Dallas Is Dunzo!

Dallas Is Dunzo!

Posted by Dustin on 10.03.2014 at 7:14 pm

TNT has officially cancelled “Dallas” after three seasons.

Now I’m even more livid after that finale, as there are so many questions we will never get answered! Also, if the show had to go out . . . they could have at least blown up Elena instead of Christopher!

Here is hoping Lifetime or another network will pick it up. Official statement from the show . . .

TNT has decided not to renew Dallas. We are extremely proud of the series, which defied expectations by standing as a worthy continuation of the Ewing saga. We want to thank everyone involved with the show, from the extraordinary cast to the impeccable production team, led by the show’s creative forces, Cynthia Cidre and Mike Robin. We especially want to thank the people of Dallas for their warm and generous hospitality during the production of the series.

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Season Finales and Season Premieres! Dallas, Extant, Nashville, Parenthood and Grey’s

Season Finales and Season Premieres! Dallas, Extant, Nashville, Parenthood and Grey’s

Posted by Dustin on 09.28.2014 at 8:03 pm

So I decided to just blast out some quick thoughts on a bunch of shows that aired this week, as I don’t want to fall further behind and the countdown to “OUAT” and “Resurrection” is on!

I was really sad to see Annie from “90210” leave the show, but then again she had no future given they blew up Christopher! I was never a huge fan of his, he was a little too much of a goody-goody. However I would gladly have him stick around and would rather have seen Elena blown to pieces. I’m over the Ramos family at this point. If Elena thinks she’s gunna try and pass the baby off as John Ross’s then she better watch out. I think that would really drive Pamela off the deep end, and she and her baby could be in big trouble. Meanwhile can we talk about how amazing Judith Light is on this show? She’s quickly become my favorite, and I love Mother Ryland working with John Ross! I also love Melinda Clarke coming on as Tracy McKay (a recast). I love everything she does, and I think Anne needs a wake up call.

There is still now word on another season. At least they ended the show not with a total cliffhanger. The alien baby escaped, we still don’t really know what the hell it or its species want. Ethan became the hero by sacrificing himself to save everyone else, yet his artificial intelligence survived to perhaps be put into a new body. My guess is Halle Berry’s star power may get the show a second season.

Rayna chose Luke, which was predictable as if she chose Deacon so soon then the show would be somewhat doomed. I actually like Luke to be honest. Juliette’s pregnancy was way too predictable I thought. Who’s the daddy and who will she claim the daddy to be? Been there done that! I look forward to more of a story from Scarlett and Will this season. I guess his wife really didn’t know! I’m really sure why they are bringing the guy from “Dancing With The Stars” in, and I would love to see Charlotte Ross return to be with Deacon for awhile.

Amber’s pregnancy is predictable and expected (see Juliet lol!). Given this is the final and shortened season, I’m not sure what the introduction of Hank’s ex-wife is for. I’m starting to think there will be several unhappy endings when all is said and done, and I worry Sarah could be one of them. I am confused as to Joel and Julia’s status. They are still separated, he’s decided too late he wants her back, but she’s now with someone other than sexy teacher/principal? Where did he go? I fear Zeke’s health problems will lead to an unhappy ending for him, but also what brings Julia and Joel back together. Drew had a minor role in the premiere, which I’m fine with given his boring story usurped too much of last season. Unfortuntely now it seems we are stuck with annoying Hattie as a major character again.

I already miss Cristina, and I hate that Alex has become Meredith’s new person. I am totally on team Bailey when it comes to the seat on the board. Alex was ready to bail on the hospital last season, I don’t feel he and his piss poor actions throughout this series should be rewarded. I’m sad the Chief and Katherine didn’t work out. I’m already so over Meredith’s feud with the sister she doesn’t know, and you could tell by the previews that she’ll somehow take issue with Zola’s adoption. Who knows though, maybe it will bond them. If you are going to cast Geena Davis on your show, give her a bigger role in your season premiere please!


Various Thoughts On Season Finales/Almost-Finales

Various Thoughts On Season Finales/Almost-Finales

Posted by Dustin on 05.23.2014 at 3:51 pm

This post has my quick thoughts on a lot of the shows from the past week (or two). Some are on the finales, others are on the near finales or mid-season finales.

