Nearly The End Of Summer Shows’ Thoughts

Nearly The End Of Summer Shows’ Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 08.10.2015 at 12:39 pm

As usual just trying to keep up with some quick thoughts on the shows I’ve been watching!

Big Brother 17
Worst – season – ever. They’ve at least started fighting, but watching these people is dullsville.

Devious Maids
I feel really bad for Carmen getting all “Irene Cara’d” by her label. Maybe she can pull a Prince and change her name to a symbol. Meanwhile Zoila is also about to get the old heave-hoe thanks to Genevieve’s new guy, who I hate. Go back to announcing the dog show dude! Loved that they had Spence counceling Taylor and not screwing her, but what is Michael thinking fooling around with his ex? She’s insane! Maybe that’s it, she’s insane and he’s not doing anything. I hope so.

I’ve gone from loving the show again to tolerating it. Molly’s son is creepy, and the humanics are basically going all terminator. I can see that the humans will have to team up with the aliens most likely to get rid of the robot problem that is coming.

The Fosters
So it would appear the mystery of who hit the Fosters car has been solved, and it was the owner of the other car’s kid all along, who lied about it being stolen. I was so sure it would be AJ’s brother. Now poor Rita has been possibly set up by her Girls United for beating them. Her own actions with her daughter though make it seem possible that she is an abuser, but I think they just want us to think that.

Falling Skies
I’m hating the turn on the latest episode with the Virginia regimen going totally insane on Tom and his men. It seems obvious they are actually under alien control. Something is wrong with that female captain for sure. There aren’t many episodes left and they seem no closer to winding down when we began this season.

I HATE that Calysta and Joss have turned on one another. This makes me so sad. It’s obvious that either her male assistant or the model her hubby was screwing killed her husband. Karen getting pregnant is going to be interesting, and I still don’t care about April’s story. At least her daughter has the boyfriend/principal’s number.

Pretty Little Liars
I’m ready for the finale and the reveal of Charles, and if we don’t get a reveal then I may need a new TV from the things I throw at it!

Definitely liking the show a bit more now that we’re exploring the woman with the green scarf warning the Doc to stop looking. Ooh! What isn’t she supposed to find?

Under The Dome
It was clear that the end of the world was orchestrated and that the dome is now just a large TV set showing those inside what they want them to see. You know what I want to see? Pretty much the entire kinship wiped out.

The Whisperers
Like PLL, I hope we get some answers soon. I really dislike the president, who knows his kid has been a target of drill yet still wanted to jail the only people who have leads and a real connection on whatever or whoever drill is.

I all but stopped watching this one. I just became bored and figured I’d do a marathon once it was over, if I cared enough to go back.


The Weekly Summer Round-Up Thoughts!

The Weekly Summer Round-Up Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 07.22.2015 at 7:56 pm

Big Brother 17
With Jeff out of the house, it’s one less bit of eye candy gone. I didn’t think I would be, but I’m not on the crazy dentist’s side. I hope he wins the whole thing given he’s been made the go to pawn. This week Audrey has at least finally brought some drama into the game. The feeds and after dark have been terribly boring.

I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying this show, even with all the changes. I’m pretty sure the ratings are still terrible and it won’t get a third season, so I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

The Fosters
I absolutely HATE this whole Callie and AJ romance. This is so “been there done that” on a show that isn’t that old. It’s Brandon all over. Nip it in the bud and move on. I still have this feeling that AJ’s brother is the one who hit the Fosters. Loved the last episode that dealt with Anna’s post-pardum, and glad they don’t have her using again. A re-cast Jesus will soon be showing up, but wish he wouldn’t. I don’t like the character and haven’t missed him at all.

Falling Skies
I’ve actually been digging this past season. Why did they take so long to get good again? Pope going crazy was long overdue. I hope Tom takes his ass out!

I’m still loving Calista’s character. She and Joss are owning this show right now so much that I honestly don’t miss Savy. Sure if they could bring her back I would love it, but I am shocked it’s still so good without her. Karen’s storyline is getting sticky, and something tells me the wife will end up dying and the husband will be left with tremendous guilt. April’s storyline, we can all see she’s going to end up with Zack at some point. As usual, boring!

