Glee Finale Thoughts

Glee Finale Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 03.22.2015 at 12:29 pm

So “Glee” aired it’s final episode on Friday. I really enjoyed both it, and this final season. The focus on the main crew, and bringing it home to Lima, made this last season enjoyable. When they took the show to New York and tried to divide it between the new crew and the old crew is where is just fell apart.

I felt like the final episode could have used more Quinn, Puck, Britney and Santana; but I guess the focus was really supposed to be on the original episode core crew. Then again, Sam and Blaine weren’t part of that.

I was not a fan of Rachel ending up with Jessie. I would have rather seen her with someone new, or just going it on her own at the end.

Likewise I would have liked to have seen Sam and Mercedes get it together in the end, though they did hint that would happen as he kept calling her, so she said.

I really enjoyed the final scene with all the New Directions kids from each season showing up. I had forgotten all about Lauren, she was awesome! Ryder and Marnie seemed absent, which honestly isn’t a giant loss.

Final thoughts . . . President Jeb Bush? Really Ryan Murphy, really?

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