Big Brother 15: Floaters Grab The 1/2 Million!
Posted by Dustin on 09.08.2013 at 9:48 pm
What a sad sad season of “Big Brother!” Too many nasty, unlikable people in the house, and now we are left with a bunch of unworthy floaters for the most part!
The double eviction saw Amanda and Elissa go. As much as I loathed Amanda, she at least played a strategic game and did control the house. Elissa was a good player at some of the comps, much better than anyone who is left right now! McCrae put up Elissa, even though he felt it was Andy who flipped on him, but putting up Elissa would make the least waves. ONCE AGAIN WE DO WHAT THE HOUSE WANTS! GinaMarie and Andy made sure Elissa lost the vote and went home through nasty tactics.
McCrae tried to get Spencer and Andy in an alliance against Judd and Gina Marie. They agreed, but it seems were just playing him.
The HOH was played, and Spencer finally won a comp. He’s the new HOH! He also got to deal out prizes and punishments . . . McCrae and GinaMarie ended up tied together for 24 hours. Andy ended up getting the chance to win up to 5000 dollars (only he he won a whole $94.83, good!). Judd got a punishment where he had to do whatever exercise a drill sergeant yelled out after a whistle for 24 hours.
Spencer told GinaMarie he did what he did to her because he didn’t want McCrae getting in Judd’s ear. He trusted her more than anyone else. McCrae however got into Gina Marie’s ear, also worrying that she had a final four with the others. She said no no! Which was a lie.
Spencer told McCrae he wants Gina Marie out, he’s going to put her and him up, that way nobody will learn how close they are. Spencer of course is lying to him, he wants him out. McCrae however feels the others are working against him, so he could be the real target . . . ding ding!
Spencer did put up Gina Marie and McCrae, with McCrae being the real target.
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Big Brother 15: The Second Double Eviction!
Posted by Dustin on 09.05.2013 at 9:58 pm
We begin with Spencer and Amanda on the block, and unless the houseguests are bribed by the Diary Room people, Amanda should be going home.
Amanda accused Gina Marie of being jealous of her and McCrae because she and Nick didn’t become a power couple. Amanda just dug her hole even deeper.
Amanda had to beg Elissa for her vote this week, thinking Andy and McCrae will vote for her. She promised to be loyal to her if she would save her. She said she’d have her, McCrae and Andy all on her side. Elissa actually began thinking about it!
Amanda brought Andy into it, not knowing Andy has ANOTHER alliance with the other side! Andy realizes he’s multiple alliances could be outed this week!
Andy reported back to Judd and Spencer. He says they need to frame Elissa for turning on McCrae. Spencer began to worry that he could actually go home this week.
We then went to the living room and Julie announced it is not only the 500th episode, but the season’s second double eviction.
The voting began . . .
McCrae and Elissa voted to evict Spencer.
Judd and Andy voted to evict Amanda.
With it a tie, Gina Marie had to vote out Amanda! Amanda was PISSED!
Amanda realized it was actually Andy who double may have crossed her, and said so when she walked out. Andy knew he was toast.
Amanda talked to Julie, and she knew by her reception that people didn’t seem to like her. She did apologize for the bullying of Elissa, she felt bad about that. She watched her good bye messages, and Andy admitted to her about voting her out and his new alliance.
The next HOH game was played. It was a searching game in a pit for items. In the end, McCrae won!
McCrae ended up nominating GinaMarie and Elissa, apparently thinking Elissa was the one who betrayed him and Amanda. Andy has gotten away with it?
The veto was played, and they had to maneuver a little mouse through a maze to win. Judd won the Veto and did not decide to use it.
The house voted and of course Elissa went home unanimously. Andy pulled his double cross off!
Elissa was clueless and thought McCrae must have voted against Amanda . . . not realizing Andy was the double crosser!
The next HOH game would be played off camera. I’ll update when I know who the new HOH is. But at this point it’s safe to say McCrae is gone next week unless he wins veto to save himself.
Big Brother 15: Eviction Night and New HOH!
Posted by Dustin on 08.29.2013 at 9:58 pm
Andy and Aaryn are on the block, and Aaryn thinks she will go home because Andy has deals with everyone in the house. Andy is hoping to use McCranda to stay in the house, but plans to ditch them after this week (unless they get HOH of course).
