Witches of The East End Book Deal!

Witches of The East End Book Deal!

Posted by Dustin on 12.26.2013 at 11:52 pm

If you are a fan of “Witches of the East End” on Lifetime, head over to Amazon! They are having a fairly good sale on the Witches of the East End Kindle Edition. If you have a Kindle, or any device you can read an E-Book on (Iphone/Android/Tablet . . . heck even a PC or Mac!) you can get the Kindle version for 3 bucks! I just bought it for my upcoming vacation . . . along with “Flowers in the Attic.” I have to reread that before the Lifetime movie!

Note: Click on either Witches of the East End Kindle Edition
or the title of the book in the image to the left . . . clicking “buy now on Amazon” only takes you to the paperback book version!


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