Grey’s Anatomy: Crumbling Lives and Relationships

Grey’s Anatomy: Crumbling Lives and Relationships

Posted by Dustin on 11.08.2013 at 5:35 pm

“Grey’s” has been really dark and unhappy lately. While the show has always been a bit morbid, I think we are in need of an uplifting episode stat! It just seems like watching the show is a depressing drag because of what is going on as of late.

Christina and Meredith’s war has gotten so out of hand, and it’s really sad to see that they may not be able to repair their fractured friendship. I have been on Meredith’s side up until this episode. The fact that she wouldn’t let Christina use her awesome 3D printer to save a baby’s life really annoyed me, even more than Christina waiting until the last minute to ask Meredith if she could use it. Boooooo! I loved Alex telling her that she’s a good surgeon, but today she was a crummy doctor!

Arizona is still caring on her affair . . .fling . . . whatever with Murphy. Really? So they are really just gunna end Callie and Arizona like this? I was pissed at Callie, but deep down hoped they might work things out. However it doesn’t look like that will happen.

Ben returned to Seattle, giving up his surgical internship because he missed Bailey. She was thrown for a loop by his return, and then a surgery involving a colon turned her into an OCD mess as she worried about another MRSA infection. By the end of the episode she seemed to be completely falling apart. What’s up with Bailey? Please don’t lock her up in the psych ward!

The one light aspect of the show seemed to be that The Chief has his gumption back and now wants to get out of his bed and better.

Spoilers for the next two episodes below!



Hector Elizondo (“Last Man Standing”) Guest Stars

“Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word” – When an unexpected malpractice suit turns Callie’s world upside down, her supportive father (Hector Elizondo) arrives and shares an interesting secret with her. Meanwhile, through flashbacks, we learn some surprising details about Callie and Arizona’s marriage, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.


Jason George (“Mistresses”) Guest Stars

“Somebody That I Used To Know” – Ben worries that a casual conversation with Derek could potentially cause issues for Bailey, Cristina turns to Shane as tension grows with Meredith, and April’s upcoming wedding makes for an uncomfortable situation between Jackson and Stephanie. Meanwhile, Meredith plans a Thanksgiving dinner at her house, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.




  1. I hate to think it, but I think Bailey has a brain tumor.

    Comment by Donna
    11.08.2013 at 8:17 pm
  2. I know Yang is suppose to leave this season, I don’t won’t her to leave because she and Meredith have a falling out. I think Shonda may be “Heigelling” Oh.

    Comment by Nic
    11.09.2013 at 8:36 am
  3. I hate the strain in Meredith and Christina’s relationship. I thought after last week’s episode when Mer saw the cupcakes at her party, that would make her come around. But when she said no to Yang using that printer to save a baby, that was a low point. I can admit that I yelled some bad words at my TV 🙂

    Comment by Becky
    11.09.2013 at 7:50 pm
  4. So maybe it’s just the researcher in me, but this whole it’s the hospital’s printer is just bull. Unless if the grant came from the hospital it is the person who got the grant. They paid with it from grant money, so if they were to leave, they get to take the equipment with them. So it was not for Ross and Christina to stop an ongoing project to hijack it for their own. Plus, while I get that this is a drama that doesn’t follow real life, there is no way that what they were doing would work in the time frame needed. First it would take several weeks to grow cells from their patient to be able to print with them and then it would take several weeks for that scaffolding to grow before they would be able to put it in their patient and it sounded like their patient was going to need that as a last hope within the next 24 hours. So while yes it was a baby, they seriously just screwed over Meredith and her research and in the end would not have helped any one. Chances are too, with Meredith doing all of the research to get her 3D printer, she already knew what they would do would not work which could be another reason for saying no. I am seriously disliking Ross’ character, he did one maverick thing and now that is all that he wants to do. He is going to end up killing somebody here pretty soon.

    Comment by Marie
    11.10.2013 at 5:15 pm
  5. I agree with Marie. I know it’s supposed to tug at our hearts and make us side with Christina because it’s a baby but it’s not like Meredith just said no because she didn’t want her to use it. She had a major thing in the process of printing. Something she probably had to spend a lot of time cultivating and getting ready. Christina made it seem like it wasn’t important because she had some half a**ed experimental thing she wanted to try. They didn’t have anything prepared or even have any idea of how to work it. I think Christina and Ross are a bad combination and are only going to get each other in trouble. They both have something to prove and are constantly running over people.

    Comment by Beth
    11.11.2013 at 9:43 am

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