The Winner of Big Brother 12 Is . . . .
Posted by Dustin on 09.15.2010 at 10:58 pm
So Hayden won the final HOH, in a tie breaker actually. Both he and Lane got all the answers on par with each other. It was the normal A/B question/answer asked of each of the jury members and you have to predict how they’d answer.
Hayden chose to take Lane with him to the end. The jury had a hard choice. They felt all three skated to the end with a social game. While Hayden won the most comps, Branden made a good point that neither was a target and it should be the social game they are judged on.
Ragan felt it was not far to give it to Lane for planing a good game and being nice to everyone. I chuckled, as he told Rachel the exact opposite not to long ago! That the reason she was out was she played a horrible social game and was mean to everyone.
The second saboteur was revealed to be Ragan, who not only won 20K, but was America’s choice. Nobody in the cast thought it was Ragan when asked!
Annie the original saboteur revealed her first reveal was a lie. There were no lifelong friends!
Anyways, the Jury voted and in the end Hayden barely won by one vote. Here are how the votes played out . . .
Lane – Rachel, Brendan, Britney.
Hayden – Kathy, Matt, Ragan, Enzo.
The final prize for America’s favorite cast member went to Britney.
Big Brother: Final HOH Part 2 Winner
Posted by Dustin on 09.09.2010 at 8:50 pm
Lane won the second part of final HOH competition. That means the third part will be fought by Hayden and Lane. That also probably means Enzo will be evicted this week, because both Hayden and Lane know they have no chance at winning sitting next to Enzo . . . . he’s too well liked.
Ragan headed to the Jury House, which really was the only entertaining part of this show. He learned about Matt’s lie, and was clearly upset by this. Kathy apparently has been avoiding Matt in the Jury house. Then he and Rachel got into an annoying fight. Rachel blew up at him when he once again told her that she was the cause of all the drama and fights in the house for the entire season.
Frankly, I’d rather Big Brother switch the feeds to the Jury House at this point. It is more entertaining than the regular house. With Britney coming in these week it will really be interesting.
Big Brother: Final HOH Battle Begins, Oh And Britney Gets The Boot
Posted by Dustin on 09.08.2010 at 7:48 pm
Tonight’s show was pre-taped yesterday, and the spoilers about it already came out on the net thanks to people who were in the live studio audience at the show.
Hayden won the HOH and Britney got the boot by Enzo, who was the sole vote.
Before Britney went, the guys sat her down and basically told her about the Brigade, the whole shebang, how they’ve been controlling the house for weeks. They also told her why they gave Matt the boot, and basically let her know she was going home this week.
Britney was of course crushed, felt played, felt stupid and felt used by Lane.
The first of the final 4 HOH comps was held yesterday, even though it didn’t finish on air. It involved them having to hang from vines as they were swung around the yard.
The feeds have been blocked since early yesterday, so they should be back at some point tonight and we should know who won the first part.
It’s also America’s Choice vote, so you can go to to vote for free.
Big Brother 12: Evicted and New HOH!
Posted by Dustin on 09.02.2010 at 9:00 pm
Ragan and Hayden are on the block, as we join the show. Everyone is seated in the living room, but before the vote we got more behind the scenes drama from the past few days.
Hayden was upset that Lane didn’t put Brittany up again, choosing a brigade member instead. Lane however has let Brit convince him that he should take her to the final two, as he won’t win against the others. He also knows she has more enemies than the rest of the brigade do.
Ragan has realized he is not in a good place. He knew he wouldn’t get Enzo’s vote, so if he could get Brit on his side, maybe Lane would chose him to stay. Ragan told her if she goes up against one of those boys in the final two, she’ll lose. If she went up against him, she’d have a chance.
He then went to Lane with his argument. He told him if Enzo goes to the end, he’ll win. If it’s Hayden, he’s more popular. He said Enzo and Hayden are more loyal to each other than to him. Ragan said this could be his week to make a bold move and get Hayden out, and they’d see Lane has played the game.
We then got a look at the jury house and the drama going on there. We first saw Rachel see Kathy walk through the door, though she expected Matt.
Then Kathy and Rachel got to watch Matt, quickly followed by Brendan come in. Rachel was happy to see her man, but sad at the same time as she wanted him to win.
