Summer Season Finales Part 2: Falling Skies, Mistresses & The Whispers

Summer Season Finales Part 2: Falling Skies, Mistresses & The Whispers

Posted by Dustin on 09.09.2015 at 6:35 pm

So “The Whispers” came to an end, and I had no idea it was based on a Ray Bradbury short story called “Zero Hour,” which also ended much the same way . . . with the beginning of an alien invasion. There is no word if the show will return, but with them taking Claire instead of Henry, they could clearly go somewhere with the story past the original. I don’t know though, I felt it started out creepy, but by the end got a little too predictable and in some cases boring.

“Falling Skies,” another alien invasion show finally ended its run with a series finale. This one at least had a happy ending, with the bad aliens being vanquished, though I felt it was a little rushed and the final episode a little crammed. First, why couldn’t this dead alien race have contacted Tom long ago and told him “hey if you kill the queen they’ll all go away!” Soon much easier. Also, killing and bringing Pam back the way they did in that final episode seemed pointless. Why not just have not killed her to start with. Pope came back one too many times, he should have just died and stayed dead.

Finally “Mistresses,” which there is still no news on whether it will return, but I really hope it does. At least we for the most part had many of the storylines tied up. April is happy with the bartender, Karen’s friend Vivian died but it seems obvious she’ll end up with Alec, Savi is still who knows where, and Joss found the real killer, who turned out to be Calista’s crazed assistant Wilson. It was neat that they had him obsessed with her to the point he was dressing as her and in a way becoming her. It definitely looks like Joss is about to get killed by him, but we know that won’t happen, just like they won’t let Calista hang herself in prison. That shocked me, that someone who claimed to be such a fighter just rolled over and gave up. It was totally out of character for her.

Tonight is another alien invasion show’s finally, “Extent.”

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Falling Skies, Mistresses, The Whispers

Nearly The End Of Summer Shows’ Thoughts

Nearly The End Of Summer Shows’ Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 08.10.2015 at 12:39 pm

As usual just trying to keep up with some quick thoughts on the shows I’ve been watching!

Big Brother 17
Worst – season – ever. They’ve at least started fighting, but watching these people is dullsville.

Devious Maids
I feel really bad for Carmen getting all “Irene Cara’d” by her label. Maybe she can pull a Prince and change her name to a symbol. Meanwhile Zoila is also about to get the old heave-hoe thanks to Genevieve’s new guy, who I hate. Go back to announcing the dog show dude! Loved that they had Spence counceling Taylor and not screwing her, but what is Michael thinking fooling around with his ex? She’s insane! Maybe that’s it, she’s insane and he’s not doing anything. I hope so.

I’ve gone from loving the show again to tolerating it. Molly’s son is creepy, and the humanics are basically going all terminator. I can see that the humans will have to team up with the aliens most likely to get rid of the robot problem that is coming.

The Fosters
So it would appear the mystery of who hit the Fosters car has been solved, and it was the owner of the other car’s kid all along, who lied about it being stolen. I was so sure it would be AJ’s brother. Now poor Rita has been possibly set up by her Girls United for beating them. Her own actions with her daughter though make it seem possible that she is an abuser, but I think they just want us to think that.

Falling Skies
I’m hating the turn on the latest episode with the Virginia regimen going totally insane on Tom and his men. It seems obvious they are actually under alien control. Something is wrong with that female captain for sure. There aren’t many episodes left and they seem no closer to winding down when we began this season.

I HATE that Calysta and Joss have turned on one another. This makes me so sad. It’s obvious that either her male assistant or the model her hubby was screwing killed her husband. Karen getting pregnant is going to be interesting, and I still don’t care about April’s story. At least her daughter has the boyfriend/principal’s number.

Pretty Little Liars
I’m ready for the finale and the reveal of Charles, and if we don’t get a reveal then I may need a new TV from the things I throw at it!

Definitely liking the show a bit more now that we’re exploring the woman with the green scarf warning the Doc to stop looking. Ooh! What isn’t she supposed to find?

Under The Dome
It was clear that the end of the world was orchestrated and that the dome is now just a large TV set showing those inside what they want them to see. You know what I want to see? Pretty much the entire kinship wiped out.

The Whisperers
Like PLL, I hope we get some answers soon. I really dislike the president, who knows his kid has been a target of drill yet still wanted to jail the only people who have leads and a real connection on whatever or whoever drill is.