Amanda continued to be just a nasty horrible human being to Elissa. Amanda also didn’t understand why everyone else is being so nice to Elissa. She ranted to everyone about how horrible Elissa is, but it only made her look like the bully. She even claimed she hates that this makes her look like a bully. Uh, that’s cause you are one! Even her allies, like Andy, started realizing that Amanda is just appalling. Amanda announced that anyone who is nice, or even talks to Elissa, is her new target. Way to score points Amanda!
Gina Marie, Andy, Judd and Spencer all had an Amanda pow-wow in the back yard. They all finally realized they are just handing this game, and win, to McCranda. Wow, it took this long for them to realize this? Helen told them weeks ago! The four of them decided to form a new alliance to get McCranda out at this point. They named themselves “The Exterminators.”
Amanda kissed Aaryn’s ass. She said she tried to get Elissa to put up GM, but Andy was with them longer and that’s why he was her target. Aaryn says she put in so much work for people who won’t keep her safe, and it didn’t matter in the end. Aaryn and Amanda cried together. Seriously? All you did was Amanda’s work all season! She doesn’t feel bad for you one bit you twit!
Aaryn wasn’t as stupid as she seemed, she knew Amanda was probably more loyal to Andy. She felt she had GM’s back, now she just needed Spencer and Judd. Aaryn tried to make her pitch, saying she was going to get Amanda and McCrae out . . . Spencer however wanted to keep Andy, and Judd wasn’t convinced.
Aaryn realized she might have to throw people under the bus to get McCranda’s votes. Aaryn even through herself under the bus, saying she was a huge target and she has done most of the dirty work in this game. If she stays it’s better for everyone. Aaryn then told Amanda that Spencer told her that he’d put up McCranda up . . . Amanda called Spencer out, he said it was a lie. Spencer reported back to Judd and Andy. Aaryn told Amanda it’s clear he’s lying, and she has done everything for them and Andy has really done nothing in this game. Amanda wavered, but not enough.
Before the vote, we got an update on various showmance couples from the past who ended up getting married. We then went to the living room, where Julie talked to Judd about his return, and Amanda’s decisions this week. Amanda claimed she and Elisa have made amends, now everybody knows not to push her buttons!
Judd, Spencer, Gina Marie (in tears), Amanda and McCrae voted to evict Aaryn.
SURPRISE! Another unanimous vote, everyone did what Amanda wanted again! So much for everyone realizing they were handing the game to McRanda?
Julie then revealed the news to Aaryn, and talked to her after the vote. Aaryn told Gina Marie to vote with the house to not become Amanda’s new target. Julie asked her about her and Elissa’s hatred of one another. Aaryn felt betrayed that Elissa didn’t tell her about being Rachel’s sister upfront. Julie then brought up the racist remarks she said early on. Aaryn blamed being a southerner and said her words were taken wrong, that’s just how they talk, and she didn’t mean to be seen as a racist. Julie wouldn’t let that go, she then read off her remarks word for word! Aaryn of course didn’t remember saying any of those things, and she didn’t mean them seriously. She watched her goodbye videos, in which Elissa had nothing to say other than “have fun in the jury house, or don’t!” Aaryn did say she feels bad because of her remarks and how it makes her look, but in Texas they say things like that and it’s not taken literally. Julie told her when she gets home and watches everything, she hopes she has a new perspective on things.
The HOH game began, and they were dressed as rabbits with their feet tied to force them to hop. They had to weave eggs through a fence/puzzle to release the egg and then hop across the yard to put it in a basket and fill it. Of course it’s an endurance challenge! A punishment for the losers would be given to those with the lowest scores. America voted, and those with the lowest scores will wear a chicken suit for 48 hours.
Next week’s live eviction will be another double eviction.
I’ll update as soon as I know who the new HOH is. Finger crossed it’s not McCranda!
HOH results below!
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Big Brother: Eviction And Returning Houseguest!
Posted by Dustin on 08.22.2013 at 9:56 pm
Tonight is the night: eviction night, the jurors battle to return and the new HOH competition!