Matt then confessed the truth, that he lied about his wife’s horrible disease. Kathy was not happy, as she is a cancer survivor. She was sickened and stormed off. Rachel and Brendan also let into him, saying how horrible he is for doing this. Kathy said what he did was pretty close to selling his soul to the devil.
The vote occurred, and it was unanimous . . .Ragan is out!
Ragan then got to sit down with the Chenbot, who he has been plotting to one-up all week. Julie asked him why he didn’t reveal the men’s alliance. Ragan said it was because Matt was one of them. They then did a lot of talking about Matt, and how Ragan felt he was like a brother to him. Julie also said he was not leaving empty handed, he won 20 grand as the saboteur.
In her goodbye message, Brit told him how sorry she was he had to go to the Jury house and listen to Rachel’s loud disgusting cackle . . . . they can’t let it go!
The next HOH game was played. It was a puzzle game that involved decorating a christmas tree from behind a wire cage. Basically they had to thread an ornament through a hole and they carefully work it up the fence to the tree and hang it. This game is going to take a long time to complete based on the way it’s going. Brit is having a lot of trouble, dropping or breaking ornament after ornament.
I’ll update when I see who has won! Hayden is the new HOH! So unless she wins veto this week, Brit is probably out!
Big Brother 12: Feed Spoilers – Nominations, Vetos, Pandoras Box and More!
Posted by Dustin on 08.29.2010 at 1:12 pm
This post contains feed spoilers, and ones from “Big Brother After Dark.” Read on if you wanna know about the nominations, veto and more!
Read More »
Big Brother 12: Double Eviction Night Drama!
Posted by Dustin on 08.26.2010 at 7:43 pm
As usual, we began with a recap of all the events up till the Veto and Matt’s nomination. Matt’s undoing was throwing his BFF Ragan under the bus.
Enzo said Brandon, Britney and Ragan were the Bra-Gade’s next targets.
Britney apologized to Ragan, but he was more upset that Matt threw him under the bus. Ragan avoided Matt, and Matt began to wonder why. However Matt soon learned that Ragan learned from Britney that he threw Ragan under the bus. He knew he had to get his BFF back on his side cause he needed votes to stay.
Matt tried to play sly with Ragan and that he talked with Britney and asked her not to punish Ragan for campaigning to save Matt. He tried to make it seem like he unintentionally threw him under the bus.
Ragan held a meeting with the house to let them know people keep saying he was hard core campaigning to keep Ragan in the house. Enzo and Hayden said too much, and Ragan figured out the four were in an alliance . . . The Brigade! Ragan confronted Matt about his idea, but he continued to try and play dumb.
Matt tried to use Ragan’s knowledge with Hayden and Lane to keep him over Enzo. Matt told them if he stayed, he could control Ragan. Hayden realized they may need to keep MAtt, but could they trust him?
Julie then went to the living room and told them tonight was a Double Eviction, so they would go immediately to the first vote for the first eviction.
It was unanimous, Matt was out the door! The house guests then had to immediately go into the next HOH competition, while Julie Chen talked with Matt.
The HOH competition was a question about two house-guests, and they had to find the names to answer the question in a large box of peanuts. The new HOH ended up being Hayden!
The house-guests strategized for a bit before Hayden nominated Brendan and Ragan. Haydan said he was keeping a promise to Britney not to put her or Lane up, and they know how he feels about Enzo.
The live POV was then played, and it was a Before and After game, where they had to decide if an event happened before or after another. All house-guests played, and in the end Ragan won the Veto.
Ragan saved himself, and Hayden nominated Britney! The vote occurred, and Brandon went home unanimously.
The next HOH comp was played, but it was not shown. Based on feeds, it probably involves a game they were given to practice. It was one of those skeet shooting like games where they flicked the ball off a teeter-totter
Big Brother: On The Block Before The Double Eviction Tomorrow!
Posted by Dustin on 08.25.2010 at 8:56 pm
Britney put Enzo and Brendan up, saying this was not an attack on Enzo, he just hadn’t been on the block. She told Brendan he was after her last week, so thats why he’s up.
Both Enzo and Brendan were furious and gunning for Britney should they survive. Britney later told Enzo he is a pawn, he is not going home. However Enzo knew Britney had made deals before she went back on.
