The Winner of Big Brother 10!

The Winner of Big Brother 10!

Posted by Dustin on 09.16.2008 at 10:03 pm

The final of “Big Brother 10” aired tonight, which involved the jury house asking their questions of the final 2 and then diliberating as to who to vote for and why.

We saw the first six jurors meet as Jerry showed up as the final juror. Jerry explained what happened in the final. Everyone soon realized Memphis and Dan had an alliance and played them all. Everyone soon began arguing, especially with Jerry for failing to put Dan and Memphis up together when he had the chance and sending Renny out. They all discussed who deserved the money. Renny and Keesha felt Memphis was cold and cutthroat. Keesha felt Dan’s best move was to get people to like him, and she does still like him. Michelle however didn’t like how she was sent out, and April felt he was bitter and heartless. Renny said Dan was a very immature young man. Libra pointed out this was a game, and Ollie admitted they played well. Ollie said they had to vote on who played the best game. Michelle knew Dan backdooring her was the best move he could have made. Michelle then talks about the trip and Dan picked her to go on, and how she knew Dan did it to schmooze her. Keesha felt Dan played a better game, Memphis laid back. Jerry said Memphis let Dan do the dirty work, but he was able to get others to do everything for him. April said Memphis played people not competitions, and she felt he played the stronger game. Renny thinks she can’t give Memphis her vote as he never won and HOH and played everyone in here.

The jury members got to ask their questions of the final two. Of the interesting questions, Michelle asked why Dan he picked her for the trip (he said he felt he played dirty with her and wanted to make it up to her) and if the plan to backdoor her was his idea or his alliances (he said partly his, but his alliance also came through). Michelle also wanted to know why she should give Memphis the money when he never won an HOH and purposely threw some, so he said. Ollie asked Dan about the deal and why he did what he did to him. Dan said he had to make whatever deal he could to get him to give up that night. Renny asked Memphis one thing he did for her in the game, but he couldn’t! He claimed he was up front with her and never hid anything from her. Keesha asked Memphis why he picked Jerry over her, and if he has any remorse. Memphis said it was the hardest move he had to make, but from a game standpoint he had to do it. Jerry wanted to know if Dan had any respect for them in the jury house. Dan said he did. Dan and Memphis then got their chance to make their final statements as why they should vote for each of them.

Julie then welcomed the jury out onto the stage to cast their votes. The votes were secretly put it without the audience knowing. The first four members evicted were then brought back to give the jury some comments which they saw watching the TV. Brian told Ollie his temper tantrum was a tad shocking, the same with Michelle attacking Libra being a mother. Steven also said Jerry’s actions calling Dan Judas was pretty terrible, considering he didn’t keep his words either.

Julie told the house that there was no plant, there was no America’s Player all season long, but there was a player for one week. She revealed Dan was AP for one week.

Julie then revealed who the jurors voted for. Libra: Dan, April: Dan, Michelle: Dan, Ollie: Dan! With four votes, Dan won Big Brother 10. Julie did reveal the last 3 votes also went to Dan.

Julie then revealed America’s favorite juror, who won 25K. In second place was Jerry, but the favorite juror was Keesha.


Big Brother 10: The Final Two!

Big Brother 10: The Final Two!

Posted by Dustin on 09.11.2008 at 8:56 pm

Tonight the final two on Big Brother were decided. We saw a recap of Keesha’s exit and Dan explaining he told Keesha about Michelle because he wanted no secrets between them. He also hoped she’d help swing the votes in the house his way.

Dan won the first HOH competition, which was an endurance competition. Dan and Memphis meanwhile played it that that were angry with one another, Dan over what Memphis did to Keesha. Jerry fell for it all. Dan also began worrying as the original plan was for Dan to win the first HOH, but Memphis kept hanging on. Memphis claimed he only did so to make sure Jerry knew he wasn’t throwing it.

Not shown on air: Memphis hung out with Jerry all day and night while Dan stayed in the HOH room. This was to keep up their charade they didn’t like each other.

Jerry and Memphis battled it out in round two playing a speed trivia round, which Memphis won.

We saw Keesha head to the jury hourse to meet her rivals. Renny was glad to see her, but April was just glad to see her lose. Keesha explained that Memphis evicted her, and she felt he was a coward because he was carried through the game by her and others. Everyone in the house watched her DVD and Keesha and Michelle realized Dan worked them both for a vote and to get the house to vote for him too. Keesha and Michelle both felt Dan was a smart player.

