Army Wives Season 7 Finale

Army Wives Season 7 Finale

Posted by Dustin on 06.09.2013 at 10:30 pm

So tonight was the big “Army Wives” Season Seven finale. For me though, there was nothing really big about it. This reminded me a lot of the Season Five finale, where they all toasted to one another at a dinner. We were left with a group possibly saying goodbye to one another with the base appearing to be closed, but later saved in the final hour. It was a happy medium, and an end to the show if they weren’t to get another season. They did however, and now we find ourselves in the same predicament. From this episode’s end it is clear the future is up in the air again, so instead of leaving us with a huge cliffhanger like last year, they opted for the happy medium like in Season Five. There of course were some cliff hangers, but nothing like a plane going down.

Tim had to face what he did to Holly, and with Hector and the others’ help, finally went off to a hospital to get treated for his PTSD.

Denise walked in on Michael and Kat sharing a kiss and was furious. She felt he was disrespecting Claudia Joy. Later after Kat talked to her, she told Michael she wanted him to be happy and she didn’t want her feelings getting in the way of that. It wasn’t really her full blessing, but it was a compromise. Kat and Michael planned to take things very slowly.

Tasha’s husband learned he was cleared to go back to the army, so their future looked bright. Their money troubles, and medical troubles for their son, were in the clear for now.

Gloria knew she had to choose between Pat and Hector. Both men showed her their best sides in this episode. Gloria was advised to chose the man she couldn’t see herself living without.

The end of the episode was Joan’s retirement celebration. She and the family were moving to D.C. for Roland’s new job. At the party Pat’s mom introduced Pat to Kat’s daughter. She thought he could give her pointers about heading into the Army, and maybe hoped for something more? Kat’s daughter clearly took a liking to Pat . . .

Gloria saw Pat talking to Kat’s daughter and realized she had made her choice. However before she would say who, she wanted to tell the man she chose. The show ended with the current “Army Wives” posing for a picture, along with various flashbacks from this and previous seasons.

So we don’t know how Tim will end up, and we don’t know who Gloria choose. My guess is we are supposed to guess she chose Hector? I would like her to choose Pat, only because Hector blew it once with her big time. I think we can also assume Tim will get better.

Was it a great ending? No. Was it better than some insane cliff hanger that would never get resolved if the show is not renewed? Absolutely.

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Army Wives

Army Wives and Client List June 2013 Spoilers . . . Season Finales!

Army Wives and Client List June 2013 Spoilers . . . Season Finales!

Posted by Dustin on 05.19.2013 at 4:48 pm

Included in this post are the spoiler for “Army Wives” and “Client List” for June. Note, the “Army Wives” finale is June 9th, and “Client List” has a double episode finale June 16th. Then “Drop Dead Diva” should be returning! There are also no new shows for Memorial Day Weekend, so after tonight’s shows for both there is a gap until June . . .

Read on for the spoilers!

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Army Wives and Client List Thoughts . . . April 2013

Army Wives and Client List Thoughts . . . April 2013

Posted by Dustin on 04.24.2013 at 7:56 pm

These are just some of my random thoughts on both “Army Wives” and “The Client List.”

As much as I like Maggie, the other new wives are still failing to click with me and I’m really missing the friendships of the original wives. At this point Denise just seems to be stuck in stories here and there, which I think is unfortunate.

I do like Gloria and Pamela, and the conflict it brought between her and Jackie was interesting, but short lived. They made up awfully fast. I’m hoping the conflict between Hector and Patrick will be more exciting.

Brooke Shield’s joined as the Air Force captain/colonel/general/whatever and is already on Michael and Joan’s bad side with her spoiled ass behavior, doing whatever it takes to get her way. I hope they don’t plan on rushing Michael into a relationship with her character as Claudia Joy’s barely cold. However my guess is that is where this will eventually lead.

Over on “The Client List,” Reilly finally went all the way with a client as she was floundering in bills and couldn’t resist a 50,000 dollar payday. What I want to know is how she thinks she’ll be able to fly under the radar with all this spending money? The feds were watching her like a hawk, suspecting Kyle gave her money from his illegal activities. He did, but she gave it back. Now she’s got a boatload of cash that she’s spending. Shouldn’t they be questioning where this is all coming from?

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Army Wives May 2013 Spoilers!

Army Wives May 2013 Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 04.21.2013 at 7:38 pm

Below are spoilers for “Army Wives” for May! Read on for them . . .

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Army Wives

Army Wives and Client List Thoughts

Army Wives and Client List Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 04.09.2013 at 8:07 pm

“Army Wives”
The latest episode of “Army Wives” definitely brought the drama back, and began to endear me a little more to some of the newer wives.