Pretty Little Liars
This show is starting to annoy me. Every week it’s been someone different is A, and now we are back to, surprise, Charles! Charles is alive and is A. I’m thinking it’s either that Andrew guy, who was dismissed way too easily, or somehow it will be Ezra. If it’s Ezra then that would be a sick twist.

I’ve started watching TNT’s “Proof” and really enjoy it, I’m just not sure where it’s going. Some episodes have been better than others, but it seems to be lacking a story stringing them together other than the main character’s own near death experience.

Under The Dome
Please let this be the last season, as this show has become awful. It’s now just “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” meets “The Stepford Wives.” I expect better than re-hashed movies from something based on Steven King’s work.

The Whisperers
So we learned Drill, or someone like him, has been on earth before. Basically Drill’s planet is dying (ala E.T.) and they seem to try and be invading earth so they can live here. I’m going to hang in there, but this show needs to amp it up a little. It needs to get away from the E.T. similarities. Ooh, E.T. is bad this time so it’s very different. Not really!

I started watching this mini-series event, which I felt started out strong, but now I’m a little tired of it. I hope this doesn’t become a new series like “Under the Dome,” which also started out as a one season mini-series event too. End it on a high note please!

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Big Brother 17, Extant, Falling Skies, Mistresses, Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, The Whispers, Under The Dome

June/July Show Thoughts – A Mixed Bag

June/July Show Thoughts – A Mixed Bag

Posted by Dustin on 07.05.2015 at 5:52 pm

Trying to keep up with everything, really quick thoughts on everything I’m watching . . .

Big Brother 17
I’m just not feeling this season. I keep watching and hope I’ll get hooked by something, anything. So glad Jace is gone and really want The Rockstar Dentist to go too!

I actually really enjoyed the reboot and where they are taking it, but her husband’s partner . . . ohhhh she is a witch!

The Fosters
I’m not digging that Callie is into yet another one of her foster brothers. Definitely feel bad for Brandon getting the boot from his camp.

Falling Skies
I have yet to see the season premier, I tried real hard to watch last weekend but couldn’t get into it. I’ve meant to watch it again all week.

Absolutely loving the new character Calista! She’s great. April’s story is still the weakest, and Karen’s is just another twist on her story from the first season.

Pretty Little Liars
I don’t think Charle’s is dead and if Sarah isn’t Charles, then she is on his team. Though the last show seemed to try and make it seem like she couldn’t be Charles . . .

Under The Dome
So It seems we are back to aliens are behind the dome and trying to take over the Earth again. That’s the only thing I can think with the whole “hive mentality” they have going on.

The Whisperers
Like with UTD, I am back to thinking Drill is an alien force.

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Big Brother 17, Extant, Falling Skies, Mistresses, Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, The Whispers, Under The Dome

Summer Lovin TV.

Summer Lovin TV.

Posted by Dustin on 06.01.2015 at 8:38 am

Holy cannoli! I can’t believe it’s June 1st already. I still have to get so many season finally thoughts written up. This has been a busy year for me and my blogs slacked.

Anyways, here’s some of the shows I’m planning on watching this summer, some of which return starting tonight! I’m sure there are more I may add, I just can’t think of them off hand. I’m also waiting for the “How To Get Away With Murder” DVD of season 1 to come out to binge watch it.

Devious Maids – Season 3 premieres Monday June 1st (new day and time!)

The Whisperers – Season premiere tonight June 1st on ABC. I’m hoping this doesn’t suck too much.

Pretty Little Liars – New season Tuesday June 2nd! I can’t wait after the big twist if the twin twist.

Mistresses – Season 3 premiere Thursday June 18th. Here is hoping the show can carry on without Alissa/Savy and still do well.

Under the Dome – Season 3 premiere Thursday June 25th. They say we will finally get answers this season!

Extant – Season 2 premieres July 1st. I don’t know where this one will go after last year’s finale.

Big Brother 17 – Premieres June 25th on CBS. I’m not sure why I still watch this, other than it’s fun to talk about on social media.

