Once Upon A Time In Wonderland: Is This Rabbit Hole Too Weird?

Once Upon A Time In Wonderland: Is This Rabbit Hole Too Weird?

Posted by Dustin on 10.18.2013 at 12:26 pm

So I’ve watched both episodes of “OUAT: Wonderland” and I’m just not sure about this one. While the fusion of many fairytales works on “Once,” here I’m just having problems swallowing it. The mixing of “Aladdin” and “Alice in Wonderland” just feels off, and that’s saying a lot given “Alice” is a weird story to begin with.

If you haven’t seen it, the quick summary is that Alice went to wonderland as a little girl, and nobody believed her. She was treated by doctors for being crazy. As an adult she made her way back to prove everyone wrong, met and fell in love with a genie, who then later is lost to her. Currently both the Red Queen and Jafar are after the Genie. Jafar caught the Genie, but the Red Queen has his bottle. Alice is desperate to just find both to get back her love.

Yeah . . . it’s even weird typing it out. I think my biggest problem is the story feels more like something that belongs in Aladdin’s world if anything. I’m sure at some point they will take us to Agrahbah.


American Horror Story: I Will Eat You!

American Horror Story: I Will Eat You!

Posted by Dustin on 10.16.2013 at 11:34 pm

So tonight was the second episode of “Horror Story” and it was great. I can already tell this season may just be the best one yet if they keep it up. We got some answers, but as usual are left with more questions.

So in this episode we learned the girl who was burned, Misty Day (Lily Rabe) is very much alive and living in a swamp shack. She’s addicted to Stevie Nicks too, even dresses like her and calls her the “white witch.”

After almost being busted by the cops for what happened with the bus and the kid in the hospital, Madison and Zoe headed to the morgue to bring Kyle back to life with a stolen resurrection spell. Unfortunately the boys were in pieces, so they played Dr. Frank’n’furter and selected the best parts to build the perfect boyfriend, using Kyle’s head. The spell didn’t seem to work, and Madison fled leaving Zoe alone when the mortician showed up. However somehow Misty was drawn to her. She saved Zoe and brought Kyle back and then took them both to her shack. She never knew another witch other than Stevie. The two seem to compliment one another’s powers, life and death. Nothing good will probably come from this friendship. Misty offered to take care of Kyle and heal him until Zoe could return.

Fiona was still on her quest for youth and learned more of Lalaurie’s backstory. Marie Laveau not only killed her family, but gave her an immortality potion and not a love spell. This was punishment for Lalaurie’s crimes against her slaves and Marie’s lover. She then sealed her in a box and then buried her, after hanging her entire family.

Fiona went to Laveau’s modern day hair salon to get this secret from her, but Laveau wasn’t giving it up. Yup Angela Bassett is Marie Laveau, still alive after all these years. There is bad blood between the African voodoo practitioners and the European descended witches. Laveau says it was Tituba way back in Salem who gave the white girls the power, and it seems the white witches are all descended from the Salem witches. Well this is a huge stretch, since there were witches in Europe too. But whatever. Fiona of course doesn’t see it that way at all. She said she has something Laveau wants, she’d be in touch later on. Marie Laveau later reveals her lover that Lalaurie tortured is still alive too, and she wants to find Lalaurie and get revenge again.

We learned that Cordilla, Fiona’s daughter, is having trouble conceiving. Modern medicine wasn’t working. Her husband convinced her to use magic to help them conceive, though she warned them it was dark magic, like playing life and death. Yup, nothing good will come of this either. That kid is gunna be trouble. I can’t figure out if her husband is a witch too though? Or he just knows what she is?

My favorite part of the show was Queenie’s backstory. She is descended from Tituba’s line. You know that’s gunna be a problem and that she’ll probably team up with Marie Laveau at some point. I loved when she looked at Madison and said “Bitch I will eat you!”


Witches Of The East End: Something Shifty This Way Comes

Witches Of The East End: Something Shifty This Way Comes

Posted by Dustin on 10.16.2013 at 2:29 pm

So the latest episode dealt with Ingrid, Wendy and Joanna working to save Freya from the painting and her old lover. Joanna couldn’t do much from jail, but an immortal lawyer managed to help get make bail (along with a stash of magical money she put in place years ago). He was not a witch, but had other clients her were who worked their magic to get Joanna out. So now we have immortals who aren’t witches too? I wonder what else is out there.

Ingrid, not knowing what to do, used a resurrection spell on Wendy. Wendy scolded her, saying she would have come back as is, and with that particular spell she will cost the life of someone she loves at some point. The previews seemed to hint it would be Ingrid herself, though I wonder if it might be Jason George’s character. There is definite bad blood between these two, going back to a life where Wendy accidentally got Ingrid killed. We don’t know that whole story yet, but something tells me this latest snafu will add to the tension.

