Thoughts On Mistresses Season 2 Finale
So it’s been a few days since the “Mistresses” season 2 finale. I’ve thought a lot about it, and just now had the time to write about it. Before my thoughts, there is still no word on Season 3. From interviews with the show-runners, we should have an answer one way or another by the end of September. I really hope we aren’t left with the questions left by this finale. Come on season 3!
First up, I’ve been calling the Joss-Savi-Harry triangle since last season, so I’m glad to see it finally come to fruition. However I don’t know who I’m routing for. I was on Joss’s side because of how stupid Savi was, but we saw a different side of Savi this season. I just don’t know if it’s too little too late for her. I also really liked Joss with Scott, and she has a tendency to blow good things, and he was a good thing. Harry doesn’t even know Savi wants him back, so we don’t even know if he’d consider it either.
It’s horrible to say, buy I really hope to God that Paul is dead for real this time. That storyline needed to end. I felt bad for April’s little girl learning the truth from the news though. Clearly we know what, or who, will stand in the way of her and Daniel if there is a season 3!
Finally Karen learned she wasn’t HIV positive, but there was another bit of news we didn’t hear. First and foremost, they don’t release that info over the phone, period. Second, as a doctor she also should know there is a 6 month window and could still have it, it’s just not registering. If they are going to do an HIV storyline, they should do it right and give people the info. What the other news is though? I’m guessing she’s pregnant, and will spend season 3 tracking down all her one night stands! It would be nice if it was Jacob’s though.
PLEASE ABC . . . give us Season 3!