I all but stopped watching this one. I just became bored and figured I’d do a marathon once it was over, if I cared enough to go back.


The Weekly Summer Round-Up Thoughts!

The Weekly Summer Round-Up Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 07.22.2015 at 7:56 pm

Big Brother 17
With Jeff out of the house, it’s one less bit of eye candy gone. I didn’t think I would be, but I’m not on the crazy dentist’s side. I hope he wins the whole thing given he’s been made the go to pawn. This week Audrey has at least finally brought some drama into the game. The feeds and after dark have been terribly boring.

I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying this show, even with all the changes. I’m pretty sure the ratings are still terrible and it won’t get a third season, so I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

The Fosters
I absolutely HATE this whole Callie and AJ romance. This is so “been there done that” on a show that isn’t that old. It’s Brandon all over. Nip it in the bud and move on. I still have this feeling that AJ’s brother is the one who hit the Fosters. Loved the last episode that dealt with Anna’s post-pardum, and glad they don’t have her using again. A re-cast Jesus will soon be showing up, but wish he wouldn’t. I don’t like the character and haven’t missed him at all.

Falling Skies
I’ve actually been digging this past season. Why did they take so long to get good again? Pope going crazy was long overdue. I hope Tom takes his ass out!

I’m still loving Calista’s character. She and Joss are owning this show right now so much that I honestly don’t miss Savy. Sure if they could bring her back I would love it, but I am shocked it’s still so good without her. Karen’s storyline is getting sticky, and something tells me the wife will end up dying and the husband will be left with tremendous guilt. April’s storyline, we can all see she’s going to end up with Zack at some point. As usual, boring!

Pretty Little Liars
This show is starting to annoy me. Every week it’s been someone different is A, and now we are back to, surprise, Charles! Charles is alive and is A. I’m thinking it’s either that Andrew guy, who was dismissed way too easily, or somehow it will be Ezra. If it’s Ezra then that would be a sick twist.

I’ve started watching TNT’s “Proof” and really enjoy it, I’m just not sure where it’s going. Some episodes have been better than others, but it seems to be lacking a story stringing them together other than the main character’s own near death experience.

Under The Dome
Please let this be the last season, as this show has become awful. It’s now just “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” meets “The Stepford Wives.” I expect better than re-hashed movies from something based on Steven King’s work.

The Whisperers
So we learned Drill, or someone like him, has been on earth before. Basically Drill’s planet is dying (ala E.T.) and they seem to try and be invading earth so they can live here. I’m going to hang in there, but this show needs to amp it up a little. It needs to get away from the E.T. similarities. Ooh, E.T. is bad this time so it’s very different. Not really!

I started watching this mini-series event, which I felt started out strong, but now I’m a little tired of it. I hope this doesn’t become a new series like “Under the Dome,” which also started out as a one season mini-series event too. End it on a high note please!

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Big Brother 17, Extant, Falling Skies, Mistresses, Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, The Whispers, Under The Dome

June/July Show Thoughts – A Mixed Bag

June/July Show Thoughts – A Mixed Bag

Posted by Dustin on 07.05.2015 at 5:52 pm

Trying to keep up with everything, really quick thoughts on everything I’m watching . . .

Big Brother 17
I’m just not feeling this season. I keep watching and hope I’ll get hooked by something, anything. So glad Jace is gone and really want The Rockstar Dentist to go too!

I actually really enjoyed the reboot and where they are taking it, but her husband’s partner . . . ohhhh she is a witch!

The Fosters
I’m not digging that Callie is into yet another one of her foster brothers. Definitely feel bad for Brandon getting the boot from his camp.

Falling Skies
I have yet to see the season premier, I tried real hard to watch last weekend but couldn’t get into it. I’ve meant to watch it again all week.

Absolutely loving the new character Calista! She’s great. April’s story is still the weakest, and Karen’s is just another twist on her story from the first season.

Pretty Little Liars
I don’t think Charle’s is dead and if Sarah isn’t Charles, then she is on his team. Though the last show seemed to try and make it seem like she couldn’t be Charles . . .

Under The Dome
So It seems we are back to aliens are behind the dome and trying to take over the Earth again. That’s the only thing I can think with the whole “hive mentality” they have going on.

The Whisperers
Like with UTD, I am back to thinking Drill is an alien force.