The final competition was played live between Dan and Memphis tonight and was a trivia game based on statements the former house guests made about the game. They had to guess an A or B answer for points. The winner and final HOH is Dan.

The live eviction took place and it was no shock that Dan sent Jerry packing. After he left, Dan and Memphis started jumping all around and celebrating.

Jerry talked with Julie, she asked who he’d vote for if he had to vote for now? Jerry felt Dan and Memphis were both good players, he didn’t know who he’d vote for. In his goodbye message, Dan congratulated him for as far as he got and there was no hard feelings between them as far as he was concerned. Memphis also said he thought of him of a friend and he respected how far he got.

Julie made a final important announcement, that America’s Vote is now open and who we chose will win 25K. You can vote now free at until Monday.

The finale airs next Tuesday.


Big Brother: Home Stretch

Big Brother: Home Stretch

Posted by Dustin on 09.10.2008 at 12:50 pm

Just a note, the final HOH will be crowned this Thursday live, and will send the the last house guest out live to reveal the final two. The game should then finish on Sunday with the winner being crowned.


Big Brother Final 3 and the Final HOH Competition

Big Brother Final 3 and the Final HOH Competition

Posted by Dustin on 09.09.2008 at 9:36 pm

Tonight was the POV competition, the live POV ceremony and eviction. We also got to see Dan’s trip to an island with Michelle.

First there was the nominations aftermath, with Keesha being grateful and thinking Dan really had her back as he said. Jerry of course thinks he can use the situation to his advantage. Jerry thought Keesha was sitting way too pretty and told Memphis as much. He wanted Memphis to win the POV for him, or he would win it for him and they’d send Keesha out.

Dan went on his island trip with Michelle. Michelle was surprised to see him and couldn’t believe he picked her. She seemed very grateful and Dan laid the charm on her. Dan outright told her that Memphis, Keesha and Renny knew what he was planning to do with back dooring her. Dan asked her if she thought he had any chance of winning. She didn’t know. Dan asked what if it came down to him and Memphis? She said out of everyone in the jury house, she hinted she could swing people. Michelle did have fun on her trip and was grateful Dan picked her of all people.

The POV competition was played, which involved matching names of house guests with their actions in past veto competitions. Dan threw the competition so that Memphis could end up winning it.

Memphis and Dan discussed who they should keep. Keesha came to see them, she hoped Memphis wouldn’t be voting her out. Memphis didn’t really answer the question. Keesha went off on her own, she began to realize they were going to evict her. Keesha went to see Memphis and Dan. She confronted them and wanted to know if she was being evicted. She could tell just by the look on Memphis’ face that he was kicking her out. He said he wasn’t and to stop. She said she knew they were voting her out. Keesha said she wanted to know before hand. She said she didn’t get this far by not being able to read people. She says don’t think she will vote for who sends her out and don’t think she won’t be talking to the jury house. Keesha stormed out and Memphis went to talk to her. She wanted him to at least tell her or tell her why. He said he came to say he was sorry, which she knew meant she was gone. She was furious and wanted to know how long they’d been lying to her. She felt so stupid for sticking up for them both. She couldn’t believe they’d send her home and keep Jerry.

Keesha then had her conversation with Dan, which I recapped in last night’s post. Keesha said she had both of their back’s throughout this game. Basically she believed Dan was a good guy and hoped he’d win it, but said she wouldn’t be surprised if Jerry won in the end. What Keesha doesn’t know is that Dan knew Memphis was going to vote her out and they discussed it!

Everyone was assembled for the live POV ceremony and immediate vote. Memphis used the veto, which put Keesha on the block. Keesha and Jerry were allowed to address Memphis with their “please don’t vote me out” speeches. Keesha refused to speak to Memphis in her speech, she thanked Dan for being there for her and she wished him luck! Memphis stood and cast his vote to evict Keesha.

Before leaving Dan gave her a message and told her something (which he promised her he would, but not until the last moment). Keesha went out to meet Julie. Julie asked what Dan whispered, he said he took Michelle on the trip. On the bottom of the thing Dan gave Keesga was the message “hot.” Keesha didn’t understand what that meant. Keesha then watched the messages from the houseguests. Memphis claimed this vote made sense in his game and hoped she could forgive him. Jerry wished her a good life. Dan told Keesha he tried to keep her and this was hard to see her go.

