Baller Wins Big Brother

Baller Wins Big Brother

Posted by Dustin on 04.28.2008 at 1:12 pm

So last night was the big finale, and the whole way they edited the question and answer session, well it seemed like it was anyone’s guess who would win this show. Sheila came off incredibly bitter towards Adam, so what a shocker when Adam one by all but one vote . . . Josh’s! I am shocked Sheila turned around and voted for him. Adam’s family is from where I live, so I’ll check the local papers to see what kind of local news and coverage they/he get.

Your thoughts? Did the right person win? I bet Ryan’s feeling mighty stupid for taking Adam to the final 2 right about now!


Stunned: BB & AI

Stunned: BB & AI

Posted by Dustin on 04.23.2008 at 10:57 pm

Okay first let me say I had to get all this info second hand. As I type this I’m in Sin City, Las Vegas baby! I’ll be here till Sunday. All my shows are Tivoing, but I can also get them all the next day online. So if my thoughts/recaps are late . . . that’s why!

So anyway, tonight Ryan won the final HOH on “Big Brother” and sent Sheila packing, and I heard she was a blubbering mess. I really wanted her and Adam to end up in the final 2.

What I’m shocked, and pissed about, is “American Idol.” Holy crap, I did not see Carly going home tonight at all! I didn’t expect her to win, but at this point I am very angry. It seems every time I watch AI this happens to me, people who I feel need to go home don’t. Grrrr! I can’t believe they voted her out over Jason last night and even Brooke’s huge mess up.

Let me reiterate grrrr!


DWTS and Big Brother Spoilers!

DWTS and Big Brother Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 04.23.2008 at 10:47 am

Last night on “Dancing With the Stars” was the last dance for Marlee and Fabian, who were sent home. Also in the bottom two with her were Mario and Karina.

Over to “Big Brother,” Ryan won the veto and did not use it. Sharron was then immediately voted out. The final three house guests went on to compete in the final HOH competition.

Tonight’s show will be the live final eviction and the big reveal of the two final house guests. I believe the voting for the winner will be Sunday night.

Read on to see competition spoilers!

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Big Brother Update!

Big Brother Update!

Posted by Dustin on 04.22.2008 at 1:37 am

I’m not sure exactly what is going on, but weirdness has happened for sure!

Some kind of competition or event was held tonight. The feeds were off for a long time, and BB After Dark on Showtime is showing stuff that happened this morning in the house.

Read for the spoilers . . . .

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Big Brother: On The Block And Other Spoilers

Big Brother: On The Block And Other Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 04.20.2008 at 9:23 pm

So tonight on “Big Brother” we got a recap of Natalie’s eviction, getting to watching her cry and sob all over again and asking the men why she would do this to her?

After Natalie left, Ryan was furious with Adam as he apparently whispered to her that he voted to keep her. He did, but told Ryan he didn’t say anything to her. He claimed he said something else to her, leaving Ryan unsure if Adam is lying to him.

Ryan is the new HOH this week and he ended up nominating Sheila and Sharron, no shock there. He said after last week, he and Adam stuck together not knowing who to trust and that is why he kept Adam safe, nothing against the women.

Thanks to the trick gerbil question, everyone continued to speculate about who is the pre-existing relationship in the house. Ryan and Sheila even wondered if they could be distant relatives!

A luxury competition was held, Ryan and Sharron won a free screening of the new movie “What Happens In Vegas” while Adam and Sheila are stuck shackled together for 24 hours.

To find out some POV spoilers, keep reading . . .

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Booted Tonight On Big Brother

Booted Tonight On Big Brother

Posted by Dustin on 04.16.2008 at 9:09 pm

As always West Coasters, spoilers ahead!

Natalie and Sharron were put on the block by Sheila, who is hoping Natalie would be voted out. The boys confronted Sheila because they all found out she’s been playing both sides, but she gave a sob story claiming she was loyal to them. Last night Ryan and Adam began having second thoughts about sending Natalie out. They felt Sharron hadn’t done anything for them, and if they kept Sharron then she and Sheila could team up against them. However if they get Sharron out, they think they can get Natalie out easy a week after.