Aaryn nominated Spencer for a replacement nominee when Elissa went off the block by winning veto. Aaryn said this is the corner she was pushed into, IE she played Amanda’s game for her. Amanda wants Helen gone.
Helen knew that Aaryn was being bullied into this when she really wanted Amanda up. Helen tried to get Elissa, Gina Marie and Aaryn on her side, saying otherwise Amanda will run this game. She thought she had them all. Helen talked to Andy truthfully and said that he is the swing vote, and if she leaves then it will be because of his vote and then he will be a target, not Amanda and McCrae. Helen tried to paint them as evil, which Andy didn’t like. Andy acted insulted that she would even question him. Aaryn said Amanda and McCrae would find out about this conversation and come after her . . . Helen said if nobody tells them then nobody will know. Of course Andy the wuss went right to Amanda to tattle!
Helen knew Andy was a liar and then went to McCrae to try and keep her. Helen made a pitch to him as to why to keep her over Spencer. McCrae was a wuss too though and was just taking orders from Amanda. Helen then got personal, talking about how marriage is hard and this is a sneak peak of his life with her. She said Amanda bullies and pushes him around, he needs to stand up to her.
McCrae of course told Amanda what Helen told him. All these men are so whipped by Amanda, who can’t win jack snot on her own! It’s amazing! Amanda acted like she was an awesome person and then tried to get people to tell her if they thought she was a bully. Of course nobody would! Spencer said she was “assertively honest.” Nice, as if Amanda will understand that phrasing!
Helen got others on her side and then pressured Andy saying if he votes Helen out, as he is the swing vote, then they will target him. In the feeds however Elissa screws things up and it seems that the house swung back to getting Helen out . . . .
We then went to the living room for the live vote . . .
McCrae, Amanda, Andy (WUSS!), and Gina Marie (WUSS!) voted to evict Helen.
Elissa voted to evict Spencer.
Helen was officially evicted . . . but perhaps not for good!
Helen was told about the eviction and said her goodbyes to all, crying as she went out the door. She graciously hugged everyone.
Helen talked with Julie. Helen knew that Andy’s loyalty was with Amanda and McCrae, but she felt he wasn’t hateful or malicious against her. She only wanted him to take out a huge player, but he wouldn’t do it. Julie asked her if she wished she targeted Amanda sooner? Helen thought Judd was a bigger threat and Amanda already had a huge target on her back, so someone else would take her out. However everyone is scared of Amanda, so it never happend.
After she watched her goodbye vids, Julie then told Helen that she and the other evicted jury members will fight to return to the game!
We saw a bit of Judd and Candice in the jury house, along with Jessie eventually join them. They have been in the jury house, and Jessie filled them in on what happened since they left on double eviction night. They then found out about the chance to play to get back into the game.
The four jurors where gathered to play to get back into the game. Julie told them the houseguests had no idea about this, and she decided to break the news to them live! The houseguests were also dressed for an HOH comp. Amanda of course wanted to crap her pants!
The jurors entered the house and everyone hugged and acted sweet and nice of course. They all then went to the backyard for the Jury and HOH comps.
The two games were played in one big comp. They were lined up on a wall and each stood on a small platform. It was an endurance comp. Balls were to be thrown at them (tennis balls). The first to catch 10 balls without falling off would win HOH. If a juror does this, they are HOH and back in the game! I’m not sure what happens if a juror doesn’t win? Does this mean no juror comes back? Or the one who does the best comes back? It seems the later is the case if Julie’s words are to be understood. My guess is if a non-juror wins, then the juror who then catches 10 or is the only one left standing comes back. Of course it wouldn’t be an endurance comp without distractions. The pedestals they are go up and down, and they are shot at with water.
I’ll update with the results when I know them!
Results after the jump!
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Big Brother 15: Let’s Do What The House (Amanda) Wants Again!
Posted by Dustin on 08.18.2013 at 8:53 pm
Aaryn is the new HOH this week. Amanda and McCrae talked about how they don’t know if they trust Aaryn to keep their deal, and Amanda got upset when McCrae made a comment about how she sucks and can’t win even when it’s handed to her. Amanda then broke down into tears and hid behind a garbage can. Meanwhile Spencer and Gina Marie talked about how Amanda will ruin McCrae’s life if he sticks with her in the real world.
