Nashville Mid-Season Musings . . .

Nashville Mid-Season Musings . . .

Posted by Dustin on 12.29.2013 at 10:11 pm

So yes, it’s been awhile since this aired! I just re-watched it this evening to refresh my memory as part of my attempts to catch up with my shows and postings. This is just some general thoughts on the story-lines . . . .

They shot the wrong person!
As much as I despise Peggy, I wish it was Jeff Fordham the new president of Edgehill that got shot. So many people would have wanted to off him by the end of this episode! The only good thing he’s done so far is threaten to drop that “American Idol” wannabe Layla who exposed Juliette’s affair. It’s amazing how they make us feel sorry for Juliette, who will turn around and become a mega-bitch in the next episode. I did love Rayna telling him the check to buy her and her label out would be on his desk by morning. Well let’s hope this time she can deliver!

Who Shot Peggy?
The end of the episode had some random dude run up to shoot Teddy, and as they struggled over the gun, it fired and shot Peggy. Uh oh! Is Peggy dead? I don’t think any of us will miss her, and the promos leading up to the mid-season finale did seem to make it sound like someone would die. Then again, we also have the Will drama. However as Will was signed on as a regular this season, I think Peggy is as good as gone.

The question that will remain is who hired the guy to kill Teddy? Lamar is the easy candidate, as he thinks he’s in jail because of Teddy. However that is probably too easy. So many people likely want him dead at this point. For some reason I feel it might actually be Tandy. With her father thinking Teddy did this to him, I wonder if she hired someone to kill him in order to make it continue to seem that way? Sure the feds know the truth, but she could feel she has some odd way out of this all if Teddy is dead and can’t speak. The other candidate could be Deacon, but I don’t see him doing this unless he’s on the sauce again. There is also the former mayor Lamar and Teddy screwed over . . .

The Closet Case . . .
Will couldn’t seem to live with being a star and gay at the same time, so he threw himself in front of an oncoming train. Well that’s what it looks like. As I said above, something tells me he lives and Peggy is the one that dies. I still would rather have seen Jeff die out of them all.

The Love Pentagram
This Avery/Scarlett/Gunnar/Juliette/Zoey pent-agle is just too much! I mean I’ve watched soaps as long as I can remember, but holy cow. Enough! Triangles are dizzying enough, this one is mind boggling!

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