Grey’s Anatomy: What The BLEEP Was That Episode About?
Wow, I’m glad I DVRd last night’s “Grey’s,” because about the thirty minute mark I couldn’t take it anymore and started fast forwarding. In case you missed it, the entire episode was Callie and Arizona centered. Callie went on trial for a medical malpractice suit involving an olympic snowboarder who came to her for a hip replacement, and ended up with two amputated legs after an infection set in. While the court found Callie not negligent by the end of the episode, we know she was as she didn’t get a letter from the experimental hip replacement people saying the trial had been suspended due to complications that had been causing infections. Can we just discuss how utterly ridiculous that in this day and age a major medical company was sending such vital information out by snail mail alone? I get the actual letter is likely needed legally as a matter of record, but one would assume they would have also made a call and/or send electronic communication given how important it was to stop any further surgeries.
We also learned that before their marriage blew up due to Arizona’s cheating that Arizona was attempting to get pregnant so they could have a second child. However it didn’t pan out, she lost a baby very early on and gave up on the idea as she couldn’t take anymore losses in her life. Was this storyline somehow supposed to tug at our hearts? Make us start routing for Callie and Arizona again? For a moment it actually did make me have a glimmer of hope . . . but then I remembered that Arizona has just become such slime. By the end of the episode Callie, after a heart to heart with her dad, went to Arizona’s hotel room. She told her that she realizes she made a one time mistake, a lot of things were going on in their lives, but she’d like her to come home so they could start to work on things. After Callie left, Arizona told Intern Kate, who was hiding in the corner in nothing but a bed sheet, that she should get dressed and go home . . . . NICE! I can’t wait until Arizona finds out about this. Yeah, I think any hope I had for them is long gone sadly.
Spoilers for the next episode after the jump . . . Things aren’t looking good for our girl Bailey!
Jason George (“Mistresses”) Guest Stars
“Somebody That I Used To Know” – Ben worries that a casual conversation with Derek could potentially cause issues for Bailey, Cristina turns to Shane as tension grows with Meredith, and April’s upcoming wedding makes for an uncomfortable situation between Jackson and Stephanie. Meanwhile, Meredith plans a Thanksgiving dinner at her house, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
Intern’s name is Leah, and I think you meant you can’t wait until Callie find out about this. But I agree episode was awful jumped through most of it, whatever Shonda was going for she didn’t accomplish
11.15.2013 at 7:40 pm