The Weekly Summer Round-Up Thoughts!

The Weekly Summer Round-Up Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 07.22.2015 at 7:56 pm

Big Brother 17
With Jeff out of the house, it’s one less bit of eye candy gone. I didn’t think I would be, but I’m not on the crazy dentist’s side. I hope he wins the whole thing given he’s been made the go to pawn. This week Audrey has at least finally brought some drama into the game. The feeds and after dark have been terribly boring.

I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying this show, even with all the changes. I’m pretty sure the ratings are still terrible and it won’t get a third season, so I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

The Fosters
I absolutely HATE this whole Callie and AJ romance. This is so “been there done that” on a show that isn’t that old. It’s Brandon all over. Nip it in the bud and move on. I still have this feeling that AJ’s brother is the one who hit the Fosters. Loved the last episode that dealt with Anna’s post-pardum, and glad they don’t have her using again. A re-cast Jesus will soon be showing up, but wish he wouldn’t. I don’t like the character and haven’t missed him at all.

Falling Skies
I’ve actually been digging this past season. Why did they take so long to get good again? Pope going crazy was long overdue. I hope Tom takes his ass out!

I’m still loving Calista’s character. She and Joss are owning this show right now so much that I honestly don’t miss Savy. Sure if they could bring her back I would love it, but I am shocked it’s still so good without her. Karen’s storyline is getting sticky, and something tells me the wife will end up dying and the husband will be left with tremendous guilt. April’s storyline, we can all see she’s going to end up with Zack at some point. As usual, boring!

Pretty Little Liars
This show is starting to annoy me. Every week it’s been someone different is A, and now we are back to, surprise, Charles! Charles is alive and is A. I’m thinking it’s either that Andrew guy, who was dismissed way too easily, or somehow it will be Ezra. If it’s Ezra then that would be a sick twist.

I’ve started watching TNT’s “Proof” and really enjoy it, I’m just not sure where it’s going. Some episodes have been better than others, but it seems to be lacking a story stringing them together other than the main character’s own near death experience.

Under The Dome
Please let this be the last season, as this show has become awful. It’s now just “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” meets “The Stepford Wives.” I expect better than re-hashed movies from something based on Steven King’s work.

The Whisperers
So we learned Drill, or someone like him, has been on earth before. Basically Drill’s planet is dying (ala E.T.) and they seem to try and be invading earth so they can live here. I’m going to hang in there, but this show needs to amp it up a little. It needs to get away from the E.T. similarities. Ooh, E.T. is bad this time so it’s very different. Not really!

I started watching this mini-series event, which I felt started out strong, but now I’m a little tired of it. I hope this doesn’t become a new series like “Under the Dome,” which also started out as a one season mini-series event too. End it on a high note please!


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