Big Brother 16 Premiere!
So “Big Brother 16” is finally here! After several years, it’s also finally in HD! After Dark doesn’t begin until midnight on Thursday on TVGN. The feeds probably won’t begin until the same time, or at least not until 10pm EST on Thursday.
So the show opened with the Chenbot welcoming us as usual. She informed us about a new twist that would send the houseguests scrambling, and a new interactive twist that would have us involved like never before.
We met the first 8 house guests. Paola, a DJ who plans to hit on all the hot guys, even the ugly ones. Donny is a groundskeeper for a school system. He says he will be smarter than they think he is, but he’s not as smart as he thinks he is. Cody is a professional soccer player and up for meeting cute girls in the house. Frankie is a broadway performer and dance teacher, and also is Ariana Grande’s brother. He doesn’t plan to tell anyone about his sister because it will put a target on his head. He is also the self-proclaimed queen of YouTube. Amber is a model and athlete or something from Tennessee. Nicole is a small-town girl and super “Big Brother” fan. She’s afraid of ghosts, and pees her pants when she gets scared or too excited. Devin is a former professional baseball player, but is now a full time single dad. He thinks his athletic ability will help him win the physical challenges. He is told he looks like the Rock, but he thinks he looks better than him. Finally Joey is a very liberal make-up artist and is looking for some hot liberal men. Joey is female BTW, and seems to be Lydia 2.0.
Julie told the first 8 that they would experience the most twisted summer ever. She said they probably wondered why there were only 8 of them right now, and that would be revealed in time. Julie then sent the first four in: Cody, Amber, Donny and Joey. They claimed their beds and looked around while Devin, Nicole, Paola and Frankie were sent in. They soon began to wonder where the other 8 were as there were 16 plates at the table and too many beds.
As they introduced one another, Frankie realized Paola, the NYC DJ, would possibly figure out who he was. Everyone seemed enamored with Duck Dynasty Donny. All the girls, and Frankie, are in love with Cody already. Joey thought she and Frankie were soul mates because of their colored hair and that they are both peacocks. Devin is attracted to Joey, he says she is a 10. Donny meanwhile likes Nicole and thinks he can work with her, if he can remember her name.
After the first break, the first 8 tried to make an early alliance before the next came in. Some already thought it was too early to be making an alliance, but they made one and called themselves “The Crazy 8s.” Then all the men took their shirts off and modeled for the girls by doing ab crunches. Well Donny did not . . . he doesn’t do crunches or sit-ups . . . NO he does not!
Devin immediately makes a side alliance with Donny. He thinks nobody would expect it, and he thinks there is wisdom behind that beard of his. They call themselves “Double Ds.”
Paolo meanwhile didn’t want any of the guys forming another “Brigade” and she wanted this season to be about girl power. She tried to start a girl alliance with the first four girls. They decide to call themselves “El Quatro” for the final four. Poor Nicole wonders what “El Quatro” means.
The first eight were gathered in the living room and Julie told them to enjoy their time, as the house was about to get very crowded. She said the good news is one of them would be the first HOH of the season. She told them what the HOH means, except for one thing . . . even the HOH isn’t safe! That is the first big twist of the summer. They were floored.
After another break, Paola flirted like crazy with Cody. Cody told her that he likes a girl with a good body, who takes care of her body, who likes to work out . . . oh and who has a good personality!
Julie gathered the first 8 in their swimsuits to head to the backyard for the first HOH competition. It was a beach inspired competition. They had to balance on a rotating beam while holding onto a rope, which was their kite string. The last one standing was the first HOH. Of course it’s “Big Brother,” and they threw various obstacles at them, such as raining suntan lotion. It came down to Frankie and Amber, and Amber threw it because she was too afraid to be the first HOH.
Frankie asked the first 8 to have his back, because they all knew another twist was coming. After the break, Julie dropped that bomb on them. Frankie took an orange chair in the living room, which another guest said those chairs aren’t good. They are the normal nom chairs. Julie told them all that he will be nominating two houseguests, however 8 more guests are coming in and another person will become HOH. Julie revealed there will be two HOHs, but by the end of the week only one HOH will be left. Everyone tried to figure out what that meant. Was there a second house? Would they be competing and living in here? Were there 8 all-stars coming in?
As they were left with questions, Julie revealed the second twist to us called Team America. Before the show began, the viewers got to vote on for who they wanted in their own secret alliance. The winner has already been chosen, and he or she will be the first of a three-part secret alliance. Over the next two weeks we will vote for the next two members, and the three will be sent on secret quests we choose. We will find out who the first person is . . . TOMORROW!
Tomorrow after the second part of the premiere I’ll have a poll on the front page for you to vote for which houseguest made the best first impression on you and who you are rooting for after the two-night premier! Until then, you can vote in the first poll, who of the first 8 do you want to be the first to go?
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