Bates Motel
Bates will be back for a third season, I just hope it’s more interesting than this season was. The drug war going on was just boring as hell. With the way the season ended, and the heads of the drug families all ending up dead, hopefully the storyline is too. The reveal of Dylan’s parentage was good, and long overdue. The end of the season finally set up Norman as the lying sociopath we know from the movies. He passed a lie detector test because he truly believes he didn’t kill his teacher, that his imagined mother did. Creepiness! I’ll actually feel bad when the time comes for him to kill his mother.

In the finale few episodes “Castle” gave us great joy and great sorrow. After many seasons Kate finally nabbed her mother’s killer and put him away. It was about damn time, because if that dragged on another season I was going to lose my mind. As Kate and Castle prepared for their wedding, it was spoiled when someone mysterious ran Castle off the road. Kate found his car in flames in a ditch. Now we know Castle isn’t dead, the show is coming back. However if they pull some kind of amnesia storyline on us, I will be fuming. I want my wedding dammit! The “Castle” season finale . . .


Dallas will be back late this summer to finish its season out, but what a ride the first half was. The mid-season finale was a roller coaster. Pamela finally learned about John-Ross and Emma, pretended like she wanted a threesome, but then spazzed out and we learned she had downed a bottle of pills. Now we know she’s not gunna die, she’s in the teasers for when it comes back. Why do they do these things to us? Meanwhile Elena started to wise up about her plot with Joaquin, but it was too little, too late. Joaquin is obsessed with her and poked holes in her diaphragm, then they made love. Meanwhile Elana’s brother Drew knows the truth and is out for revenge too. I still say there is something about that land deal we don’t know yet and it will leave Elena with egg on her face. Finally Christopher’s new girlfriend’s ex went and burned down Southfork, with a drunk Sue Ellen stuck inside. Bobby and John-Ross ran in to save her as the place started to come down around them. Oh boy!

Drop Dead Diva
Drop Dead Diva isn’t over yet, but we are getting close to the end. This time it really is going to be the finale, so they better to it right. However as of now I’m so angry that I don’t know if I want to stick around. Oh I will of course, but I’m that angry! After all this time they go and kill off Grayson? Are you kidding me? The only good thing from the previews is that he ends up meeting Fred in heaven and says he needs to get back to Jane. I have been hoping Fred would be back somehow. But if Grayson returns, it obviously will have to be in someone else’s body . . . but whose? Oh “Drop Dead Diva” . . .


I wasn’t a big fan of “Glee’s” finale either mind you. Just when everyone was getting settled into New York, everyone is now off for different places in the country as we head into the final season. Hate it! Oh and I really just want to grab Rachel and shake the crap out of her. After 5 seasons of having to hear her dream about being on Broadway, she finally gets her dream and after a weeks worth of shows is ready to move on to something else. Are you kidding me?

Grey’s Anatomy
I was waiting during the entire finale of “Grey’s Anatomy” for someone to die, and nobody did! I guess that was Shonda’s shock for the finale? There were other issues. Cristina finally left, and took her side-kick intern with her. Good riddance! I’m still angry it never came out what he did to Heather Brooks. Derrick and Meredith are fighting like cats and dogs over their jobs, and Meredith finally took a stand and told him off. Good for her, but bad for their marriage. Neither is going anywhere though, so we know they’ll work it out. It also looks like Amelia may become a permanent fixture next season. Yay! Poor Bailey though! She thought she had it all, back as head of ER surgery and was going to fill Cristina’s vacant board seat, until Alex learned Cristina left it to him. Noooooooo! Stop beating down my Bailey! The real shocker was the reveal of yet another Grey. A young girl, whom I think took over for Cristina, revealed to The Chief that she had recently found out her mother was Ellis Grey, but had given her up for adoption. That is why she wanted to come work here. Oh yeah, the girl is clearly half African-American, and The Chief knew exactly what that meant! Congrats dude, it’s a girl!

I hate to beat a dead horse, but I’m still annoyed we never went anywhere with Nick’s mysterious illness at the beginning of the season. The finale saw Adeline use her latest potion to strip Nick of his powers. The potion he had to drink to restore them, which came from what little liquid was left from her spell, ended up being dropped and broken. It took ten minutes for that to happen, and you knew it was going to happen somehow. Nick seems to be SOL right about now. They left it as if it could be a blessing, that now Nick and Juliette could be happy. Pahleese! Even without his powers, he knows too much and will be a target. He just has to get his powers back, and it will likely take half of next season to do that. Meanwhile as he was investigating poor Renard’s shooting at Nick’s house, Wu found Nick’s Grimm book! He knows he isn’t crazy now. Oh and as for Captain Sexy Pants, he totally can’t die! He has to come back! It’s just like Nick no longer being a Grimm, it just can’t happen.