TNT’s Falling Skies – Final season premieres June 28th. I honestly didn’t finish last season, because it was so boring. I should probably get on that.

Let me know what you plan on watching this summer!

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Big Brother 17, Devious Maids, Extant, Mistresses, The Whispers, Under The Dome

More Dome And Aliens In CBS’ Future!

More Dome And Aliens In CBS’ Future!

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2014 at 2:46 pm


Returning Dramas Join the Reality Hit “Big Brother” and the New Drama “Zoo” on CBS’s 2015 Summer Line-Up

CBS announced today that the hit series UNDER THE DOME and EXTANT will return for broadcast in summer 2015. Both from Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television, UNDER THE DOME returns for its third season, and EXTANT for its sophomore season.

“We’re committed to delivering our viewers and advertisers year-round programming with a wide variety of storytelling,” said Nina Tassler, Chairman, CBS Entertainment. “We continue to see summer as a great place for unique concepts, innovative business models and passionate television audiences.”

For summer 2015, UNDER THE DOME and EXTANT will join the previously announced freshman drama ZOO, based on James Patterson’s bestselling novel, and the next edition of the summer reality hit BIG BROTHER, which has been renewed for 2015 and 2016.

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Extant, Under The Dome

Season Finales and Season Premieres! Dallas, Extant, Nashville, Parenthood and Grey’s

Season Finales and Season Premieres! Dallas, Extant, Nashville, Parenthood and Grey’s

Posted by Dustin on 09.28.2014 at 8:03 pm

So I decided to just blast out some quick thoughts on a bunch of shows that aired this week, as I don’t want to fall further behind and the countdown to “OUAT” and “Resurrection” is on!

I was really sad to see Annie from “90210” leave the show, but then again she had no future given they blew up Christopher! I was never a huge fan of his, he was a little too much of a goody-goody. However I would gladly have him stick around and would rather have seen Elena blown to pieces. I’m over the Ramos family at this point. If Elena thinks she’s gunna try and pass the baby off as John Ross’s then she better watch out. I think that would really drive Pamela off the deep end, and she and her baby could be in big trouble. Meanwhile can we talk about how amazing Judith Light is on this show? She’s quickly become my favorite, and I love Mother Ryland working with John Ross! I also love Melinda Clarke coming on as Tracy McKay (a recast). I love everything she does, and I think Anne needs a wake up call.

There is still now word on another season. At least they ended the show not with a total cliffhanger. The alien baby escaped, we still don’t really know what the hell it or its species want. Ethan became the hero by sacrificing himself to save everyone else, yet his artificial intelligence survived to perhaps be put into a new body. My guess is Halle Berry’s star power may get the show a second season.

Rayna chose Luke, which was predictable as if she chose Deacon so soon then the show would be somewhat doomed. I actually like Luke to be honest. Juliette’s pregnancy was way too predictable I thought. Who’s the daddy and who will she claim the daddy to be? Been there done that! I look forward to more of a story from Scarlett and Will this season. I guess his wife really didn’t know! I’m really sure why they are bringing the guy from “Dancing With The Stars” in, and I would love to see Charlotte Ross return to be with Deacon for awhile.

Amber’s pregnancy is predictable and expected (see Juliet lol!). Given this is the final and shortened season, I’m not sure what the introduction of Hank’s ex-wife is for. I’m starting to think there will be several unhappy endings when all is said and done, and I worry Sarah could be one of them. I am confused as to Joel and Julia’s status. They are still separated, he’s decided too late he wants her back, but she’s now with someone other than sexy teacher/principal? Where did he go? I fear Zeke’s health problems will lead to an unhappy ending for him, but also what brings Julia and Joel back together. Drew had a minor role in the premiere, which I’m fine with given his boring story usurped too much of last season. Unfortuntely now it seems we are stuck with annoying Hattie as a major character again.