Elissa knew that Aaryn as HOH was not good for her game, and probably not Helen’s. Helen however wanted to use her friendship with Aaryn to her advantage. She bolstered Aaryn, telling her not to feel bad for Amanda because she’s upset. Basically she blew smoke up her ass like she does Amanda. Aaryn of course thinks Helen is just a lovely person!
Amanda pulled herself together and decided to target her new victim. She was dead set on getting Helen out of this game. McCrae warned Aaryn about Amanda’s impeding move. Aaryn did want Elissa to go up, but Amanda later talked to her about putting Helen up too and making sure Helen think Elissa is the target.
Aaryn wanted to put Spencer up, she didn’t want Helen’s blood on her hands. Andy was brought in to talk about the plan to get Helen out.
Aaryn got her HOH room. From the feeds, she keeps wondering why her letters from home don’t seem to say much. Amanda ends up jealous of the HOH room, she wants to win, she wants to hear from her parents and get photos.
Helen pushed Elissa to kiss some Aaryn ass, which she didn’t want to do. She thought talking to Aaryn wasn’t even worth her time. She flat out said she doesn’t think Aaryn is not nice, and the people she hangs with aren’t nice. Helen was worried that Elissa could go home this week. They then had a falling out when Elissa seemed to be leaving her to die this week in jury house. Helen ended up in tears.
Helen cried to others about Elissa, and she got people on her side and seemed to turn the tide and vote against Elissa.
The Have-Not competition was held, it was a game played in pitch black where they dug through disgusting barrels for a key to get out of a room they were locked in. In the end GinaMarie, Amanda, Elissa and Helen ended up Have-Nots.
Elissa decided to suck up to Aaryn and kiss ass to try and stay here and stay off the block. She told her that she never once against voted against her while on the block. However then she ended up going onto a tangent about a yoga mat she was lacking and how much it sucked. Aaryn told her that if she goes up, just know she’s not the target.
Helen later talked to Aaryn, she guessed Elissa was going up. Aaryn told her either Elissa or Spencer would go home this week. Helen tried to kiss ass to keep herself off the block, even saying if Elissa and Spencer went up and then she won veto, she wouldn’t save Elissa.
In the end, Aaryn put up Elissa and Helen. Helen is clearly the target of Amanda, and therefore the house.
Veto results after the jump!
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Big Brother 15 + Face Off and Project Runway Thoughts . . .
Posted by Dustin on 08.16.2013 at 1:12 pm
I’m at the point where I probably won’t bother watching “Big Brother” until next Thursday, unless word comes that Aaryn actually put on her big girl pants and made a bold move. Otherwise she should have thrown the HOH to Amanda like Amanda wanted (but it was hilarious to see her crying and throwing another pity party after she lost again). Amanda is now running the game, it doesn’t matter who the HOH is if it’s someone she control. Zzzzzzz!Might as well just give the game to Amanda if these idiots don’t take her and McCrae out and soon.
“Face Off” began this week and this season it’s the vets verses the newbies. Some of the vets they brought back I’m glad to see get a second chance, others like Frank I don’t know why they bothered? He ended up in the bottom in the first week again. I’m sure he’ll be gone sooner rather than later. None of the newbies really made an impression on me this week to be honest.
“Project Runway” has been on for a few weeks and it is drama drama drama this season. We’ve got a crazy Russian that walked off, the diva guy who everyone is afraid to speak up around, and the environmental guy that they kept around far too many weeks as far as I’m concerned. I was glad to see two of these three go, and diva guy probably should have gone this week too!
Big Brother Double Elimination Night Is Here!
Posted by Dustin on 08.08.2013 at 10:01 pm
Tonight is the double eviction night, but also the beginning of the jury house.
As we approached the live vote, we saw the house flip flopping on the votes. GinaMarie wanted Candice out, others saw getting Spencer out more important, then Jessie convinced Jude that getting Amanda out might be a good play because she has too much power. Candice also planted the ideas to Helen, with Jessie by her side, that Amanda is who they should get out. Helen claimed she didn’t have the power everyone thought she did. Helen also said Amanda had never wronged her. In reality Helen was afraid with Amanda gone, she’d be the next biggest target . . .