I’m so happy that “Nashville” is coming back next year and for a full season. I thought the finale was really well done. Poor Juliette’s world crumbled around her as Jeff was blackmailing her. Rayna refused to let her go and promised they’d screw Jeff, while Avery learned the truth from Gunnar about Jeff and Juliette’s night of yuck. She begged him not to leave her, and that he was the only man she’s ever really loved, and blah blah blah. Juliette really makes it hard to feel sorry for her most of the time. Elsewhere, Will’s struggle with his sexuality came to a head as he finally told his wife, in the “privacy” of their bedroom, that he was gay. She looked shocked, but neither of them realize the reality show in fact hid a camera in their bedroom. Wow that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen! I still don’t know if Layla was totally clueless or not. Something makes me think she won’t let Will go, she will use him to get to the top and he’ll keep using her as a beard. Finally Luke proposed to Rayna, who accepted, only to have Deacon show up at her house and give her her engagement ring back and told her that he wanted her back too. What will Rayna do ?!?!?! We know in the end she’ll end up with Deacon, but I do like me some Luke. “Nashville’s” season finale . . .

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Bates Motel, Castle, Dallas, Drop Dead Diva, Glee, Grey's Anatomy, Grimm, Nashville

Dallas, The Fosters, Glee and PLL Thoughts!

Dallas, The Fosters, Glee and PLL Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 03.05.2014 at 10:01 pm

Monday’s and Tuesdays have become my nemesis. There is just too much on! So I’m combining several show posts into one. I still have to watch “Bates Motel” and “Twisted.”

I am still feeling that Elana is being played by both Cliff, and now I think she’s being duped by her childhood friend Joaquin AKA Nicholas as well. Something is just not right about him at all, and even Elana’s mother seems to sense this. Her warning to him not to drag her daughter into something evil was almost foretelling. I think if she had gone to Bobby with what Cliff told her, if it was true, he would have made ramifications. I almost want to think things had been rectified long ago with Elana’s mother, and Elana just doesn’t know it.

I loved Emma showing up Ryland by bringing Judith back into the fold. I was so bummed when he shoved her down the stairs and to a hospital last season! However the big twist was when we learned that Ryland has been a CIA mole for the past 4 years. You know he didn’t do this out of the goodness of his heart. He’s such a crook that he probably had to strike a deal to stay out of jail. Now he’s got a tape of his mother making her own deal with the drug runners, which he could use to send her to jail and get rid of her once and for all. Nooooooo!

The Fosters
The Golden Boy Brandon has been digging himself in deeper and deeper with his fake ID scam to make quick bucks to payback the money he stole from his dad. Callie exposed him, but didn’t tell on him yet. Brandon forced the other guy he was working with out of business, which has him wanting to get revenge. Unfortunately it looks like he’s going to take it out on poor Callie. He’s having a fake ID made for her, and I’m sure he’ll plant it somewhere to be found, screwing up her probation. Callie has no idea though that Brandon did what he did for her and then later his own mom. Awwwwwwww . . . puke! I hate these two! I just don’t like them together, though I know the show wants us to root for them.

Jesus and Lexi’s reunion was short lived, as they broke up. Yawn! I guess I never cared about the two of them, not after the idiotically had sex and needed the morning after pill as they couldn’t bother using protection.

Marianna has a new crush, but when his mom saw them kissing, suddenly he no longer has time for a relationship with her and they have to be just friends. Hmmmm, yeah something funny is going on there!

Stef and Lena are moving forward with using a teacher at the school as a sperm donor. I see only trouble with this storyline!

Over on “Glee,” at McKinley the kids are still getting ready for graduation, while Will and Emma made a baby. Everything is basically on track to move Tina, Artie, Sam and Blaine to New York at this point. I wouldn’t be shocked if we saw Mercedes also return to NY after meeting up with the kids in LA where they are heading for Nationals. I’m not sure what will happen with the rest of the crowd. Supposedly the final season will focus on New York. The only one I’d really miss of the kids is Unique, and of course Becky, Will and Sue.