Lane and Hayden realized they had to backdoor Matt, otherwise he’ll win the whole thing. Lane talked to Britney and said she should backdoor Matt, as he has too many people in his corner. Lane warned her that Matt would put them up since they are buddy buddy, or he’d put up Enzo and Hayden to break their bromance up. Britney however felt safer for Matt than Brendan, and she didn’t know why they were talking about this when veto hadn’t been played.
Players for Veto were picked, and everyone but Ragan played, he was the host. The game was one where people had to volunteer for punishments, but at the same time to win points for the veto. They also were able to give up points for prizes.
In the end, Brendan won the veto. He was also chained to Britney for 24 hours (by his choice!), had to take chum baths (fish guts) for 24 hours, and shaved his head.
Enzo ended up in the penguin suit for a week and gave all his clothes to charity. Lane won a call from home and Hayden won 5 grand as well as a trip for two to Hawaii.
The people who won the prizes remained secret, the punishments were made known. Britney was furious that her team basically betrayed her, and Matt was upset as his butt was also on the line. Britney was now considering the whole house as potential nominees for taking too many prizes.
Britney broke down to Ragan later, all the prizes were taken and she didn’t get a single one. She also said he’d be here next week too. Matt soon joined her as she ranted how they just couldn’t get out one person.
Lane admitted to Enzo, Hayden and Brendan he did take the phone call. Everyone thought Matt took the prized, the big ones that Hayden took!
Lane went to see Britney and they talked in private. Lane said that he took the phone call, but they all are sure Matt took the prizes (as Hayden told Lane he didn’t win them).
Britney later found Pandora’s Box in her room. She had no idea what was in it, and she was tempted with the ability to speak to a previous houseguest from another season for advice. She opened it and went inside, only to find Jesse there.
Holy hell can we just not be rid of this idiot? He had to rip off his shirt, and the secrets she won for a whole hour . . . . training tips to look like him! She wondered what everyone else got . . . . they got a Hawaiian feast and drinks!
Brendan, shaved head and all, ended up chained to Britney for 24 hours. He also had to take the bath every time a bell rang . . . and he had to do it while handcuffed to Britney!
Matt talked to Britney to try and save his ass from going on the block. Matt, for some reason trying to save the brigade, threw Ragan under the bus to Britney as well as to the rest of the brigade. He convinced Lane to try and convince her to do this, as then MAtt wouldn’t come after her next week.
Lane did talk to Britney, but threw Matt under the bus saying he has been after him to convince her to put up Ragan. Britney warned Lane he better not be in an alliance with anyone else . . . . . Lane said he didn’t have the brains for it!
Hayden said the brigade was going to push for Matt, and both he and Enzo then pushed Britney to put up Matt as he was a snake throwing his best friend under the best, they can’t trust him. Britney began to realize she couldn’t trust Matt given he’s throwing Ragan under the bus, his BFF in the house.
Britney talked to Ragan and warned him people are throwing him under the bus to her. She however said she would fight for him to be here, she needs him here. Ragan warned her the both of them were in trouble with this whole house.
The veto meeting was held, and of course Brendan saved himself. Britney ended up putting Matt on the block!
The ironic thing is . . . . Ragan eventually learned Matt threw him under the bus . . . . and Ragan he ended up forgiving him and still tried to fight for him to stay (in spite of his final diary room message on the show).
Tomorrow is the double eviction, which most of the houseguests have figured out at this point is probably coming.
Big Brother 12: Britney’s Noms!
Posted by Dustin on 08.22.2010 at 8:08 pm
Tonight on “Big Brother” we got a lot of recaps of the last episode and what happened, a lot more than usual. Much of it was everyone’s reactions to the Diamond Power of Veto.
Enzo worried that The Bra-Gade showed their cards to Matt when they planned to vote him out and warned him that he didn’t have the votes to stay.
Brendan was convinced everyone in the house was seeing what a sneak Matt was. He also thought he was safe as he kept Britney safe next week.
Enzo and Hayden worried though that Brendan would go up, and one of them next to him.
Britney got her HOH room, and everyone laughed behind Britney’s back about her fiance Nick, who they think she built up to be some greek god supermodel athlete, but thought he was a geeky dork.
Enzo confronted Matt to try and smooth things over, but also warning him the Bra-Gade is worried about his thing he has going on with Ragan. Matt swore he was committed to them, but really he wasn’t.