Sheila was furious when she learned this and warned Sharron. Sharron went to Ryan, who kept assuring her that she was safe. Meanwhile the boys keep telling Natalie she is safe as well! A blow up between Adam and Sheila happened, with Adam calling her an bleeping bitch! She threw him out of her HOH and was sobbing, fearing if they kept Natalie then she would be sent home next week.

Adam and Ryan then contemplated splitting their vote and letting Sheila get the blood of voting Natalie out on her hands. Sheila wasn’t worried as Natalie was one vote in the jury house and she already knows she won’t have her vote anyway.

Ryan voted to evict Natalie, Adam Sharon and that left Sheila as a tie breaker which was a no brainer for her . . . . Natalie is out! Natalie was just stunned and ended up in tears as she said goodbye to everyone.

In the HOH competition it came to a tie between Ryan and Sharron, and Ryan won. This pretty much means he’ll put up Sharron and Sheila next week, and unless Sharron wins POV to take herself off, she’ll probably go home.

An odd twist has been injected into the game in a mean way too. The HOH was a game called fact or fiction, and one of the questions was whether there was still an existing relationship going on in the house since before the beginning of the game. The answer was fact, but the twist to the answer is it’s the guinea pigs! At the end of the show the remaining four were trying to figure out who is in a relationship of some kind!


Big Brother: POV . . . .

Big Brother: POV . . . .

Posted by Dustin on 04.15.2008 at 8:16 pm

The following are some spoilers set to air in about an hour on Big Brother, with a little extra thrown in.

This week Sheila won HOH, mainly because Ryan and Natalie made a deal to let her win assuming she won’t put them on the block. She agreed, and Adam and Sharron went up.

During the after dark sessions, Natalie has been very close to Sheila it seems, probably all game play.

In the POV Adam wins and saves himself, so Sheila puts up . . . . Natalie!

It looks like Nat could finally get the boot tomorrow, but as always, who knows! Both Sheila and Ryan don’t think they can trust Natalie at all, they can’t tell whose side she is on. That’s easy, she’s on her own side! I think Adam will vote Natalie out, but Ryan who knows. It could be a tie breaker from Shiela!


Big Brother: HOH and On The Block!

Big Brother: HOH and On The Block!

Posted by Dustin on 04.10.2008 at 9:05 pm

Un-aired spoilers, read on if you want to know!

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Big Brother 9: Evicted and the New HOH . . .

Big Brother 9: Evicted and the New HOH . . .

Posted by Dustin on 04.09.2008 at 8:47 pm

The first half of tonight’s show centered around many people catching onto Natalie’s games, and James’ determination to turn the house against her for the way she’s playing everyone.

Natalie has promised the guys to put the girls up and the girls to put the guys up. Natalie told Ryan she is lying to the girls and saying Sharron is the one telling the girls to stick together. Meanwhile Sheila told Adam what Natalie is planning, that she is his biggest threat.

James attempted to make some deals to try and stay in the house, but later from what I saw on Showtime After-dark it seemed he realized he was going home and planned to sabotage Natalie in the HOH competition by not letting her get any sleep! He also provided Sheila and Adam with a lot of information he had gathered on the others.

The vote approached, and it seemed Sheila and Ryan were having second thoughts about voting James out, as he could be useful in getting Natalie out.

We saw Chelsea show up at the Jury House, and Chelsea let the audience know that she will not be hooking up with Matty. Joshua was the next to show up. Chelsea didn’t want to see him here, she wanted him to win. Josh brought the video of Natalie’s HOH win and other stuff.

The vote was held and James was evicted unanimously.

Unfortunately the HOH is an endurance competition, so we won’t know until later who it is. I’ll post as soon as I find out!

*UPDATE* To learn who won, keep reading if you want to be spoiled!

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Big Brother: On The Block And Other Spoilers

Big Brother: On The Block And Other Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 04.07.2008 at 5:12 pm

So this week we saw James break down crying to Adam, blubbering about how basically he doesn’t want to leave and it’s hitting him that he is.

Adam put up Sharon and Sheila for eviction, which steamed Sheila as well as Ryan and Natalie, who are in his alliance. Adam said something during the nominations that I fully didn’t understand, but I believe what he told the house was that if they wanted James out then they would have to fight to and win the veto. Sheila was disgusted, Natalie thinks he’s a moron and Ryan said it was a cowardly thing to do which will come back to get him.

Read on for un-aired spoilers!
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