In New York, Santana and Rachel’s feud continued. As much as I hated Rachel in the previous episode, Santana turned into a royal bitch in this one and was planning to do everything to drive Rachel nuts and out of the role she worked so hard to get. In the end they did seem to come to some terms of friendship and civility when they both realized neither one has ever had a real female friend.

This episode saw the return to some good 70s 80s and 90s tunes. We got ‘Barracuda,’ ‘Hold On’ and the amazing ‘Gloria!’ ‘Gloria’ was my favorite part of the episode.

Pretty Little Liars
So after the Ezra let-down, we still don’t know who A is. Aria at least saw the lights and broke things off with him. In a last ditch effort to win her back, he gave her a copy of the manuscript he’s been writing. In the end, we learned that Ezra think’s Alison’s mom is A! Woah . . . that would be huge. I never suspected her, but to me that means this is another red herring.

Meanwhile we found out Mona only worked for Ezra in exchange for him leaving certain things about her out of his book, crimes she did that could revoke her parole as the courts don’t know about them. Spencer meanwhile became more convinced she killed Ali while drugged out and drunk that night, but the other girls reminded her that Ali is alive. Also Hannah realized Emily told Paige that Ali was alive. Hmmmm, I’m thinking that could be a real problem after all. Is Paige on Team A? The end of the show had this shocking scene with Alison’s mom in Spencer’s room lurking in the shadows. What the hell!

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Dallas, Glee, Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters

Angry Vindictive Witches: Glee and Dallas

Angry Vindictive Witches: Glee and Dallas

Posted by Dustin on 02.26.2014 at 10:53 pm

Many I was actually bit upset with both “Glee” and “Dallas” this week, and mainly for the same reason. Nasty female characters.

On “Glee,” Rachel finally went full on bitch diva. After Santana auditioned, and won the role, of her understudy, well Rachel lost it. Now I admit, Santana auditioning for the role was kinda not cool, but Rachel just went insane over it. She turned on Santana and when Kurt wouldn’t take her side, she turned on him too. There has long been rumors of the actress’ diva antics on set, so I wondered if this episode was playing up to them? All I know is that I hated Rachel after this episode.

Elsewhere Kurt was jealous of “Starchild” for trying to takeover his band, which he claimed he wasn’t trying to do. Not sure I really believe it, but they made up and posted a cute photo on Instagram which got back to an upset Blaine. Oh BTW, does this episode mean Rachel is out of the band now? Meanwhile Tina and Artie battled it out for Valedictorian, and both ended up loosing to Blaine in the end. Zzzzzzz!

Over to “Dallas,” Cliff is in jail for JR’s murder, but is not down and out yet. He’s determined to prove he was framed, and now has Eliana on his side! He told her that JR duped her dad and switched his land deeds, leaving him with worthless land, which lead to his early death trying to drill dry land. Eliana checked it out and it seems legit. I can’t help but think this is a trick of Cliff’s that in the end will just leave Eliana looking like a huge ass now that she’s turned on the Ewings. She’s basically become a spy for Cliff, working for the Ewings again, but reporting to Cliff. I really hate that they’ve taken her character down this road.

John Ross is still fooling around with Emma behind Pamela’s back, and now his mother Sue Ellen is onto them. Meanwhile Emma’s dad Ryland was sprung from jail. Oh brother, I thought we were done with him!

A new girl has joined the ranch, it’s Naomi from 90210! She looks to be Christopher’s new love interest. It’s so odd seeing seeing her doing a Texan accent, and a bad one at that. Actually only John Ross really has an accent, aside from Cliff Barnes with JR now gone. Maybe next week she will tone down the accent? I hope so.

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Dallas, Glee

Dallas Season Finale Shockers . . .

Dallas Season Finale Shockers . . .

Posted by Dustin on 04.16.2013 at 11:00 am

So “Dallas” pulled a 2 hour back to back episode finale last night. I often don’t like these, and I was a little miffed last night as I didn’t realize this and only set the Tivo to record the first hour. Fortunately I watched it on Tivo at Ten so I could set it to record the second part later when it repeated.

Elena and Christopher went to Switzerland to find his mother. While there they found her mother’s old doctor and a woman pretending to be his mother. Elsewhere Rebecca and John Ross learn that Pamela is dead! Over in Europe the doctor tells Christopher that his mother left Dallas because she was so badly burned. However she wanted to go home to him. She was undergoing plastic surgeries when she learned she had pancreatic cancer and died. Cliff has since paid him and the woman, her mother’s nurse, to pretend Pamela was still alive so he could control her shares of Barnes Global.