In the house, Dan yelled to someone that if “they” thought he was taking them to the end, forget it. I think he said it to Jerry, but I’m not sure.

Part one of the final HOH competition began. As usual, it was an endurance competition for part one. They were all standing on on little planes that went into the air and moved around as they were rained on and other usual things. The winner of round 1 would advance to round 3, the winner of round 2 would face off with the winner of round 1 in the final round.

At this point, I hope Dan wins the whole thing. If it comes down to Memphis and Jerry, go Jerry! Don’t like him, but think Memphis rode his way to the end and didn’t get his hands dirty at all. Smart yes, but still an easy way to get to the end.

Results of the HOH competition below, at this point at least as much as I know.

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Big Brother: Dan Makes His Nominations

Big Brother: Dan Makes His Nominations

Posted by Dustin on 09.07.2008 at 9:09 pm

With Dan the new HOH, he would have to nominate two people this week. However first there was a luxury competition which involved a sumo wrestler in the living room sitting on some important envelope they needed to get. Dan saw the envelope and knew he needed to get it. When the wrestler stood up to do his moves, Dan grabbed it. The luxury competition involved a trip out of the house to somewhere. It was also stated that this trip could change the whole game.

Keesha knew Dan and Memphis were a team, and that she was now alone. She was missing Renny, but vowed to give them a run for their money. Memphis and Dan meanwhile were trying to figure out who the best person to take the jury house would be. Jerry is talking about how if Keesha makes it to the end, she’ll win because the girls will vote for a woman to win.

After Dan got to see his HOH room, the luxury comp was set up. A man in a gorilla suit snuck into the house and walked into the diary room to reveal they were Jessie! Jessie woke everyone up, where in the back yard they found all sorts of objects which were clues that made up a phrase. They had three hours to make three guesses in the diary room. The first person to make the correct guess would be given a trip out of the house that could impact the game. As they tried to figure it out, the gorilla/Jessie followed them around and mocked them. He never revealed himself to them.

After the three hours were up the gorilla came out and made a noise to alert them who he was and Dan figured out the gorilla was Jessie. They ran into the house to find the gorilla’s glove was on Jessie’s key under his picture. They were sure the gorilla was Jessie.,

The winner of the competition ended up being Dan! In the diary room Dan was told he had won a private helicopter trip to a remote beach for the day and can take one of the housemates or a jury member of his choice. Dan opted to take Michelle, thinking it could get her on his side. Plus if he took a house guest then it would make it look like sides or deals were made. Dan then lied, claiming he was told he could take one of them or go on his own, which he claimed he chose so it wouldn’t cause hard feelings.

Dan had to make his nominations. He nominated Jerry and Memphis, but did so to try and make sure Memphis would go to the end with him.

Jerry thinks Dan has turned on Memphis, and he can use this to his advantage. Keesha meanwhile thinks maybe Dan would want to take her to the end and not Memphis.

If you want to know who wins the POV, read on!

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Big Brother: Final 4 and the New HOH

Big Brother: Final 4 and the New HOH

Posted by Dustin on 09.04.2008 at 8:53 pm

Renny and Keesha are on the block, and the decision as to who goes home is in Dan and Memphis’ hands.

Renny is furious, but won’t campaign against Keesha. Keesha said she didn’t want to lose Renny, but she didn’t want to leave either. Memphis feels he can only trust Dan, while Jerry feels screwed over by Memphis. Jerry wants Memphis punished and that once again he’s alone. Dan of course is thrilled.

Jerry talked to Keesha, he told her he wanted Dan out this week and he thinks Memphis and Dan are planning to go to final 2. Jerry wanted to make a deal with Keesha for final 2 at this point. Jerry also told her that she probably knows at this point, Memphis has an agreement with everyone. Keesha did have a deal with Memphis too, now she’s wondering.

Jerry then tried to put thoughts in Dan’s head, that he wanted Dan to make a deal with him to get to the final three. Jerry told him if one of the girls gets to the end, they will win over any of them.

Dan and Keesha talked, they soon realize what Jerry’s game was. They then talked to Memphis about Jerry’s game. After Keesha went off, Dan tells Memphis they have to be careful with Keesha!

Keesha and Renny got drunk together and cried together. Renny told her she wanted her to be a mother, and she would never forget her and she was very special to her.

