AHS Coven: Burn The Witch!
So it’s been a few weeks since I blogged about AHS, but I’ve been loving every episode. The twists and turns this season have been amazing. With the swamp witch bringing both Myrtle and Madison back from the dead, one has to wonder who will really stay dead on this show?
The twist that Cordelia’s husband has been working for Marie Laveaux definitely blew my mind. We got the hint that something was up with him an episode or two earlier, but I would never have guessed that!
Was it Myrtle who really did blind Cordelia? All we know is Fiona claims it was, but she had to frame her to prove it to the others. We saw a flashback where Fiona saw Myrtle in the mysterious outfit in an elevator, but was it really her or was that a lie of Fiona’s? Also couldn’t Swamp Witch heal Cordelia’s face and eyes with her magical mud?
Even though she’s sadistically evil, I was actually sad to see Queenie hand Lalaurie over to Marie Laveaux. I also really don’t like the idea of her mixing in with that Voodoo cult. She needs to go back to the Witches!
Fiona and the Ax-Man is just creepy and weird! I can’t get into them at all. The whole fact that he’s gone from loving her like a father to loving her like a man, ew no! It’s just too nasty.
The whole threesome relationship between Zoe, Madison and Kyle is sooooooooo gross! She’s having sex with two zombies basically. Ewwwwwww.
The coming Cordelia vs Fiona war should be interesting! Fiona seems to be getting some new powers herself now that she’s been blinded. Zoe’s powers are also growing. Then there is Madison, who Fiona thought would be the next supreme. Who will be though? My money is on Zoe at this point.