ABC October 2013 Spoilers . . .

ABC October 2013 Spoilers . . .

Posted by Dustin on 10.07.2013 at 1:43 pm

A few more spoilers for some upcoming ABC shows. I am going to try and jump into “Scandal.” I watched last week’s “Season 1 and 2 recap show,” but haven’t seen the season premier yet. I watched about five minutes of “Betrayal” and was bored by it. “Revenge” I haven’t even tried again either. I’m also doing my best to stay into “Agents of SHIELD” but it’s sadly losing me.

On “Once Upon A Time,” Tinkerbell arrives, and has a past with Regina of course.
On “Castle,” a hostage taker will only talk to Richard Castle.
On “Agents of SHIELD,” a mysterious woman with powers emerges.
On “Nashville,” Teddy plans to marry Peggy, who he thinks is pregnant.
On “Once Upon A Time In Wonderland,” Jafar and the Red Queen are at war! (Why is Jafar there?)
On “Grey’s,” Stephanie meets Jackson’s overbearing and overprotective mother. Run girl!

Read on for the full spoilers.

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Agents of Shield, Castle, Grey's Anatomy, Nashville, Once Upon A Time, Once Upon A Time In Wonderland

I’m Really Trying To Like You Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD

I’m Really Trying To Like You Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD

Posted by Dustin on 10.03.2013 at 11:22 am

I’m not giving up on it yet, but I’m not that into it either. This is a shame, as I really wanted to like “Agents of SHIELD.” It helps that there is pretty much nothing on against it, every other network probably knew that whatever was against it would get beaten in the ratings.

I get that this is supposed to be the human side of the story, not focused on the superheroes. However don’t we watch these movies and read the comics for the superheroes? My favorite part so far was when Nick Fury made a cameo at the end of the last episode, and the comment “Have you seen Thor’s body?” to the one guy’s response “Technically Thor isn’t really a God.”

The promos for next week, with the car in the tree and the tagline “their weirdest case yet” just made me worry that this is going to be a knock-off of “Fringe.”

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ABC/NBC September/October Spoilers . . . . Plus Other Show Musings

ABC/NBC September/October Spoilers . . . . Plus Other Show Musings

Posted by Dustin on 09.24.2013 at 9:08 pm

Still trying to 1) get accustom to the fact that Fall TV has started and 2) figure out everything I’m watching this year!

I haven’t decided on “Betrayal,” and I’m over “Revenge.” I meant to try and watch “Scandal” this summer but never did and don’t want to jump into it in the third season . . . Maybe I can still at some reasonable point catch up via on demand/hulu as I know the first season was only 8 episodes.

On other networks, I actually enjoyed “Elementary” last season on CBS, at least when I was able to catch up on shows. Thursday nights are just too full as is, so I would watch them on demand later on. I missed the premier of “Hostages” on CBS, I’ll catch it on demand, though I don’t know if it will really grab me. They’ve moved “Hawaii-Five-0” to the Friday death slot. I never covered it on here, and now I fear this is likely the final season.

On NBC I do plan to keep watching “Revolution,” even though last season irked me so badly. “Parenthood” and “Grimm” I of course adore.

On Fox of course is “Glee” and I think I’m probably adding in “Sleepy Hollow.” I just have to remember to DVR it!

Looking forward to “East End” on Lifetime.

Below are ABC and NBC show spoilers for those I know I plan on watching. Mini-spoilers before the full blown ones!

On “Grey’s Anatomy,” this is Christina’s last season, and possibly others. Richard is still alive though! Also the 200th episode with a big fund raiser ball.
On “Nashville,” Rayna’s in the hospital, Deacon’s in jail, Juliette’s all about herself. A new head at the record label will turn everything upside down though.
On “Agents of Shield,” watching the pilot right now and trying to figure it all out 🙂 Spoilers for the next two episodes though.
On “Once Upon A Time,” the search for Henry in Neverland is on. A new Robin Hood and the Little Mermaid are appearing in the first two episodes.
“Once Upon A Time In Wonderland” premiers. Alice tries to find a way back to Wonderland after coming home and everyone thinks she’s insane.
On “Parenthood,” Hank returns to town to surprise Sarah, and Amber’s troubled boyfriend moves in!
On Revolution,” it’s a whole new world after last season with Rachel flipping the switch. What that means . . . not sure. We know they didn’t all explode though!

Read on for the full spoilers . . . .

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ABC Season Premiers Snipit Spoilers!

ABC Season Premiers Snipit Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 09.08.2013 at 5:17 pm

Promos and spoilers for the new season are finally beginning to trickle out. I still don’t even know what I’ll be watching this year that is new! “Sleepy Hollow” on Fox looks up my alley, as does “Agents of Shield” on ABC. Below are some early ABC spoilers . . . .

On “Once Upon A Time,” Emma and the others encounter a school of mermaids. Enter Princess Ariel!
On “Castle,” Castle and Beckett deal with the consequences of their decisions. Will Kate marry Richard, or leave him for DC?
On “Nashville,” Rayna lands in a coma, while Deacon is in jail for the crash.
On “Agents of Shield,” the show picks up where Avengers left off, and somehow agent Coulson is alive and well and leading a new team!

Read on for the full spoilers!

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