I already miss Cristina, and I hate that Alex has become Meredith’s new person. I am totally on team Bailey when it comes to the seat on the board. Alex was ready to bail on the hospital last season, I don’t feel he and his piss poor actions throughout this series should be rewarded. I’m sad the Chief and Katherine didn’t work out. I’m already so over Meredith’s feud with the sister she doesn’t know, and you could tell by the previews that she’ll somehow take issue with Zola’s adoption. Who knows though, maybe it will bond them. If you are going to cast Geena Davis on your show, give her a bigger role in your season premiere please!


Extant Thoughts So Far, Plus Spoilers!

Extant Thoughts So Far, Plus Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 08.04.2014 at 11:48 am

So I’m still watching “Extant” and enjoying it, but much like “Falling Skies” I’m looking for answers. As we are only a few episodes in and still setting the story up, I’m not as annoyed with this show as I am with the later. So far all we know is that the Yasumoto corporation and mainly Yasumoto himself is after a cure for a disease that is killing him, and Molly’s pregnancy could be the cure. We still don’t know what happened to Molly on the space station, but whatever did seems to have followed her home. She’s now having hallucinations of her dead boyfriend here on earth! Was she simply drugged? Part of an insane medical experiment? Or is there something else going on? Yasumoto keeps talking about “them” and is making it seem like there is an alien life form of some kind. We also saw some of his scientists experimenting with some kind of slime thing, and it killed one due to exposure to it without protective gear. It has both medical healing and killing properties. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s some kind of space spore or fungus, and they exposed Molly to it.

Then there is Ethan, the little android boy, who seems to be growing into something dark and creepy. I don’t know if I’m supposed to fear him or feel bad for him. The latest episode had the government kidnap Ethan and deactivate him. Have they killed him? Are they going to reprogram him for something as part of their scheme for Molly? Yasumoto and the government also got Molly and it seems are going to take her baby out of her! Holy crap, that’s a major part of this story. Though if the “alien” is now on earth, maybe he/it can get her pregnant again?

Finally the one person Molly felt she could trust, her doctor Sam, has been pulled into this whole scheme by the government and the space program who are threatening her career and her brother.

The show is downright puzzling at times, but it is enjoyable.

Spoilers for the next two shows below!

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Extant Premieres On CBS

Extant Premieres On CBS

Posted by Dustin on 07.10.2014 at 12:45 pm

So last night the heavily promoted “Extant” premiered on CBS. I was a little skeptical of it because of how much promotion it was getting on TV. Usually something that gets promoted so much sometimes stinks. Also sci-fi can be touch and go with me. However I did give it a try, mainly due to the amazing cast, and really liked it!

The show takes place in the future and centers around a family of three. Molly Woods (Halle Berry) is an astronaut recently back from a 13 month solo space station trip. Her husband John (Goran Visnjic) is a scientist dabbling in Humanicks (Human robots) and has created their son Ethan, a 10 year oldish human robot. He created the child as he and his wife are infertile. John is trying to get funding for his program, but people are skeptical because there was apparently already one robot rebellion in the past. They worry this will lead to another. John feels the key to preventing that is to create more human robots that can learn and grow, just as a human would. They would learn right from wrong, good from bad. It’s unclear yet if this kid will actually grow up, or if they have to make newer “older” bodies and transfer his programing over. John is funded privately by the founder of the Yasumoto corporation, who has his fingers in many ventures. One is the space program which John’s wife Molly is involved in. Something happened to Molly during her space trip. A being showed up in the station and it was her dead first husband (or previous lover). Molly is slowly remembering what happened during a 13 hour blackout, which seems to be linked to a mysterious pregnancy. The previous astronaut on the space station killed himself after he came home, or so everyone thinks. He’s in hiding and contacts Molly by the end of the show to tell her what happened to her on the station is real. Meanwhile Mr. Yasumoto has some kind of interest in this being, and this is why he’s funding her husband, to keep her close. As all this drama is unfolding, something is going on with Molly’s robot kid Ethan . . .he too is changing somehow, growing darker almost. Who, or what is out there? That is the mystery of the show!

I actually really enjoyed it, and hope future episodes are as intriguing and interesting as this one. This has the potential to be great, or turn into a huge disappointment. Time will tell!

Take the new poll on the frontpage on the show. Did you like it, hate it, not even bother with it?

Spoilers for the next two shows below!
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