Matt and Ragan advised Britney. Brendan was going up, and Matt suggested Enzo because he’s never been up there. He said it’s an unbiased reason to use him, but Matt suggested it because he no longer trusts Enzo.
Brendan tried to assure Britney he will win HOH next week, and he will not target her. However if she goes back on their deal . . . He also tells her Matt and Ragan threw her under the bus last week (which I do believe they did, they all discussed getting her out!)
The Have Have-Not comp was played, and it was some kind of cowboy themed comp where they were divided into Lawmakers and Outlaws. They then played one of those games where they had to do shots of nasty things and try and not let on who had the horrible shot out of the three people on each team. The other team had to guess who took the nasty shot of the three.
Enzo, Brendan and Hayden ended up losing and the have nots. They learned the treat they could have was broccoli and bean dip.
Hayden, Enzo and Lane talked to Britney. She asked who the house wanted out. Lane said they all want Brendan out, but they also realize Matt is doing fishy stuff. They suggested use Matt as a pawn, but secretly wouldn’t have cried if the pawn went home.
Britney then talked to Matt again suggesting he goes up as a Pawn to win the veto, as he has his best chance of beating Brendan. Matt begged her basically not to.
At the nominations, Britney went with the plan to put Enzo up against Brendan. She told Enzo this is not an attack on him, he just hasn’t been on the block. She said Brendan was after her last week, so she is looking out for herself.
Brendan was pissed, saying she went back on her word. Enzo said he was going to win and then get Matt up on the block. Matt was sitting pretty as he felt either one of them leaving was fine with him.
Some SPOILERS below as to how things have gone down since this episode!
The veto was played, and apparently Hayden won 5000 dollars and a Hawaii trip.
Brendan won the veto, but also for 24 hours was chained to Britney and has to take hourly dunks in this nasty tank of crud.
Enzo meanwhile had to get stuck in the penguin suit.
Matt looks to go on the block as the replacement nom. Hayden and Enzo are telling her they can have a final 4 deal with Lane, but it seems they too want her gone ASAP.
The houseguests also seem to have figured it’s a double elimination week coming up.
Big Brother 12: Diamond Veto Eviction Edition and New HOH
Posted by Dustin on 08.19.2010 at 7:39 pm
As usual, the show began with a recap of the last episode and Matt going on the block. Matt however knew with the Diamond Power of Veto, he would chose who goes home. . . but would it also make him a target of others? Both Hayden and Enzo have realized they need to get Matt out as he has too many votes and people in his pocket.
Ragan still feels bad that Matt is on the block, as he’s playing for his sick dying wife . . . which is just a big fat lie!
Matt tried to find out how Enzo and Hayden were feeling about the votes . . . knowing if they were going to keep Lane then he might need a new alliance and could send one of them home.
Matt learned Kathy learned about the pretzel message that Rachel left targeting him, and because Kathy didn’t tell him, she became a big target for him.
Lane felt Enzo up about how he and Hayden’s vote, and he felt he had their vote as well as Britney’s. The Brigade felt sure that Matt would be going home.
Matt began to realize that Enzo was planning to get rid of him, so Enzo became a target of his too.
Ragan took his next job, leaving a note that says “I know your secret!” He left it under Enzo’s pillow, and Kathy was asleep in the room at the time when Enzo found it.
Enzo told Kathy and Hayden, because they are in his room. Soon everyone in the house knew. Um maybe Enzo shouldn’t be telling everyone, as the note is bad for him . . . but now everything thinks Kathy is the saboteur because Kathy made the beds.
Matt of course loved it, because if he puts Kathy up, she’ll go home and he’ll look like a hero for getting out the saboteur.
We went to the living room, where Julie talked to the house guests about Rachel’s return to the house. Julie also told them that the saboteur is still in the house, but their reign of terror is over.
Before the vote, we had to learn how Lane and Britney’s family are reacting to their flirtatious friendship. Lane family and friends think he likes her, but Britney’s family think she’ll be loyal to her fiance.
Julie then went to the living room, told Matt to plead his case first. Matt stood up and took a ton of shots at Brendon, and then revealed he has the diamond power of veto. Julie told them that Matt received this for opening Pandora’s box, and what it does. Everyone was stunned.
Brendan and Ragan were safe, and he put up Kathy up (dumbest move ever not taking out Britney!). Lane and Kathy made their speeches, and it is no shock that Kathy was sent home unanimously.