Gloria and Hector signed their divorce papers, and Gloria moved in with Holly. Holly needed a roommate to split expenses, plus she was lonely with her husband in the field. Gloria needed a place to live until she found something more permanent. Gloria also met a new guy at The Hump, Patrick. He asked her out, but she didn’t want to rush into dating again. However Jackie pushed her, so she accepted. Little does either of them know, the guy is Jackie’s “favored son” Patrick! Oh Boy! Not only that, but he dropped the bomb on his mom that he’s enlisted and is going to be shipping out ASAP. Of course he’ll be joining the same division where Hector is, and I’m sure it won’t be long before they both realize they have photos of the same girl. Oh boy!

Once again Joan, Latasha and Maggie’s sons got themselves into trouble! Joan went a little bit overboard and berated both mothers for not being around and watching the kids, when she sends David to their house she expects supervision. Latasha let her have it later on, telling her she never expected such a blasting from a fellow army wife, a fellow sister, and from “Ask Colonel Joan” who she respected. I think this was the first time I liked her, and Joan got the memo loud and clear and later apologized. I do however want to talk about Latasha’s son . . . Deuce. Could we not come up with a better name for this kid? I’m sorry but every time I hear it, I just think of what it’s slang for . . .

The drama between Maggie, Eddie and their kids continues. Eddie’s daughter is a spoiled brat who needs to be put in her place, and Eddie feels Maggie’s son and his troubles reflect badly on him. Both kids need to just be grounded!

“The Client List”
On “The Client List” I am loving the interaction between Selena and the new male masseuse Derek. Who thought I’d ever like Selena? Derek is pretty nice to look at too!

Lacey and Dale, who have been trying to get pregnant for awhile now, got devastating news. Lacey’s eggs are the issue and they have a 10% chance of getting pregnant. Why oh why do I see them asking Riley to be a surrogate at some point?

Riley meanwhile called it quits with Evan after her daughter saw them kiss and became upset. She felt she for some insane reason owed it to her kids and to Kyle not to fully give up on him, their family and marriage. Oh brother!

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Army Wives and Client List April 2013 Spoilers . . . .

Army Wives and Client List April 2013 Spoilers . . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.31.2013 at 6:37 pm

Spoilers for both shows below the jump. I’ll update the “Army Wives” spoilers soon with longer descriptions when I get them.

Sneak Peaks before the full blown spoilers . . .

On “Army Wives,” Gloria moves on with a new man, Maggie faces tension from Eddie’s daughter Caroline, the group works to raise money for a memorial garden for Claudia Joy, Brooke Shields joins the show and butts heads with Michael.

On “Client List,” Selena and the new male masseuse Derek seem to have chemistry, Riley remembers a long forgotten dream, Evan continues in the the police academy and grows close to a fellow cadette Shelby, Kyle remains in jail and winds up in trouble for fighting, Riley and Evan part ways!

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Army Wives: The New Tribe Bonds . . .

Army Wives: The New Tribe Bonds . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.26.2013 at 8:11 pm

The latest episode of “Army Wives” served to be a bonding moment for the new wives, and the ascension of Denise and Jackie’s roles in a way.

Denise is taking care of the Burton kids while Roland is at John Hopkins. David befriends Maggie and Latasha’s son’s ant school, and they all get into trouble for making a makeshift bomb on the playground out of an MRE, and have to do a project together. This brings them, as well as Maggie and Latasha to Denise’s house one evening.

That evening the news comes out that there is an explosion at the base in Afghanistan. Kevin had just returned to the field too! Jackie high tales it to Denise’s house, and eventually Gloria (worried about Hector) and Holly (worried about her husband, played by Jessie McCartney) show up as well.

All the girls sit around and talk. Denise basically becomes the new Claudia Joy of the group, and Jackie assumes Denises old role. Of course this is ironic as Jackie is technically Claudia Joy and the head of the FRG now that CJ is gone. My guess is it won’t be long before Denise is appointed her co-chair. Denise takes their minds off the news and gets them all to tell how they met their spouses. This all helps the new tribe bond.

Michael meanwhile is working to find out the truth for everyone, and Maggie’s husband Eddie is assigned to work with him. We knew he had gotten himself into some kind of trouble before, which is why he didn’t want to make waves about the housing situation. We learned a little more about that this week. Michael noted at his old base he was a rank higher, what happened? Eddie didn’t want to talk too much about it yet, but said it involved his ex-wife. We learned she had some issues, and he took this job to move their daughter away from her basically, even with a downgraded rank.

By the end of the episode none of the tribe had lost any spouses, a suicide bomber blew himself up. A lot of misinformation made it around the net and the news. The girls bonded, and Jackie got Maggie and Eddie into a house finally. They became Latasha’s next door neighbors. So it’s a redux of Pamela and Roxie in a way, though Holly is the new Roxie and Maggie is more Pamela’s type.

