The Axe Falls Hard at ABC!
Posted by Dustin on 05.13.2011 at 2:55 pm
According to Ausiello over at ABC has cancelled a ton of shows. Of the ones I watched include . . .
“Brothers and Sisters”
“No Ordinary Family”
“Off The Map”
Also on the list . . .
“Detroit 187”
“Mr Sunshine”
Brothers and Sisters Wedding Finale!
Posted by Dustin on 05.09.2011 at 7:20 pm
So last night was the season finale of “Brothers and Sisters” . . . possibly the series finale. The show has been on the bubble in TV lingo because of low ratings. There is chatter that the show will get one final, albiet shorter, season.
If this was the finale, I feel good about how everything ended. Sarah and Luc married, and Sarah reconciled with Brody. The whole ending was a big fun celebration.
However there were enough other things dropped that could make for an interesting final season. Kitty revealed she’s miraculously pregnant, but faces a problem. Should her cancer return, she has to choose between treatment and the baby.
Saul’s BF proposed to him, while we learned Brody had other kids . . . one who crashed the wedding to get a peak at Sarah. There was a little look between her and Justin as well, but Justin was dealing with his married/separated ex. She supposedly hasn’t told anyone she works with she’s separated . . . . but at the end of the show claimed she was ready to take that step and be seen having fun with Justin. I got the feeling she might not be so honest about her issues with her husband.
I would also love to see some closure with Holly, David and Rebecca.
Housewives and Walkers Thoughts!
Posted by Dustin on 04.27.2011 at 1:01 pm
As we approach the season finales, some thoughts on Sunday nights’s “Desperate Housewives” and “Brothers and Sisters.”
On “Desperate Housewives” Susan’s sex dreams about Paul were just creeeeepy! I hate that she’s getting reeled in by him. Yeah he was a good guy . . . . once! Actually he was never really a good guy was he? Helping his wife kill another woman and steal Mike’s kid . . . what is Susan thinking?
I loved Gabby and Bree’s sneaking around, and then at the end of the show Gabby choosing Bree over Carlos. He probably should have known his wife better than to give her such an ultimatum!
Lynette’s story, as most of hers lately, annoyed me. I guess what also annoyed me was that nobody at this conference knew who she was. She used to be the big wig in business, not Tom. And Tom only just now got a huge break. Shouldn’t people have known Lynette over Tom at this conference?
“Brothers and Sisters” annoyed me to no end. The whole story with Michelle stealing the baby and going psycho, and the cops not making this a priority? OMG! I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for her to reveal she slept with someone and didn’t know if the baby was theirs or not. However it seems that never happened, and she just got attached to the baby she was carrying and didn’t want to give it up (even though the egg wasn’t hers). At the end, Justin showed up with the baby, saying Michelle dropped it off at his place and ran.
The other major story was the revelation that Brody was Sarah’s father, and she wanted nothing to do with him. It seems based on previews she makes her mom choose between her and Brody . . . not cool Sarah! Why did Justin not reveal it was William who knew all along and asked Brody to say nothing and lie about his blood type?
Brothers and Sisters Season Finale May 8th!
Posted by Dustin on 04.23.2011 at 10:49 am
“Walker Down the Aisle” – As Sarah and Luc’s nuptials approach, plans go horribly awry and the Walkers learn several surprising lessons about the real meaning of family, on the Season Finale of “Brothers & Sisters,” SUNDAY, MAY 8 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.
Guest starring are Balthazar Getty as Thomas Walker, Kerris Lilla Dorsey as Paige Whedon, Maxwell Perry Cotton as Cooper Whedon, Mark Ricks as Evan McCallister, Marika Dominczyk as Tyler Altamirano, Richard Chamberlain as Jonathan Byrold, Isabella Rae Thomas as Olivia, Ryan Devlin as Seth, Beau Bridges as Nick Brody, Sonia Braga as Gabriela Laurent, Trieste Kelly Dunn as Lori Lynn, Bradley White as the Minister and Garrett Backstrom as Andrew.
Sunday Night Show Thoughts Showdown!
Posted by Dustin on 04.18.2011 at 12:29 pm
So this is a quick post on last night’s TV shows. I watched so much TV last night it’s quickly becoming a blur.
On “Desperate Housewives” the revelation about Andrew killing Mama Solis came out. Carlos forgave him as he was a kid, and blames Bree. Oh dear! Bree just keeps getting one blow after another this season. How long before she’s back on the bottle?
Felicia moved back to the lane and has tried to fool Paul into thinking they can put the past behind them, but she has big plans for him. Paul better watch out. The show only has 3 more episodes left, and then a two hour finale. Supposedly we’ll be left with yet another death on the lane!
On “Brothers and Sisters” they dropped two bombs on us. First, Brody lied and in fact may be Sarah’s father! William put him up to it, and Brody fled town not wanting to hurt Nora anymore than he had. Justin found out and wanted him to come clean. Oh my! The second bomb was predicted, Scotty and Kevin’s surrogate had the baby it seems.
OMG! If we now have to deal with a kidnapped kid and them searching for baby that may or may not be theirs I’ll scream!
“Army Wives” was pretty much a filler episode. Pamela and Chase got married again, which was the majority of the show. Roxy and Trevor’s marriage remains on the outs thanks to Roxy pushing forward with the Truck Stop. I hate the way Trevor is acting honestly, though Roxy brining an ex back in to help her is a bad move too. I hope they don’t wreck their marriage.