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Big Brother 17, Extant, Falling Skies, Mistresses, Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, The Whispers, Under The Dome

Falling Skies: Bloodbath For The Second Mass.

Falling Skies: Bloodbath For The Second Mass.

Posted by Dustin on 08.04.2014 at 10:53 am

So TNT has renewed “Falling Skies” for one more final season. I’m not sad about that, as this show is just awful now! I don’t know why I am watching it still, I guess because I want to actually get some answers. I usually put it off till a slow night in the week, but “Witches” wasn’t on last night, so I watched it.

The show spent the last two episodes having Lexi go into, and come out of a cocoon. Apparently the only thing physically that changed was her eyes, and I only know that as Ben said “look at her eyes.” They looked normal to me? I thought she was going to come out some half-human half-Eshvetti, but no. She did come out with these amazing powers, and promptly freed Lourdes from her suffering by killing her. First good thing to happen all season! She was done with the humans as they couldn’t learn peace, so she was going to be with the Eshvetti. This kid is straight up insane. How do those aliens understand peace? So frustrating! She went to be with her Eshvetti father, who donated his DNA to help make Lexi. Ben followed her and she some how took control of his spikes to get him to go into a ship with herm.

Meanwhile the overlord that Tom burned up earlier in the season as “The Ghost” is still alive and out for blood. He launched an all out war on Tom and the Second Mass. Pretty much half to most of the ground troops got wiped out. The rest sought shelter in an old fallout shelter and tried to convince the overlord that he blew them all up. The crazy scientist got killed in the battle, Maggie is lost somewhere, and Tom went gorilla to kill the Overlord himself and is buried under rubble. From the previews we know Tom is taken hostage and tortured, while Maggie is paralyzed. I’m guessing the only thing that will help Maggie is the Eshvetti spike technology?

The only thing I’m enjoying on this show is Pope and his new girlfriend, played by Mira Sorvino. They are fun to watch! I wouldn’t cry one tear if Lexi died, and again what I really want is answers!


Falling Skies Season 4 Thoughts So Far

Falling Skies Season 4 Thoughts So Far

Posted by Dustin on 06.30.2014 at 7:47 pm

I don’t know what to say about this show other than it has become way too complicated and now seems to be borrowing ideas from “Earth Final Conflict.” I feel like many of my summer shows are fizzling out on me. To be honest, I started getting a little disinterested in “Falling Skies” last season. They jumped the shark with the Lexi storyline, and now I feel like they have jumped the Sharknado with her.

Now that they have split the family up there are way too many storyline arches, and sadly I don’t really care about some of them. I am starting to see how they will likely eventually link together, but still some of them are a real drag. For example, the entire storyline of Matt in the NeoNazi youth camp has to go. I don’t care about it, or Matt’s pre-teen love with that girl in the camp. Boring!

Ben found himself dropped in Crazy Town with Maggie, Lourdes and his now grown sister Lexi. Oh Dr. Underground Crazy is there too. Ben and Maggie and the Doc are the only sane ones in the town. Everyone else, including Lourdes, belongs to the Cult of Lexi. They believe she is a God or something and has the power to protect them, which is why the town isn’t getting attacked. The Doc is worried that Lexi may be dying because of her advanced aging, and Ben is worried Lourdes is using her. We later learned that the Eshvetti are secretly involved (shocking!) and are training Lexi to use her powers for some reason.

Elsewhere in the wilderness Anne is leading the rest of the resistance who haven’t been captured and is trying to find Lexi and the rest of her family.

Meanwhile in a city somewhere Pope, Mason, Hal and Weaver are stuck in a concentration camp like place the Eshvetti are putting humans in. The Volm seem to all but have abandoned humanity, though Tom is still in contact with Cochise who is giving him intel. However Cochise is doing so against the wishes of the other Volm.

In the most recent episode Tom is taken to the mothership where the Eshvetti offer him a deal, and basically lay out their entire plan. They realized the plan to use children was a failure, as they didn’t first strip them of free will. They are fixing that now, and they are working on creating some kind of super soldiers out of various adults. They offer Tom a deal to spare his family, otherwise they and any other humans who are useless to the Eshvetti are basically going to be wiped out. The Eshvetti claim a new enemy is coming, and they are preparing the soldiers for this new war. They think Tom is a good tactical thinker and want his help. Tom apparently takes the deal and is returned to the camp. He tells Weaver he’s scored a way to get them out.

