June/July Show Thoughts – A Mixed Bag
Trying to keep up with everything, really quick thoughts on everything I’m watching . . .
Big Brother 17
I’m just not feeling this season. I keep watching and hope I’ll get hooked by something, anything. So glad Jace is gone and really want The Rockstar Dentist to go too!
I actually really enjoyed the reboot and where they are taking it, but her husband’s partner . . . ohhhh she is a witch!
The Fosters
I’m not digging that Callie is into yet another one of her foster brothers. Definitely feel bad for Brandon getting the boot from his camp.
Falling Skies
I have yet to see the season premier, I tried real hard to watch last weekend but couldn’t get into it. I’ve meant to watch it again all week.
Absolutely loving the new character Calista! She’s great. April’s story is still the weakest, and Karen’s is just another twist on her story from the first season.
Pretty Little Liars
I don’t think Charle’s is dead and if Sarah isn’t Charles, then she is on his team. Though the last show seemed to try and make it seem like she couldn’t be Charles . . .
Under The Dome
So It seems we are back to aliens are behind the dome and trying to take over the Earth again. That’s the only thing I can think with the whole “hive mentality” they have going on.
The Whisperers
Like with UTD, I am back to thinking Drill is an alien force.