Emma agreed to go to rehab, but when she left jail she went straight to daddy. Fortunately she’s not an idiot, she played him in order to break into his safe and get evidence. She took some briefcase and a journal, the journal implicated him on drug trafficking. Ryland was arrested.

Christopher found out Elena had been talking to Drew and was furious, breaking up with her. Later he was encouraged by none other than newlywed Rebecca to forgive Elena and make things work. Meanwhile Drew meanwhile managed to frame Ryland’s henchman for drugs. He told Rebecca, who visited him in jail, that her father did indeed know she and the babies were on the rig when it blew. He was killed in jail, probably so he couldn’t further implicate Ryland.

John Ross finds out Cliff’s plane was in Mexico the day JR died. The woman JR was with at the bar also says Cliff was there watching them like a creep. Everyone thinks JR shot Cliff, but they don’t have enough to convict him. They frame him by putting a replica of JRs belt buckle, which was stolen from him, in Cliff’s safe deposit with Rebecca’s help.

Sue Ellen uses her knowledge about the Governor to blackmail him to do her bidding. Number one is getting their land back that he confiscated.

Cliff is arrested, swears he was framed, and is shocked to learn his daughter has turned against him and now the Ewings all have controlling shares of Barnes Global! Cliff’s own gun was used to shoot JR, this is proved by the cops. However he swears it was stolen weeks ago.

Later Bobby reveals the real truth to JR and Christopher. In a shocking reveal, JR learned he had cancer and only had days left to live. He had his henchman steal the gun from Cliff. He knew Cliff made that yearly trip to Mexico. He had the henchmen shoot him with the gun always planning to frame Cliff. Yup, JR killed JR!

At the end, from jail Cliff reveals to Elena that the Ewings have wronged her family like they wronged his own. He says that the land they stole from her grandfather and then later returned to her father was not the same parcel of land. JR switched the parcels, giving them dry land and his family the oil rich land. Elena goes to Mexico at the end to see some powerful guy for help . . .

Meanwhile John Ross goes to see someone with flowers, but it’s not his wife. He goes to a hotel to see Emma, who gives him her father’s briefcase. We don’t know what’s in it, we see a lot of papers. John Ross and Emma then hit the sheets . . .

I was not expecting JR to have killed JR. That was a good twist. I thought the show had been setting Rebecca up to have done it for her father, but then planned to set him up after the explosion killed her babies.

The only thing I didn’t like about the JR killed JR twist was that Bobby went along with the plan to frame Barnes for a crime he didn’t commit. Sure Barnes did other things, but now I feel like Bobby’s character has been a little tainted.

I was really hoping Emma was working against her dad, which she was. However I never thought it would be for John Ross. I do wonder what is in that briefcase he wants . . .

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Dallas: The Seasons Winding Down

Dallas: The Seasons Winding Down

Posted by Dustin on 04.09.2013 at 11:21 am

Man I can’t believe the season of “Dallas” is almost up. It’s really gotten good lately. Last week we were introduced to Steven Weber, the new Governor of Texas (I swear he’s not the guy Sue Ellen originally lost to). We found out that Ryalnd financed the Governor’s run, which is why he needed Sue Ellen to lose. The Governor then helped Ryland get some trucking deals to benefit his company. Meanwhile he also had his friend Ken on the board of TESHA and used that to cover up the explosion on the Ewing rig so that Barnes could get control of Ewing energies and Ellana’s land. By the end of the episode, the Ewings figured this all out . . . but what to do? They then learned thanks to John Ross’ snooping on Pamela’s computer that Cliff’s mother left her three children each 1/3 of the company. Cliff now had 2/3, the final third was in Pamela’s ownership (Pam the original Pam, Christopher’s mother and Bobby’s ex). If Christopher could get these, he’d have leverage! Meanwhile Ryland, pissed that his Emma was dating Elana’s brother, had him kidnapped and beat up in front of her very eyes. When Elana found her brother, he finally confessed all to her . . .

This episode centered around the Ewings coming up with a strategy to hit Barnes and Co. When Elena’s brother confessed to her, he also left a written confession and fled. This started the ball rolling to bring down Ryland, and it also looked bad for the Governor as Ryland was his largest campaign contributor and he controls TESHA. Barnes was furious, but felt they could still control things as Ewing was as good as his.

