Reality Roundup March ’12
Posted by Dustin on 03.14.2012 at 4:28 pm
Just some of my thoughts on some reality shows currently airing, or coming up soon!
Tonight is the Season 2 finale of “Face Off” on SyFy. I’m going to miss the show, but Season 3 is guaranteed. I don’t know who I want to win honestly. I think maybe Ian. I am sad that Sue got the boot last week. I like to cheer on the underdog . . . sometimes!
This week is also the first of a two part finale for “Project Runway All-Stars.” I am hoping Austin wins the whole she-band. I love Mondo, but sometimes his designes can be a bit out there. I’m sure we’ll be treated to a whole lot of Michael crying, and Kenley’s insane polka-dots!
“The Voice,” well honestly I haven’t been watching as of late. I’m sure I will get back into it. I just feel like during the blind rounds they passed over so many amazing singers, for ones who sometimes weren’t so amazing. After about an hour of the 2-hour shows I end up turning it off because my ears hurt and I keep wonder “What the hell were you thinking judge?”
I think I can safely say I’m done with “American Idol” for the season. Is anyone still watching? Every week I put it on, and turn it off quicker than “The Voice.” All those contestants and this bunch is who made it through? Some of these kids are just painful to listen to! Oh and can the show please just retire Whitney Houston songs? Randy tells them every year not to do them, and now they seem to want to do them even more!
“Dancing With The Stars” is coming up soon. I’m actually impressed with the line-up this year, they actually have more real stars than silly reality stars. Unfortunately for me, non of the real stars are anyone I care to tune in for. I’ll probably watch it when other shows are repeats . . . .
February Reality Round-up!
Posted by Dustin on 02.19.2012 at 8:01 pm
Just a “Reality TV” post with some thoughts on what I’m watching . . . or kinda watching.
As of yet, I have not caught “American Idol 11” fever. I’m sure once we get down to the top 13 or so I will be into it. Right now, I could care less. In fact the shows over the past week really annoyed me, and I feel speak to the desperate situation the show is in to get viewers. An entire Hollywood Week episode without a single performance? It was all group drama! I have always loathed Hollywood Week as is. The show is about finding a solo act, why do they do this? I get it’s a quick way to cut people, but I think they cut too many people who could have gone on to be amazing sometimes.
“The Voice” I am of course loving, watching every minute of, and they haven’t gotten out of audition rounds. Fox must really hate that this has become such a smash hit. There is talk NBC may go forward with a fall version given how popular it is. Bring it! I really love that they don’t put age limits on the artists as “American Idol” does. I get the two shows are looking for two differnt type of artists in the end . . . but really in the end it’s all about “The Voice” isn’t it? The one woman on who was in her fifties that Adam referred to as Chakka Kahn . . . she was amazing! She is my favorite so far. She is a true diva!
I have gotten into “Project Runway All Stars,” more than I thought I would given there is no Heidi or Tim or Michael or Nina . . . But I get the idea that the casts need “fresh” judges. As usual though I don’t agree with a lot of their decisions though. How could they send Rami home, he is amazing! Meanwhile Michael should have been sent home a week or so ago for that home-made Barbie doll clothes outfit he made. You know what I’m talking about if you watch the show! I believe it was the “Clothes Off Your Back” challenge. He made what looked like crocheted Barbie doll clothes . . .what Grandmas in the 70s and 80s would make for their grandkids because they were too cheap to buy the real clothes. Or just wanted to be crafty . . . I also thought Jerell should not have been safe in this last “Godspell” challenge because his model did not look rich at all. Austin should have won that one, hands down. Oh and when the hell are we going to send Kenley and those damn polka dots home?
As usual, I’m loving SyFy’s “Face Off.” It’s “Project Runway” meets a horror film. I wish though they’d send that awful Jerry home. Sometimes I think these reality shows keep the huge trouble makers around for the behind the scenes drama they cause . . . and he’s one of them!
I feel that this season’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race” is basically a total drag. Did they run out of competent Queens to compete? I really have no one on the show I love and am routing for. IF I had to pick I’d go with the Goth Queen (see I don’t even know her name) just because she’s so different and fun. I feel like they scraped the bottom of the barrel here.
Finally there is WE’s “Joan Knows Best.” I watched this last season and laughed my ass off. This season seems to be far more serious given Melissa and Jason’s relationship problems. If you even have seen the cover of a people magazine or have ever turned on “E,” well SPOILER ALERT . . . . you know she and Jason split up last year. Their split is going to be, it seems, the focus of this season. I feel bad watching this honestly . . . but given what Jason does . . . I can’t stop! If you never read the news bits . . . SPOILER ALERT! Melissa learns while she’s away on business Jason made “appearances” on “adult oriented websites.” I don’t know what that means, but my guess is he got caught on a web cam site somehow.
Reality Roundup January 2012
Posted by Dustin on 01.19.2012 at 1:50 pm
Just a quick post on some shows I’ve started watching (again) but don’t often think to regularly blog about.
SyFy’s special effects show “Face Off” is back, hosted by McKenzie Westmore of “Passions” fame. This show really is a guilty pleasure. It’s “Project Runway” meets sci-fi/horror make-up. I love it, though I often don’t agree with who they send home each week. The show just started back up, you can catch it on On-Demand.
Speaking of “Project Runway,” I was really excited about the “All Stars” series, until I found out there is no Heidi, no Tim, No Nina and no Michael. What’s the point? I haven’t seen it because I’ve been on vacation, but I’m sure Lifetime will have a marathon soon enough.
Over to Bravo is “Tabatha Takes Over.” No longer doing just Salons, she’s expanded to all sorts of businesses this season. I just love her take no shhhhhhh attitude. Love Tabatha!
Starting up soon will be “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” yet another guilty pleasure. Just love how down and dirty these drag queens get.
I only watched a little of the premier of “American Idol” last night. I usually enjoy the auditions, but this year other TV is winning me over. I’m sure I’ll get caught up in Idol-Mania soon enough, only to wonder why yet again. I’m not sure what the point of the show is anymore, as the people who win more often than not don’t go on to great careers . . . .