To be honest, Maggie is the only one of the new wives I actually have warmed up to and feel an attachment to. She definitely reminds me of Pamela a lot. I think that is why I like her.

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Army Wives: Meet The New Wives!

Army Wives: Meet The New Wives!

Posted by Dustin on 03.17.2013 at 11:06 pm

The second part of the two-parter season seven premier aired tonight, which finally introduced us to the new wives, while saying goodbye to others.

Denise, Pamela, Roxy, Roland, Emmalynn and Michael gathered to say goodbye to Claudia Joy. As requested, no big service was held, nobody wore black. They said goodbye, reading a letter she wrote just in case, and spread her ashes into the water.

Shortly after the funeral Pamela had to hop a plane back to L.A., while Roxy stuck around a little longer. By the end though she too had to go. Trevor is apparently still driving across South Dakota with the boys.

Denise and Roxy helped Michael and Emmalynn deal with things. Emmalynn once again wanted to take a semester off, much as she did before with Claudia Joy and her many health scares, but Michael wouldn’t have it. He sent her back to college by the end of the episode.

Throughout the episode we met the new batch of wives. First there was the very young Holly. She’s 18, just married, and her husband is in Afganistan. She shows up at The Hump with a home baked pie hoping they might want to sell them. Gloria gives her the cold shoulder, saying they don’t do desserts, but takes it to basically get rid of her. It’s Roxy who later eats it and decides to have her bake their desserts as it’s the best pie she’s ever eaten.

Maggie (Melissa from Pretty Little Liars) is a hard-ass retired Airborne Ranger who is newly married to an Army Staff Sergeant who apparently has some blemishes on his record. They each come to the marriage with two kids. They’ve been stuck in a one room hotel because the base housing is backed up due to the air force and army bases mergers. She goes to a town hall meeting, run by Jackie, to complain about this.

At the meeting is also Latasha. She comes off as a very well dressed, and clearly pampered wife in some respects. She’s at the town hall to complain about how long it takes dropping her kids off at school because the base doesn’t have enough personel to keep one of the gates open, which would make her commute easier. She thinks someone can volunteer for the rush hour to do it!

Latasha and Maggie end up going to The Hump together to get some drinks after they think their complaining has fallen on deaf ears. At the bar Holly is enjoying herself with some root beer and the juke box when some truckers hit on her and won’t take no for an answer. Maggie comes to her aid, a fight breaks out, and all the wives (Gloria and Roxy included) wind up in the hospital where Denise is the nurse! She wonders what went on.

Elsewhere, Roland gets a job offer at John’s Hopkins and plans to move himself and the kids there. It’s only temporary, and he’d be back before Joan’s current tour ends. She wasn’t initially happy about it, but agrees to let him do this as he is the one on the homefront and not her.

Next week the new and old wives are brought closer by news of an explosion over in Afganistan that rocks the base their men are at.

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Army Wives Season 7 Spoilers, Client List Season 2 Spoilers

Army Wives Season 7 Spoilers, Client List Season 2 Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 03.17.2013 at 11:53 am

Spoilers for March shows for “Army Wives” and “The Client List.” Highlights include . . . .

– On “Army Wives,” Joan is ordered to return home from combat early, while Kevin is ready to return.
– On “The Client List,” Riley hires some new girls at the spa, including a male masseur! Oh and Trevor Donovan (Days, 90210) guests!

Read on for the full spoilers!

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Army Wives Spoilers! Season 7 . . .

Army Wives Spoilers! Season 7 . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.03.2013 at 1:45 pm

Spoilers from the TV Listings, I’ll update these as more official information comes out, likely as the season begins along with the season premier . As you can see the first episode is being kept fairly “secret,” though we all know what happens at this point. RIP Claudia Joy!

March 10 – Ashes to Ashes
The people of Fort Marshall mourn the loss of one of their own.

March 17 – From The Ashes
The group comes together to say goodbye to a loved one.
Roxy and Gloria befriend a young Army wife.
Roland is offered an opportunity to expand his research work.
A fight breaks out at the Hump.

March 24 – Blowback
Denise has her hands full.
Latasha, Maggie and Denise are brought together when their boys get into trouble.
Jackie worries about Kevin’s return to battle.
Joan is surprised by her new orders.
News of an explosion rocks Fort Marshall.

March 31 – Home and Hearth
Joan is disappointed to be pulled from combat.
Latasha’s son is rushed to the emergency room.
Gloria receives her divorce papers.
Maggie and Eddie adjust to their new home.
The men are moved to a dangerous outpost in Afghanistan

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