Meanwhile Pamela/Rebecca convinces her daddy to give her the 1/3 of Barnes that her aunt Katherine gave him. John Ross and Bobby learn of this and form their own plan to make sure they have a connection to that 1/3. John Ross marries Pamela/Rebecca! Oh brother . . . You know Emma is gunna end up pregnant with a whose the daddy storyline now. Meanwhile Christopher and Elena plan to head to Switzerland where they believe his mom Pamela is hiding out and convince her to give him her shares. As this is going on, Barnes thinks he’s sitting pretty as he walks in and takes control of Ewing, but Bobby knows better. He’s set it up for Barnes to eventually fall hard.

Meanwhile Emma goes on a bender with her pills, ends up in a car crash and is arrested. When she lashes out at Anne, Anne decides to leave her in jail. She smartly makes sure Emma is NOT allowed to call her dad, which is good because her dad had just brainwashed her once again and was forcing her to return to him. If she ends up pregnant, I’m sure he’ll be really pleased . . . NOT!

Elana’s brother is on the run, so we don’t know what will happen to him. He seems to be going after Ryland’s henchman, who disappeared after his bail hearing. I don’t think they’ll kill him, because that would make a pregnant Emma storyline more difficult, and it would make Ryland and the Governor look even more guilty.

Next week they are promising we’ll learn who shot J.R. and it’s said to be a shocking twist we won’t see coming. I’m wondering if it will turn out to be Sue Ellen who arranged it, which would explain her own benders as of late? Guilt? That however would knock her out of the show, so perhaps not.

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Dallas: Explosion Aftermath!

Dallas: Explosion Aftermath!

Posted by Dustin on 03.28.2013 at 8:10 pm

This week’s episode was as explosive as the explosion that rocked Christopher’s oil rig and Haris’s mama “accidentally” falling down the steps. The whole episode took place almost exclusively at the hospital, as mama was rushed there along with everyone on the rig.

Everyone faired well after the explosion, everyone but Pamela. She was in distress and the best option was to take the babies in order to save Pamela’s life. However she wanted the babies saved over her, and legally Christopher was still her husband and could make the decision if something happened to her. Pamela’s mom Afton showed up, and nobody was glad to see her back. She wanted Pamela saved, but Christopher told the doctors to try and save both Pamela and the kids if they could.

Meanwhile Emma got busy with Elana’s brother this week, after getting busy with Christopher last week. Dang gurl, slow down otherwise you’re gunna end up on an episode of Maury Pauvich! She later made her way to the hospital to find out about the Ewings, where she also ran into her dad and learned about her grandma.

Grandma Ryland tried to make a deal with Harris, she’d forgive him for what he did if he could mend fences with Emma and bring her back to them. Later though she turned on him and told Emma that her father pushed her, he was trying to kill her! She said she needed her help, she’d leave her everything, the whole company. Emma thought her grandma was just trying to screw her dad over and took his side! But she still wasn’t ready to forgive him. By the end of the episode grandma found herself being drugged and escorted away by an ambulance . . . to be locked up in an old folks home most likely.

Some organization called TESHA, an environmental impact organization, was investigating the explosion on the rig to see if the Ewings were at fault. Sue Ellen reached out to an old friend to see what he could find out. This was guest star Lee Majors, who seems poised to be a new love interest for her. Oh and she’s still throwing back those drinks! By the end of the episode he learned that TESHA seemed to have evidence pointing to sabotage. She told John Ross and Christopher. John Ross immediately suspected Barnes, saying JR predicted this. Christopher refused to believe he’d do that with Pamela on board. Also Barnes wants to own Ewing, so why make it worthless? John Ross realized that was the plan, devalue the company to the point he can buy it.

Just at this point Pamela, who was in good condition as were the babies, went into distress. The show ended as we saw both heartbeats of the twins flatline on a fetale monitor . . . . Oh no! Something tells me that this loss might actually cause more issues than if the babies had lived. I can see it bringing Christopher and Pamela back together . . .

Next week it looks like the Ewings have another problem to deal with, as a new player in the game emerges and means business. Steven Weber joins the show as the Governor of Texas and he is unfortunately on Barnes and Harris’ side!

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Dallas: JR’s Masterpiece . . .

Dallas: JR’s Masterpiece . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.13.2013 at 3:12 pm

This week’s episode of Dallas was a tribute to Larry Hagman and J.R. Ewing, from the modified opening credits to the very end.

