Once Upon A Time: Sister Sister?

Once Upon A Time: Sister Sister?

Posted by Dustin on 03.17.2014 at 12:55 pm

So last night’s “Once” finally gave us a glimpse of the Wicked Witch of the West. She goes by the name Zelena in Fairytale/Oz lands, and I think something else in Storybrooke (I can’t remember what). Let’s just get to the major twist off the bat . . . She claims she is Regina’s older sister!

Regina, with Robin’s help, broke into her castle. However they were shocked that someone already broke in, which shouldn’t be possible as she sealed it with blood magic. But the witch did! Now as someone astutely pointed out in my shoutbox, could this by why the witch stole Regina’s blood in the first episode? But if so, why the vendetta against Regina? The witch claims Cora had her first and dumped her in Oz, where nobody wanted her. She is mad her mother showered affection on Regina, and mad at Rumple too . . . but we don’t know why. She claims this is why she’s punishing her, and apparently the reason for the new curse. If she really is related to Regina, then I am guessing Rumple is her father. We all thought he was Regina’s father, but were told he in fact was not. So maybe he did father a baby with Cora? Is that why she dumped her, and why she was green?

Another thought on why Zelena needed the blood, to bring Rumple back? At the end of the episode we saw she had Rumple imprisoned in a cell in Storybrooke. He didn’t know why she brought him back though. Obviously she intends to use him somehow.

Also going on, Emma and Regina teamed up in Storybooke to flush out the Wicked Witch, who by the way it took them the entire episode to figure out was the one who cursed them. I think I would have figured that out the minute I saw a flying monkey! Henry still has no memory, which is going to eventually cause Regina to break and do something predictably evil, and Zelena has befriended Snow White under the guise of being a mid-wife. Oh that can’t be good. I swear if she kidnaps their baby I will go nuts! Another baby lost to Snow and Charming . . . just don’t go there!




  1. I will admit that with the exception of Henry, that Emma got her memory back quickly and they figured out it is the wicked witch they are up against happened rather quickly. The slow agonizing part will be that the wicked witch will probably be there the whole time, knowing their plot while we will be like “Stop!!! She’s the wicked witch!!!””

    Comment by Marie
    03.18.2014 at 7:08 pm
  2. I swear I read somewhere that Rumple was going to be the Wizard as well. This would make sense that he is the Wicked Witch’s father if it follows the musical/book Wicked.

    Comment by KelBelle
    03.24.2014 at 12:35 pm

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