Kathy was sent out the door and talked to Julie Chen. Kathy was mostly hurt that she didn’t have time to say goodbye to anyone, but she had no hard feelings.
BEfore the HOH, we learned the house guests had to play “Big Brother Says.” Clearly what they were told to do would be part of the HOH competition (they were reviewing this all last night, now that makes sense!)
The game was True/False based on “Big Brother Says” and in the end, Britney won the HOH!
We know Brendon will go on the block for sure this week, and unless he wins POV he’ll also be the one to leave.
Big Brother 12: The Bitch Is Back Bitches!
Posted by Dustin on 08.18.2010 at 8:30 pm
So I never saw Sunday’s Big Brother, therefore I felt the need to make a post about tonight’s episode . . . even though I already kinda had in another post this weekend.
Basically Ragan won the veto, which meant someone else had to go up. In a twist, Hayden and Enzo bonded over the fact neither would shed tears to see Matt go, because he has too many people in his pocket. The Brigade, and Britney and Ragan. They have been trying to make deals with Brendan on the feeds all week too.
Ragan meanwhile cried to Britney that he would hate if she went up and home, as she is such a good person and he loves her. Really? This is the woman you host a bitchy talk show with every night and bitch about all the other house guests. She’s a good person? I will say her nasty rants about everyone in the house in the diary room are in fact the most entertaining part of the show!
Brendan the HOH opened Pandora’s Box. He was whisked away to a 24 hour vacation at the Jury House. Rachel meanwhile was sent back into the game. Brendon, it would seem, was lead to believe by Big Brother that he’d be on vacation with Rachel. NOT!
Upon returning, Rachel immediately got into a fight with Ragan, who tore into her about being a horrid person. Ragan went into this speech about how horrible she was, and how this game was more about treating people with class and she can’t do that. She fired back with “Do you feel the need to be the biggest bitch because your gay?” This has lead to a lot of sites on the internet to accuse Rachel of being a homophobe (which Ragan also did in his own way). I don’t think Rachel is a homophobe at all, and I do think Ragan is a bitch 🙂
The fights were the final straw for me. Ragan is the biggest smack talker in this game next to his BFF Britney. All he has done is bitch and be nasty about people behind their backs. I’m not sure what moral high horse in the clouds he lives on, but he showed himself later when he really tore into Rachel telling her how she’ll get what’s coming to her, all she does is walk all over people, and how she is a nasty devil. Rachel might not have been the nicest person in the world, yes she could be a bitch, yes her voice is like nails on a chalkboard sometimes . . . but Ragan is just as bad! She tried to tell him this was a game, but he kept going off on his moral crusade about how you win is by treating people with respect (but then talking about them behind their backs like he does.). Has he watched this show? The nice guy rarely ever wins!
Rachel left Brendan a pretzel message to put up Matt before she had to leave. Ironically what we didn’t see on air is that Rachel and Ragan did have a heart to heart and made up. I don’t know how much of that was Ragan basically realizing in fact yes he has to kiss her butt to get her vote though. My guess is if I tune into the feeds or After Dark tonight, Ragan with be bitching about Rachel and Bredan still with Britney.
Brendan returned and got Rachel’s message. He had a talk with Britney and warned her that it was between her and Matt going up. Britney swore on her boyfriend she wouldn’t put him up if she won HOH next week. Next Ragan talked to Brendan and tried to save Matt.
The houseguests got another video from the saboteur (Ragan) who warned them there was a competition tomorrow that will change the course of the game. Later though the saboteur told them it was a hoax, there was no competition, it was just him keeping them on their toes. The whole thing was to make everyone paranoid and sleep deprived.
BTW, there was another message not shown, that two people in the house were in fact childhood friends, and it was a male and a female (Not sure if they showed this Sunday night when I missed it).
At the veto meeting Ragan saved himself, and Brendan put Matt on the block. Of course we know Matt has the diamond power of veto, so he will most definitely put Britney or Kathy up. My guess is he’ll put Britney up because she is a competitor and Kathy will be easy to take out when needed.
PErsonally, I hope to see Matt go home next week after this move and “The Brigade” realize maybe they can’t trust Matt at all. I’d also like to see him on the block against Ragan, because then we’ll see how his moral compass helps him play this game 🙂