The OMG moment of “Wives” was when Claudia Joy got the news of a tumor on her ovary. Seriously, how much crap can this woman take? Poor Claudia Joy!
Finally I tuned into HBO’s new show “Game of Thrones” last night. WOW! I was really impressed. Love me some epic fantasy shows. I actually have the first book and meant to read it, but only got through the first chapter. I’ll just add it to the pile of books I have to read that I now watch the shows they are based on!
Brothers and Sisters Finally Returns!
Posted by Dustin on 04.15.2011 at 12:50 pm
It seems like it’s been forever since a new “Brothers and Sisters” episode aired, and this weekend we got two back to back. However I found myself more invested in the first episode rather than the second.
The first episode/hour, dealing with Olivia’s brother returning, was just heartbreaking and wrenching. I figured that Kevin and Scotty would not lose her to her brother, but with this show you never know . . . they like to throw those curveballs at you . . . Her brother was just a nasty piece of work, as it became clear the only reason he wanted to take Olivia was because Scotty and Kevin were gay and he didn’t agree with that. Olivia’s speech at the end of the show as to why she wanted to stay with the Walkers was great though. I however don’t know how welcoming I’d be of her brother if I was a member of that family!
The rest of the show and the second hour, I wasn’t that in love with. I did like Kitty trying to get her younger guy back, but Nora and Brody kinda bore me.
I posted some upcoming spoilers for the show . . . so SPOILER TALK from here on out . . .
I have a feeling Scotty learns that their surrogate didn’t lose the baby after all. It seems he learns something shocking about her, which I think is code for . . . surprise! Your daddy’s again!
Also it seems Justin finds out some paternity secret about a sibling . . . again? WHY! What did Nora cheat on William with Brody at some point after they married, and that one of the kids is Brody’s? I vote for Kevin.
End of April ABC Spoilers . . . .
Posted by Dustin on 04.11.2011 at 2:54 pm
Not much new in ABC spoilerdom to talk about right now I’m afraid. The end of April seems to be all about the Royal Wedding.
Two episodes of “Brothers and Sisters,” including yet ANOTHER paternity secret? Jeeze how many of these can we take! Oh and it looks like Kevin and Scotty’s surrogate may not have lost the baby . . . . hmmmmmmmm!
On “Housewives” Susan is nursing Paul back to health? What what what !?!?
Finally on “Grey’s” Dr. Perkins returns to make Teddy an offer, Callie’s baby continues to fight for her life, and I suspect Meredith sneaks Adele into Derek’s trial . . .
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Housewives and Walkers: April Spoilers!
Posted by Dustin on 04.03.2011 at 9:19 pm
Next weekend is a 2-hour special “Brothers and Sisters.” The following weekend “Desperate Housewives” returns. Read on for the spoilers!
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A Few Upcoming ABC Spoilers, Casting Bits and Finale Dates!
Posted by Dustin on 03.22.2011 at 7:09 pm
Casting News:
Jonathan Cake will join “Desperate Housewives” later this season as a detective investigating a case, who also becomes involved with Bree.
Source: (via
According to The Hollywood Reporter Benjamin Bratt will join “Private Practice” during the season finale and be a regular next season. First thoughts? Someone new for Addison to sleep with! The details of his character are not yet known.
Finale Dates
Sunday, May 8: “Brothers & Sisters”
Sunday, May 15: “Desperate Housewives” (Special Two-Hour Finale)
Monday, May 16: “Castle”
Thursday, May 19: “Grey’s Anatomy” & “Private Practice”
A few spoilers for “Castle,” “Off The Map” (Season Finale) and “No Ordinary Family” (Season Finale) below!
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Sunday 2/20 With The Wives and Walkers
Posted by Dustin on 02.21.2011 at 1:04 pm
I seems the past two sundays I keep getting distracted during these two shows. Last night I faired better though. However someone is now punishing me by not having new episodes of either for two weeks. Ahhh!
On “Housewives,” I hate hate hate the way the Bree and Keith story turned out, with him having to chose between her and his son. Of course Bree in part brought this on herself, but in the end told him the age difference and his desire to have a kid was important and he needed to be with his kid. I hope we see Keith back some day!
The story with Gabby returning home and confronting her step-father’s grave, but more importantly the nun who she confided in and did nothing, was so powerful! I’m still hoping we’ll see Grace and her family again at some point.
The resolution of the Paul and Zack storyline, with Zack strung out and telling his dad that nobody could ever love him, which is why mom/Mary Alice shot herself . . . wow! Then when he through Beth out at the end saying nobody could ever love him, I actually for a moment felt sorry for both of them. The show hinted someone on the lane was going to pull a Mary Alice in the next episode. I’m guessing it’s either Beth or Paul at this point.
I’ve really been enjoying the Susan story as of late. However at the end of this episode with her collapsing . . . Susan better find a kidney and stat!
On “Brother and Sisters,” we went through a whole bunch of is she or isn’t she William’s kid with Sarah. In the end she was William’s kid. For me this whole thing just started reminding me of the horror that was the Ryan storyline. Shivers! Glad it ended the way it did.
The man who might have been returned into Nora’s life for a brief episode. Once again it was another installment of Nora’s unfortunate love life. Will she ever find a man? At this point my money is on NO!
I’m honestly more interested in the Olivia storyline, which has been absent the past few episodes, save for a few mentions of her. I have actually like having Tommy back. Shocking I know. He was always such an ass on the show. However it’s good to see him back and not being a total jerk all the time. Though I’m not sure about this new wife of his yet . . . .