Oh brother, another enemy and another war? They need to stop introducing new alien species at this point. This is where it is starting to feel like the final season of “Earth Final Conflict,” where that show went to hell and became boring. It seems like the NeoNazi camp is the way the Eshvetti are stripping the kids of their free will, and Lexi clearly has something to do with the new type of soldier they are trying to create.

One thing to hope for, Noah Wyle (Tom Mason) was on “The View” last week and said this season would answer many of the questions from past seasons and provides more answers than it does leaving the audience with more questions. I sure hope those answers come and soon!

At this point I think the show needs to lose some characters, as it’s getting a bit too populated. I don’t think Lourdes is going to last much longer. She’s too deep into Crazytown, and just became unlikable last season after we learn she was infected with those eye bugs and was the saboteur. Ben and Maggie seem to have a budding romance, which obviously won’t sit well with brother Hal. I don’t care about anyone in the NewNazi camp either, and that sadly includes Matt. Somewhere out there is Weaver’s girl Genie too . . .


Falling Skies Summer Finale Thoughts

Falling Skies Summer Finale Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 08.05.2013 at 7:53 pm

So “Falling Skies” is over until the 4th season airs next summer. We ended up much where we began, with the 2nd Mass back on the road . . .

The human’s, with the aid of the Volm weapon, managed to take down the Eshveti tower in Boston and deal a major blow to them. Then in came the mother Volm ship, with Cochise’s father onboard as their supreme leader. He basically felt the humans were not needed now that they were here, and wanted to relocate them to Brazil. When Tom said no, he was taken down by Volm guards and told this wasn’t a discussion, they would be relocated.

Tom, Weaver, Pope and the others weren’t going to be shipped off to some prison camp, and Pope gloated and loved saying “told you so” about the Volm. They all snuck out of Boston and found themselves refugees once more.

Tom and the others met with Karen and some Eshveti on the road. She told him the Volm weren’t who they claimed to be, and more nasty truths would come out soon, and they may want to strike a deal. She had something for him, and he had something for her. He shot her, and as she lay dying and tried to apologize to Hal, Maggie shot her two more times to finish her off.

Tom soon discovered Anne and Lexie in the nearby woods, but Lexie was now a toddler. Would she keep aging at this rate? Nobody had the answer. She definitely has powers though. She was able to call out the bugs in Lordes, they poured out of her eyes into Lexie’s hands and then Lexie turned them to dust and smiled.

… So Lexie is totally creepy, and we still have no answers how and why she ended up this way. I am guessing it was the Eshveti, why else would they want her? They must have altered Tom’s DNA when they had him.

Karen’s warning about the Volm were intriguing. What if the story Cochise was actually backwards? What if the Volm chased the Eshveti away, destroyed their home planet, etc . . .

I feel like Karen was going to say something important when Maggie put a bullet in her. Hmmmm . . .

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Falling Skies

Falling Skies: The True Mole!

Falling Skies: The True Mole!

Posted by Dustin on 07.15.2013 at 7:00 pm

So last week I was disappointed that Hal seemed to be the mole, and was hoping there would be a second one to be revealed. Well this week the show delivered just that. We found out that the true mole is Lourdes! She ended up shooting and killing the real President, so now the new President and Weaver have realized there is a second mole, and maybe Hal was never the leak. Wow, never would I have suspected Lourdes. Her face is crawling with the eye bug things, so I don’t think they will safely get all of them out of her like they got the one out of Hal.

Cochise returned the president safely to Charleston, but he didn’t make it to the end of the episode thanks to Lourdes. We did learn what the weapon does and why it needs so much power. It creates a grid to destroy the Eshvetti, but also protect the earth because the weapon the potential to destroy everything on earth. So the grid has to be constantly destroyed and refreshed, which is why it needs so much power. Tom knew this, the Old President knew it, now the New President and Weaver know it. They all agreed to reveal this to the masses as it would cause widespread panic.

Finally the Masons traveled around looking for Anne and the baby, ran into a backwoods family, and eventually Tom and the boys got separated. At the end the boys went on to look for Anne, while Tom tried to help the family and only got himself caught by the aliens. Uh oh!

There are only three more episodes left this season. The previews said the most shocking reveal is yet to come, and it seems to involve Tom somehow. What did the aliens do to Tom all that time they had him?

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Falling Skies

Falling Skies: Back To The Beginning?