We then went to the houseguests. Julie told them that the jury will be made up of 9 people this summer, bigger than any other jury. This means the person evicted tonight will be the first jury member. She then told them that tonight is a double eviction night! Julie also gave the teaser just because you were on the jury, it doesn’t mean your out of the game . . . Sounds like another “vote back in” deal.
During the speaches, Candice and GinaMarie got nasty and into it with each other, to the point that Julie had to break them up and tell them to settle down!
The vote was held . . .
Everyone voted to evict Candice! Even on the way out, GinaMarie was just nasty to her! Julie talked with Candice about the racial issues in the game as well.
A trivia HOH game was played, where they had to answer questions about events that have happened this summer. In the end Aaryn won HOH!
Before the nominations, Julie revealed the MVP twist is over and only two people would be nominated each week. Aaryn ended up nominating Jessie and Spencer.
The veto comp was held where they had to find objects to finish a puzzle. Aaryn won the veto, which meant the noms would likely not change. However Helen got in her ear and told her to trust her . . . . They bleeped a lot out so we couldn’t hear.
At the veto meeting Aaryn took Jessie off . . . and put Judd up as she knows he’s playing her and everyone has told her this is who they want up, the house has forced her to do this, if she didn’t then they’d send her home next . . .
So basically everyone voted Judd out. Helen and the house told Aaryn she did the right thing. They said he was a schemer and they couldn’t trust him. The next HOH comp would be played later . . . I’ll update when I know more.
More info after the jump about HOH, Noms, Etc . . .
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Big Brother 15: Evicted The 1st of August and the New HOH!
Posted by Dustin on 08.01.2013 at 10:03 pm
So I seem to have a major problem remembering that “Big Brother” airs at 8pm on Wednesday, not 9pm . . . thus I missed last night’s episode. However I got filled in pretty quickly with the internet updates, and all the shifts in alliances.
Howard, Candice and Amanda are all on the block. Howard was suspected of being the MVP who put up Amanda, when it was really America. Spencer, winning POV, took himself down and Aaryn put up Candice up in his place. She went up when Helen told everyone that she was coming for them all if they didn’t make sure she was safe this week. Helen is still in control of the house it seems.
Howard tried to keep himself safe by making deals with the other houseguests, while Candice threw a pitty party. Spencer meanwhile told Amanda he has her back and he hopes she has his, she knows who he wants out and that’s Candice.
Andy told Amanda that he and Judd made a fake deal with Howard and Spencer to try and flip the house and oust her, but not to worry as she is safe. Amanda didn’t feel safe at all.
Amanda confronted Spencer about the plan to get her out, which he claimed was bogus. Amanda told him if he would stop this plan and get Candice out, then she could help him and he wouldn’t be a target next week. Spencer then went off on her, saying he knows she got him on the block and if she thinks he’ll kiss her ass then she is stupid. Spencer said she knew he wanted Candice out, so leave it there and just get to Thursday.
Helen talked to Candice and said he heard Spencer and Amanda arguing about who was going out this week, and Helen told her that she was not supposed to be the target, Amanda was. However Spencer is telling Amanda that he will vote out Candice . . . Candice got angry, which is exactly what Helen wanted . . . she wanted Spencer to look bad.
Candice called a house meeting and confronted Spencer about all his lies. She says everyone is telling her that Spencer is moving to keep Howard and oust her, while he keeps saying to her that Amanda is his target. Spencer told Candice that she was trying to make him look bad. In DR Spencer realized maybe Candice should go after her melt down, and that Amanda was his real target initially. Candice tells Spencer to stop talking about her, and he was going home next week if she has anything to do with it.
Aaryn talked with Jessie and GinaMarie about things. After Candice’s blowup, they all talked about how dangerous Candice really is, she is a liar and a threat. Aaryn really wanted her gone, this is her HOH and she wants Candice out.
Julie went to the living room and talked to the houseguests. She gave them some updates on real world events involving celebrities. Former contestant Brittany had a daughter, and Kanye West and Kim Kardashian had a baby named North. She also told them about the royal baby.
We then got to see Judd’s family and the small town he’s from and where they are all routing for him. Ironically Aaryn and the others inside the house think he’s lying about where he’s from, that he’s really a genius and an amazing liar, probably from a huge town.
