Big Brother 16: Thoughts So Far
So I have not been all that amused with “Big Brother” this season. I have been watching the live shows, reading what is going on via various sites and apps, but I have yet to get sucked in by the feeds and “After Dark.” With that demon spawn Devin gone I was hoping I’d start getting back into the show, but aside from Donny I feel the cast is so boring! There seems to be a new alliance formed daily and nobody can keep their mouth shut. Caleb is also on everyone’s nerves because of his love for Amber. I think he is likely the next male to go. The entire house is also against Jocasta, Victoria and Brittany for reasons I haven’t figured out. Well Jocasta I get, she’s just annoying! If she ever gets rid of that damn bow tie I will praise Jesus! If this show comes back next summer I really hope it’s another All-Stars show.