We got to see the jury house and the reunion of Libra, April, Michelle and Ollie. They watched the DVDs each brought with them to compare notes. April and Michelle couldn’t talk enough smack about Keesha at all. Dan was the other person they gave it to. Ollie, upon entering the house, got his answer from April, who agreed to be his first girlfriend.

The live vote occurred, Memphis and Dan both voted and evicted Renny. Renny talked with Julie about her exit. Renny got to watch the exit messages the guests taped.

They played the HOH game, which was a true/false trivia game and Dan is the new HOH.


Big Brother: On the Block and POV Spoilers . . .

Big Brother: On the Block and POV Spoilers . . .

Posted by Dustin on 09.01.2008 at 4:08 pm

Last night Jerry won HOH and put up Keesha and Dan, saying it was strictly game play.

The POV has been played, won and used. Read on if you can’t wait till Tuesday . . .

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The New HOH Has Been Crowned!

The New HOH Has Been Crowned!

Posted by Dustin on 08.29.2008 at 12:06 am

If you can’t wait till Sunday, keep reading . . .

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Big Brother: Double Eviction Night!

Big Brother: Double Eviction Night!

Posted by Dustin on 08.28.2008 at 9:13 pm

Spoilers for those not on Eastern Time!

Tonight was the night, the double eviction of this season. This meant the first eviction happened sooner than normal. But first a mini-video recap of the POV ceremony and the aftermath which included Ollie and Michelle blowing up and telling Keesha and Renny how Dan is a plant, he set them all up. Ollie also told them about his deal with Dan. Completely edited out was Ollie’s homophobic outburst at Memphis! Left in was Ollie’s blow-up when he went on a rampage and started breaking things.

Michelle then confronted Dan about why he’d do that to her. She thinks she’s the one person who hasn’t screwed him. Dan said he had no problem with her, but he wasn’t going to give Ollie all that power. Michelle then cried to the diary room that being back-doored isn’t fun and she doesn’t believe anything that comes out of Dan’s mouth.

Julie then informed the house guests that tonight would be a “Double Eviction.” Julie then started the votes to evict either Jerry or Michelle, allowing them to speak. Keesha voted to evict Michelle, as did Memphis. Ollie voted to evict Jerry. Renny then voted to evict Michelle, officially sending her home.

Julie talked with Michelle about her eviction. Michelle told Julie how something isn’t right about Dan, how she thinks he is a plant and there to make everyone look like a fool. Julie then told Michelle he was not a plant, which may make him the ultimate player. Michelle then says he’s crazy and she’s sure he’s going to be next to be evicted.

The new HOH comp was played, they had to guess on “future paper headlines” that viewers voted on as the best match for the current house guests. They had to figure out who we felt the headline matched. It came down to Jerry and Keesha, and they had to answer a question with a number. Keesha beat out Jerry to win HOH.

Keesha had to immediately nominate two, she put up Ollie and Jerry since they were on the opposite side of her last week, while the others have stood by her side.

The veto competition then occurred. Everyone played in the veto, which involved them digging through hay stacks to find two veto medallions. By the end of the competition, Dan won the POV!

Ollie and Jerry were allowed to make their pleas to Dan, and Dan decided not to use the veto as certain people stood behind each other in this house this past week. The house guests then had to vote and unanimously voted Ollie out. Ollie walked out and just said “See you later man, good luck.”

Jerry felt insulted that Ollie didn’t even talk to him. Keesha told Jerry no hard feelings and good luck to him. Dan also hoped Jerry they could talk now more personally. Memphis always told him they are all good at this point. (On a side note, last night Jerry was saying horrible things about Memphis, Dan and Keesha to Ollie and Michelle!)

Ollie talked with Julie. He told her how he was a bit confused by Dan’s actions. Julie said Dan betrayed him, which he did week one with Brian. Ollie said he knew that, it’s an eye for an eye and this game is a game. Ollie says he was upset by how Dan played and mocked everyone (too bad they didn’t show Ollie’s name calling tirade!). Julie then asked him some questions about April.

As for the new HOH for the rest of this week. It will be either Renny, Dan, Memphis or Jerry. I am guessing the competition for the new HOH begins immediately or at some point tonight. I’ll know more later tonight with “After Dark.”


Double Eviction This Week On Big Brother!

Double Eviction This Week On Big Brother!

Posted by Dustin on 08.27.2008 at 12:26 am

During “After Dark,” the scrolling announcements that appear on the bottom of the screen to update people on what has been going on indicated it would be a double eviction this Thursday!