The live vote was then held . . .
Helen, Elissa, McCrae, Judd, Andy, GinaMarie and Jessie voted to evict Howard.
Spencer voted to evict Candice.
Julie gave Howard the news that he had been evicted by a vote of 7 to 1. Howard said his goodbyes to people, not choosing to storm out like last week’s loser.
Julie talked to Howard about his game. She talked to him about the racial issues in the house and how he was able to hold his tongue. He said it was hard, and unlike the real world he didn’t have the option to walk away. He also said he has a bad temper and kept it in check. After watching his goodbye speeches, he learned America was the MVP this week. We are also MVP again, getting to choose the third nominee next week.
The new HOH game started, and it’s an endurance challenge. They are all stuck standing on a giant log which rolls and they have to keep their balance on it. They do have a rope they can hold onto to help with balance only. Of course it wouldn’t be “Big Brother” if they didn’t throw water and stuff at them. This time it looks like the log speeds up and slows down randomly. In order to inspire them to compete hard, Julie told them there would be no “Have Nots” this week. Then she offered a reason to give up . . . the first three to fall would get to open one of three boxes and in one is 5000 dollars. So far nobody jumped off to take the deal.
Next week is the big “Double Eviction Week!” I’ll update with the HOH when it’s known.
*UPDATE* Spoilers under the jump . . .
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Big Brother 15: On The Block!
Posted by Dustin on 07.28.2013 at 9:06 pm
So the unexpected happened last week with Aaryn of all people winning HOH. She controls the house, she decides who goes on the block. Or does she . . . . America as MVP will pick the third person.
Helen hopes Aaryn keeps her side of the deal they made, and Elissa is just pissed Aaryn didn’t go. She went with the house in the vote as to not stir the pot. Howard also wanted Kaitlyn to stay and Aaryn to go.
Helen and Elissa made a deal with Aaryn that if she won HOH to put up Howard and Spencer. They didn’t want her to throw the comp after all, they wanted her to try and win. Helen just hoped she’d actually do it.
Jessie knew she’d have to play nice with Aaryn this week. Spencer went to see Aaryn to find out if he was in trouble, but she just played the maybe-maybe-not game with him.
Helen finally talked to Aaryn and said Candice confronted her before eviction that she heard Elissa and her made a deal with Aaryn as to who to put up. She wanted to save herself and Howard. Helen and Aaryn suspect Elissa leaked the deal, and she said those who knew about the deal (Jessie, McCrae, Amanda and Judd) could get into a room together and talk about Elissa the leak. Aaryn suggested they had the votes to get Elissa out . . . Helen says she has to think about that one.
Aaryn got her HOH room and nobody was to be found to see it . . . they all hid upstairs to play a joke on her and went in to see it. She got her creepy clown doll that nobody seems to like.
The Amanda and McCrae showmance continued, in Aaryn’s HOH tub . . . Ew! Does a bottle of bleach come with winning HOH?
Spencer talked to Aaryn again, and she said she had to make deals to stay in the house this week. Spencer warned her that she may not be that safe after this deal is fulfilled, and others could make her better deals and keep her safer.
Howard then talked to Aaryn, he too was worried. Aaryn and Howard talked about Candice knowing about the deal. She was honest and said the only way she could stay in the house was to make a deal with Helen and the numbers, and she’s following the numbers. Howard also told her that after this week she’d still be in trouble, but if she shakes things up . . . Howard wanted her to make a big move.
The guests were gathered for the Have Have-Not competition. The comp was based on the show “Person of Interest” which had the teams trying to solve a mystery. GinaMarie, Candice, Judd and Amanda. Candice was not happy, this is her third week as a Have-Not.
Elissa did Yoga in a variety of odd places around the house, while others watched and commented.
Howard and Candice tried to plot to convince Aaryn to put up Amanda and McCrae and shake things up. Candice went to talk to Aaryn about this idea and to shake things up to get Amanda and McCrae because they seem to be running the house with others. Aaryn however said she is trying to put the people up the house is against as she is trying to save her own ass. She told Candice that Howard has upset a lot of people. Candice said someone had to break up Amanda and McCrae otherwise they’ll make it to the end. Aaryn says Amanda is the one keeping her safe, but Candice says she’s really not. Aaryn told the DR that when Candice talks she pretty much shuts her out because she doesn’t exist in her world . . . she called it “the Candice Switch” that goes off in her brain when she talks.