At the end of last week’s episode J.R., who was supposed to be brokering an oil deal in Abu Dhabi, called John Ross to tell him that he had just put a plan into place which would be his masterpiece. Then shots rung out! This week we came to find out while J.R. was in Abu Dhabi, he was actually in Mexico when he was shot. This didn’t make sense. What was he doing there? The police who investigated claimed J.R. was in the wrong place at the wrong time, it was a robbery gone wrong, nothing more.

Most of the episode was old faces returning, the wake and the funeral for J.R.. Since I didn’t blog last week, I’ll mention how much I’ve enjoyed Ryland and his momma being ditched by Emma who finally went to live with Anne. When Ryland and his mom fought and she never understood how he could have loved Anne or brought her into their lives and he told her “Because she wasn’t you!” I cheered out. That woman, referring to Emma as “their” daughter, is some crazy, perverted, son-loving-in-not-the-right-way witch! They have Emma doped up on drugs for panic attacks, which we don’t know if she even needs or if they just make her complacent to their control. Emma still seems to be dependent on them though, as she was popping them during the funeral.

Sue Ellen received a letter from J.R. before he left on his trip, along with old love letters he saved. She didn’t bother reading it, but after news of his death chugged some whisky down and read the letter. In it J.R. said he had always loved her and hoped she’d give him one last chance when he returned from this trip . . . She did admit to taking a drink at his funeral, where she read the letter out loud. I wonder if this means she’ll keep falling off the wagon?

After the funeral J.R.’s henchman showed up with news for Christopher, Bobby and John Ross. J.R. went to Abu Dhabi because he got news that Christopher’s adopted mom (Bobby’s first wife) Pamela was there. Christopher was given a folder on what J.R. found. All we know is that he ran off on her and Bobby when Christopher was seven.

Next John Ross was given a gun (J.R.’s?) and told that J.R. had found evidence that Ryland and Barnes had struck a deal to take down the Ewings together. The henchman insisted to John Ross that the police report they had been given about J.R.’s shooting being a robery gone wrong was sadly true. John Ross didn’t seem to want to accept that.

Finally Bobby was given a folder for his eyes only. It revealed that J.R.’s death was not just an accident or a robbery. Bobby swore to avenge his brother and see J.R.’s plan come to fruition. In the meantime he ordered the henchman to pay off anyone to make sure the robbery story sticks for now.

The rest of the season looks to be the mystery of who shot J.R. and what his master plan is . . . . Good stuff all around!

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Dallas: Where Did J.R. Go To Now?

Dallas: Where Did J.R. Go To Now?

Posted by Dustin on 02.26.2013 at 6:27 pm

This episode tied up a lot of older storylines, and set the stage for next week when J.R. is shot and won’t be coming back via a dream sequence.

Christopher and Rebecca struck a deal to share custody, and she would get 10% of Ewing Energies. The deal doesn’t finalize until AFTER the babies are born though, so you know that’s probably a bad sign.

Rebecca turned on John Ross and refused to give him the 10% as they agreed, because she needed to look out for her kids. She told him she would be on his side anyways, so he didn’t need them. He felt betrayed and warned her . . . John Ross then went to his mom Sue Ellen to invoke Elana’s moral clause. Christopher learned too late that John Ross set Elana’s brother up to do just this. He had signed the plea deal, which let Sue Ellen and John Ross go in for the kill. Bobby was furious with her, and more furious when he learned J.R. also helped them pull it off. He went to confront J.R., only to find he had flown the coup!

Anne was found guilty of shooting Harris, but the jury still needed to sentence her. More testimonies were heard, Anne spoke about the horrible mental abuse she suffered at Harris’ hands. Emma began to crack, even visiting her mom in jail after Bobby came to her and promised to be there for her if she ever needed anything. Anne was touched, and we could see the same hell Harris had put her through he was doing to Emma. Everything had to be his way and perfect or it wasn’t good enough. Emma still wouldn’t break from her father’s side though, at least not yet.

The Venezuelan that John Ross helped send to jail, that he was in cahoots with to steal Southfork with, ended up escaping jail and came after the Ewings. He and his men took them all hostage and demanded Christopher’s methane extraction prototype. In the end the Ewings turned the tables on him and he found himself dead. In spite going through this crisis together, John Ross and Sue Ellen still took Elena’s shares and planned to take over Ewing Energies. Bobby was ready for war . . .

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