Falling Skies: Back To The Beginning?

Posted by Dustin on 07.11.2013 at 8:19 pm

So I watched the previous weeks “Falling Skies” fairly late in the week. Actually I couldn’t get myself to pay attention to it the first two times it was on, and when I finally got through it on the third attempt I knew why. Tom and Pope’s adventure in the woods was a fairly boring episode!

This week’s episode dealt mainly with exposing Karen’s control of Hal and finding out how to get the bug out of him. The rebel Skidders helped them and Dr. Lourdes (I can’t get over that she’s now a doctor) worked to cure Hal. They succeeded in the end, and I was a bit disappointed that they seemed to go with the obvious and made Hal the mole. I hope there is another twist when we find out it was actually someone else.

Gloria Rueben’s character ended up digging into the Volm’s weapon, asking crazy reclusive scientist what he thought they were building. He didn’t know, but whatever it was the power-source was far more powerful than it needed to be. Hmmmmm. Are the Volm double-crossing the humans? Right now it seems like it.

The real President and Cochise are still MIA.

Tom decided to resign as President and go looking for Anne and Lexie, who were taken by Karen. His three boys went with him, and it was basically back to the beginning with the Mason family on their own. Gloria Rueben’s character took over control as President. There is something about her that I just don’t trust, I don’t know why.

Oh and some good news, the show has been renewed for a fourth season!

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Falling Skies

Falling Skies Thoughts: All Hail The Reverend President!

Falling Skies Thoughts: All Hail The Reverend President!

Posted by Dustin on 06.24.2013 at 6:54 pm

So “Falling Skies” was pretty eventful this week. I was late watching last week’s episode because as usual, Sunday seems to be the only day TV producers feel people watch TV, so every show is piled on Sunday night. Grrrrrr!

Reverend Camden from “7th Heaven” joined the show as the rightful President of the United States. He’s been in hiding, but all the time working to try and reunite all the militias that have popped up around the place. Tom planned a meeting with him to talk about the Volm and the new weapons they’ve given them in their fight against the Ashvetti (I’m guessing on these spellings).

Pope, somehow, had gotten himself and hidden a giant silver plane from the 30s (or around there). It worked, and it was his way out if things went to hell . . . though he didn’t know how to fly. General Max Headrom did and offered to fly Tom and Cochise to meet the President. Pope insisted on going since it was his plane, but he didn’t like any of this. President Reverend Camden (I just can’t seem to remember their names on this show) wasn’t exactly pleased that Tom brought an alien, but was won over it seemed during a moving speech about why Cochise was helping them. Unfortunately somehow the enemy was tipped off to their location, and they suspected Cochise. Looks like the traitor struck again, but who is it? Few people knew where they were going, and I’m pretty sure Hal did NOT know, as he went to talk to his father only to learn he was gone and Weaver was left in charge. Tom, Pope and General Headrom fled in their plane, while the President and his men demanded to take Cochise with them in the President’s plane . . . Yeah I’m getting the feeling Reverend President Camden is not going to turn out to be a good guy at all! I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a deal with the bad aliens actually.

Pope and Tom’s plane ended up getting shot down and they crashed. The previews show only Pope and Tom struggling to survive in the wilderness. I’m thinking General Max Headrom is a goner? If so, that probably counts him out as the traitor.

Hal meanwhile seems to have developed a multiple personality. Is this the result of the alien control, or has the pressure just made him crack? I can’t tell. His other personality stopped him from telling people he thought he may be the traitor, which again I am thinking he’s not.

Meanwhile Anne and Lourdes, using Volm technology, figured out how to remove the spikes from the harness kids’ backs. The choice was theirs to make, but Lourdes stressed that they felt the spikes could drastically shorten their lives. However losing them would also cause their above normal strength and whatever medical alinements they had that the spikes cured to return. In the end the kids, including Ben, chose to have the spikes taken out.

Anne also convinced the crazy guy under the city to help her devise DNA tests for the spiked kids to test for what implications the spikes had and yada yada . . . really she needed the test to figure out what is going on with baby Alexis. He figured that out and told her the results of the test indicated her child is not fully human, alien DNA is mixed in.

Anne flipped and conked crazy guy on the head, then knocked Lourdes out with drugs, and took off with the alien baby. She didn’t make it very far before a hardnessed girl and skidder showed up for the baby . . . as well as Hal ?!?!?