Candice told Howard that it didn’t work, she won’t put up Amanda and McCrae and she thinks Amanda kept her safe. Candice worried that she just put a huge target on her own back, and started shutting Howard out . . .
Aaryn talked with Andy, Jessie and a third unseen (Judd?) and said that she will do what the house wants (i.e. put up Spencer and Howard) but she worried the only person who will betray her and put her up is Elissa. Andy said Elissa wouldn’t have the votes against her even if she did. Aaryn did worry that whoever stays next week will be out to get her, and she didn’t feel Spencer or Howard were against her (well Howard is!).
In the end Aaryn put Howard and Spencer up, saying it’s nothing personal and is what is best for her game. Below the jump are some feeds spoilers!
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Big Brother 15: Eviction Night and HOH!
Posted by Dustin on 07.25.2013 at 9:51 pm
So what we found out from Julie is that apparently America didn’t get things wrong? Aaryn was who was nominated overwhelmingly by America the MVP, Elissa went up because she was second in line and Judd put Aaryn up, and GinaMarie was third which is why she was the veto replacement.
Aaryn launched a campaign to stay and get Kaitlyn out, saying she’s (Kaitlyn) been mean for weeks and is the strongest player. She told this to Judd, who felt she was making good points. Kaitlyn was a good player, and Aaryn was hated by all.
Later Helen and Elissa talked to Judd about who he wanted out. Judd told them what Aaryn just said, Kaitlyn is a stronger player and Aaryn has enough enemies as is and will just keep going up on the block. Elissa however hates Aaryn and wants her out, but Jessie (who is the most forgettable one in the house) said Kaitlyn was a way sneaker player.
Judd talked to Candice and Howard about their opinions, and he made them think about getting Kaitlyn out as she’s a strong player. Howard however couldn’t think about keeping Aaryn because she’s such a monster.
Aaryn came to Helen with a deal to gain their trust, she will throw HOH this week if they keep her. Elissa and Helen talked about it, but she still wanted Aaryn to go.
Judd ended up telling Helen, Andy and Jessie about the alliance he made with Kaitlyn, Howard, Spencer and Gina Marie. He doesn’t feel good about that alliance at all. This made Helen even more convinced they should vote Kaitlyn out.
Helen told Elissa in confidence what Judd told her, and of course Elissa told Kaitlyn that Aaryn is telling people about a deal she has with some others . . . she suggested a house meeting to call people out or she (Kaitlyn) will go home. Aaryn overhears this, and goes straight to Helen for help! Helen has no idea why Elissa is ruining things.
Helen confronted Elissa while GinaMarie and Judd were there what she is doing? Why was she stirring things up? Eventually everyone ended up in the same room with Aaryn and Kaitlyn arguing with one another over this alliance. Helen was pissed, Judd was pissed! Aaryn ended up attacking Elissa for starting trouble, spreading lies and making her look bad because it makes her look bad. Elissa’s plan seemed to work, with Howard thinking Aaryn just needs to go to get peace back in this house.
Julie went to the houseguests in the living room for questions and then the vote. EVERYONE voted Kaitlyn OUT!
Kaitlyn was given the news. She just walked to and out the door, only hugging Aaryn goodbye.
Julie talked with her and told her that outside of the house, everyone has been referring to her, Aaryn and GinaMarie as the mean girls, and they see Aaryn as the leader of the group. Julie asked her why she participated in such ugly behavior. She said Aaryn rubbed off on her, and she does have regrets about who she aligned with.
The next HOH competition began and it was a casino themed game. It’s a variation on skeet-ball and a roulette wheel. They were going for the highest number/score with one throw/roll. In the end, Aaryn WON with the highest score possible. Not being able to play in the veto this week, Elissa is probably a goner!
America is also once again the MVP this week!
Jeff was on for the final few moments to give his thoughts on how things were going. Of course Julie asked about Jordan. They are still together and “almost engaged.”