Various Thoughts On Season Finales/Almost-Finales
This post has my quick thoughts on a lot of the shows from the past week (or two). Some are on the finales, others are on the near finales or mid-season finales.
Bates Motel
Bates will be back for a third season, I just hope it’s more interesting than this season was. The drug war going on was just boring as hell. With the way the season ended, and the heads of the drug families all ending up dead, hopefully the storyline is too. The reveal of Dylan’s parentage was good, and long overdue. The end of the season finally set up Norman as the lying sociopath we know from the movies. He passed a lie detector test because he truly believes he didn’t kill his teacher, that his imagined mother did. Creepiness! I’ll actually feel bad when the time comes for him to kill his mother.
In the finale few episodes “Castle” gave us great joy and great sorrow. After many seasons Kate finally nabbed her mother’s killer and put him away. It was about damn time, because if that dragged on another season I was going to lose my mind. As Kate and Castle prepared for their wedding, it was spoiled when someone mysterious ran Castle off the road. Kate found his car in flames in a ditch. Now we know Castle isn’t dead, the show is coming back. However if they pull some kind of amnesia storyline on us, I will be fuming. I want my wedding dammit! The “Castle” season finale . . .

Dallas will be back late this summer to finish its season out, but what a ride the first half was. The mid-season finale was a roller coaster. Pamela finally learned about John-Ross and Emma, pretended like she wanted a threesome, but then spazzed out and we learned she had downed a bottle of pills. Now we know she’s not gunna die, she’s in the teasers for when it comes back. Why do they do these things to us? Meanwhile Elena started to wise up about her plot with Joaquin, but it was too little, too late. Joaquin is obsessed with her and poked holes in her diaphragm, then they made love. Meanwhile Elana’s brother Drew knows the truth and is out for revenge too. I still say there is something about that land deal we don’t know yet and it will leave Elena with egg on her face. Finally Christopher’s new girlfriend’s ex went and burned down Southfork, with a drunk Sue Ellen stuck inside. Bobby and John-Ross ran in to save her as the place started to come down around them. Oh boy!
Drop Dead Diva
Drop Dead Diva isn’t over yet, but we are getting close to the end. This time it really is going to be the finale, so they better to it right. However as of now I’m so angry that I don’t know if I want to stick around. Oh I will of course, but I’m that angry! After all this time they go and kill off Grayson? Are you kidding me? The only good thing from the previews is that he ends up meeting Fred in heaven and says he needs to get back to Jane. I have been hoping Fred would be back somehow. But if Grayson returns, it obviously will have to be in someone else’s body . . . but whose? Oh “Drop Dead Diva” . . .

I wasn’t a big fan of “Glee’s” finale either mind you. Just when everyone was getting settled into New York, everyone is now off for different places in the country as we head into the final season. Hate it! Oh and I really just want to grab Rachel and shake the crap out of her. After 5 seasons of having to hear her dream about being on Broadway, she finally gets her dream and after a weeks worth of shows is ready to move on to something else. Are you kidding me?
Grey’s Anatomy
I was waiting during the entire finale of “Grey’s Anatomy” for someone to die, and nobody did! I guess that was Shonda’s shock for the finale? There were other issues. Cristina finally left, and took her side-kick intern with her. Good riddance! I’m still angry it never came out what he did to Heather Brooks. Derrick and Meredith are fighting like cats and dogs over their jobs, and Meredith finally took a stand and told him off. Good for her, but bad for their marriage. Neither is going anywhere though, so we know they’ll work it out. It also looks like Amelia may become a permanent fixture next season. Yay! Poor Bailey though! She thought she had it all, back as head of ER surgery and was going to fill Cristina’s vacant board seat, until Alex learned Cristina left it to him. Noooooooo! Stop beating down my Bailey! The real shocker was the reveal of yet another Grey. A young girl, whom I think took over for Cristina, revealed to The Chief that she had recently found out her mother was Ellis Grey, but had given her up for adoption. That is why she wanted to come work here. Oh yeah, the girl is clearly half African-American, and The Chief knew exactly what that meant! Congrats dude, it’s a girl!
I hate to beat a dead horse, but I’m still annoyed we never went anywhere with Nick’s mysterious illness at the beginning of the season. The finale saw Adeline use her latest potion to strip Nick of his powers. The potion he had to drink to restore them, which came from what little liquid was left from her spell, ended up being dropped and broken. It took ten minutes for that to happen, and you knew it was going to happen somehow. Nick seems to be SOL right about now. They left it as if it could be a blessing, that now Nick and Juliette could be happy. Pahleese! Even without his powers, he knows too much and will be a target. He just has to get his powers back, and it will likely take half of next season to do that. Meanwhile as he was investigating poor Renard’s shooting at Nick’s house, Wu found Nick’s Grimm book! He knows he isn’t crazy now. Oh and as for Captain Sexy Pants, he totally can’t die! He has to come back! It’s just like Nick no longer being a Grimm, it just can’t happen.
I’m so happy that “Nashville” is coming back next year and for a full season. I thought the finale was really well done. Poor Juliette’s world crumbled around her as Jeff was blackmailing her. Rayna refused to let her go and promised they’d screw Jeff, while Avery learned the truth from Gunnar about Jeff and Juliette’s night of yuck. She begged him not to leave her, and that he was the only man she’s ever really loved, and blah blah blah. Juliette really makes it hard to feel sorry for her most of the time. Elsewhere, Will’s struggle with his sexuality came to a head as he finally told his wife, in the “privacy” of their bedroom, that he was gay. She looked shocked, but neither of them realize the reality show in fact hid a camera in their bedroom. Wow that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen! I still don’t know if Layla was totally clueless or not. Something makes me think she won’t let Will go, she will use him to get to the top and he’ll keep using her as a beard. Finally Luke proposed to Rayna, who accepted, only to have Deacon show up at her house and give her her engagement ring back and told her that he wanted her back too. What will Rayna do ?!?!?! We know in the end she’ll end up with Deacon, but I do like me some Luke. “Nashville’s” season finale . . .
