OUAT and Resurrection Premiere Thoughts!

OUAT and Resurrection Premiere Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 09.29.2014 at 10:50 am

Sunday Funday, the night of television that seems to have all my favorites on it is back. Actually it never really left, the summer shows like “Witches” and “True Blood” just took over. Anyways, here are my quick thoughts on both shows!

Once Upon A Time
I’m not sure if we really needed so much backstory on “Frozen.” I mean everyone under the sun has seen the movie! I did find it interesting that Anna ended up in the Enchanted Forest, which means she either should be in Storybrooke or with the refugees on the other side. But given the curse reversal and reboot, where is she now? I’m guessing Regina has her in the hospital!

What was with the mysterious new mansion that Rumple and Belle took over and the sorcerer’s hat from “Fantasia?” I swear if Mickey Mouse shows up they will have jumped the shark with a motorcycle on fire!

I loved seeing the magic mirror back, though it’s odd she put him back into the mirror instead of letting him be Sydney again. Regina’s desire to find the book’s writer to give the villains a happy ending is an interesting idea, though it really could bite Regina in the butt. I’m guessing this is how they are bringing Maleficent back for her arc this season.

I’m ready for Marianne to go back to being dead. What a frumpy sourpuss she is. Apparently in Fairytale Land they don’t have divorces. Robin clearly doesn’t want to be with that bore but feels obligated to.

I feel like having Belamy wake up in the field like Jacob did ruined what could have been an amazing twist to the premiere. I knew the minute he woke up there that he was a returned.

I love Jacob’s grandmother returning, but what the hell was with her slapping the crap out of Freddie? Not that he shouldn’t have the crap smacked out of him. He is the Big Jim of Arcadia.

Unfortunately the premiere gave us NO clue as to why these people have returned and why only this town.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I think I’m the one person who hasn’t seen Frozen (just the first 15 minutes, but it didn’t hold my interest). Guess I’ll have to get around to watching it sometime…

    Comment by DNA
    10.06.2014 at 6:14 pm

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