke revealed the car he’s been fixing up all season was a present for Drew, who took off in it to see his girlfriend who went home to Portland. Meanwhile Haddie came home with her “best friend” from school, who was really her girlfriend. She never said that she was gay or lesbian, she simply admitted to her mom that they were dating and she’d never felt like this way in a relationship before. Adam figured things out on his own and was also supportive. I kinda hate that Max ruined her big coming out moment to her parents by seeing Haddie and her girlfriend kissing and telling Kristina.

I really hope that the show will continue, even though it tends to drive me absolutely bonkers most of the time.

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Parenthood Season Finale: Mind Blown!

Parenthood Season Finale: Mind Blown!

Posted by Dustin on 04.10.2014 at 11:10 pm

Ahhhhahhhhhahhhhhahhhhhh! I just finished tonight’s episode, which I will blog about tomorrow most likely along with last week’s episode. The previews for next week’s episode however BLEW MY MIND! I rewound (is that word applicable with DVRs?) the preview several times and couldn’t figure out who the “lesbians” were. I thought . . . Haddie? But that doesn’t look like Haddie! But from the official spoilers (below) . . . it’s Haddie!





All this time it seemed like we were going there with Drew, and then they pull this! Wow! Well at least we don’t have to watch her in a boring storyline like we did before.

Oh and her hair looks gooooooood finally!

SPOILERS for the finale below . . . .

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Parenthood: Joel and Mark #@$!@#$ !!!

Parenthood: Joel and Mark #@$!@#$ !!!

Posted by Dustin on 03.28.2014 at 8:25 pm

So Zeke and Crosby brought the humor this week with a road trip to get a grill for Zeke’s classic truck. Zeke, and Crosby, also seemed to come to terms with the selling of the home. Zeke later told Camille they should take the offer on the house they were given. With Crosby possibly needing a house, and Christina wanting do start a charter school, I don’t think the house is gunna really be sold to some outsider. One, or both of them, will take it.

Christina and Adam blew up during a meeting with Max’s school. Max refused to return after the overnight trip when another student pissed in his canteen. The school thought it was best Max be homeschooled for what little was left in the year, and next year he’d be off to high school and out of their hair basically. Christina was furious that the school wasn’t even going to punish the pisser, and Max’s sympathetic teacher sided with her. They decided to say “screw the school” and home school him. Max usually pushes my buttons, which obviously his character is supposed to do, but I really did feel for him this time. The school ignoring the one who pranked him was pretty low!

The Joel and Julia mess just got worse and has reached the point where I don’t think they will make it work. Julia wanted to fight for the marriage, but Joel didn’t know what he wanted, other than he didn’t feel like fighting to get back together. This after he charged a four hundred dollar dinner out with his boss Sexy Pete. Yeah, didn’t Joel do this before with another woman seasons back? It almost seems like Joel is a man who likes to have a woman with power in control with him . . . . that’s why he walked away from Julia after her career change. With Joel moving on, Julia decided to too. She met up with Ed for coffee at the end of the episode. Nooooooo! Not Ed! Next week it seems Julia crosses a big line with the teacher from Max’s school. From the spoilers below, it looks like she starts helping him and Christina with the legalities of a charter school . . . Sorry Joel, you walked away and now so is she!

While Joel and Julia were busy figuring out where they stood, Amber and Drew bonded with Victor and Sydney. They had been through a divorce and encouraged them to lean on each other during this time. I loved that they took them to an 80s roller disco.

Finally the return of Mark Cyr sent Sarah into tingle mode, and Hank into worry mode. Hank clearly wants to make things work with her, he just doesn’t know how. He worried he’d lose her to Mark, but apparently that’s not happening. Mark took Sarah out to a fancy restaurant to tell her that he’s met someone new and they are to be married. What the hell !?!?!?! Who does something like that? That’s just a coffee date, or a conversation. Not a night out. I felt so bad for poor Sarah. What a jerk. Mark and Joel should both get hit by a train or something!

Spoilers for the next two shows below
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