Freya managed to escape the painting on her own, only to learn from her sister that they are in fact witches. Unfortunately just as she escaped, so did her ex-fiance it seems. We did learn he seems to be a witch as well.

The shapeshifting witch is still watching over them. By the end of the show she made a mark in a tree and turned it dark and black. Not sure yet what that’s about.

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Drop Dead Diva: Let’s Get Things Moving

Drop Dead Diva: Let’s Get Things Moving

Posted by Dustin on 10.15.2013 at 4:07 pm

First, I was really glad to see Jane finally make partner in the firm. After all these years, I think it was long over due. With that said, that’s about the only thing I’ve liked with the past two new episodes, aside from the court stories/cases.

This relationship between Stacy and Owen is just silly. Bring back Fred for Stacy. I don’t want to see Owen alone mind you, but he chose not to forgive Jane and move on. I wish Jane would have told Stacy it wasn’t okay to get knocked up with Owen’s kid, that she should find someone else. Actually the idea of Stacy suddenly wanting to be a mom also annoyed me.

The Grayson and Jane story needs to pick up. If we are left with another cliff-hanger and they don’t bring the show back, I will be really upset. The previews show a gunshot in the office, I’m hoping that will make Jane and Grayson both come to their senses.


Once Upon A Time: Coming Out Day . . . Almost!

Once Upon A Time: Coming Out Day . . . Almost!

Posted by Dustin on 10.14.2013 at 2:23 pm

So I was really surprised by where they went on the latest “Once Upon A Time.” I did not see that ending coming at all!

In Fairytale Land past, Regina had just married, or was about to marry, the King. She was still morning her true love, and still upset at Snow for ruining her life. Tinkerbell showed up and promised to help her find true love. She stole pixie dust from The Blue Fairy and used it to lead Regina to her soul mate. Regina was too much of a coward to meet him, all we know is he had a lion tattoo on his arm. She lied to Tinkerbell and told her that she was wrong, that the man was horrible, and that she a terrible fairy. Tink then got stripped of her wings by the Blue Fairy and turned into a mortal for being a bad fairy.

In Fairytale Land present, Mulan and Robin helped Neil get to Nevernever Land. They had to use Robin’s son to call forth Pan’s shadow, which would take him to Nevernever Land. However Neil ended up catching a ride, not the kid. Robin asked Mulan to join his band of merry men, but she said she had to see someone first. She had to come clean about her feelings and see what would happen. She then went to see Aurora. Aurora offered to get Phillip for her, but Mulan said it was Aurora she had come to see. Before she could say anything, Aurora told her that she and Phillip are expecting a child. Mulan hugged her, tears in her eyes, and then told her she was joining Robin Hood’s merry men. When we later saw her shake Robin’s hand, we saw the tattoo of the lion.

In Nevernever Land, Hook proposed finding and using Tinkerbell to get into Pan’s camp, as Pan trusts her. Regina however had a past with her and didn’t want to trust her. Emma figured out Regina had somehow wronged Tinkerbell, who later kidnapped Regina to kill her. Regina ripped her own heart out and handed it to her, telling her to do it, but warned her then she’d end up with a heart as black as her own. The two had girl talk and seemed to mend fences. Later Tinkerbell agreed to help them get into Pan’s camp. She also told Regina by not going to see the man the spell lead her too, she not only ruined her life, but his as well.

Meanwhile Pan continued to seduce Henry, showing him the drawing of the chosen boy, telling him that his mother was not the savior that he was. He felt Henry was the one to bring Magic back into the world. By the end of the episode Neil was dropped on the island and welcomed home by one of Pan’s boys.

I can’t figure Pan out. Is he good? Is he bad? He seemed genuinely good in this episode, wanting only to bring Magic back to the world. However he obviously has a motive we don’t know of yet. Hook already warned Emma and the others that Pan is the worst foe he ever faced. Then there is the link between Pan and Rumple that we haven’t explored yet. Maybe Rumple, as a child, spent time in Neverland?

Tinkerbell telling Regina that she ruined her life and the mans . . . I’m assuming this is because Robin ended up involved with Rumple, as did she? Also that he’s suffered much heartache with losing Marianne. I did immediately guess the man would be Robin Hood from the tattoo that obviously represented Richard the Lionhearted.

I NEVER saw the twist with Mulan coming. I always thought it was Phillip she loved, not Aurora. I didn’t even think Mulan knew Aurora. She pledged herself to help Phillip because he saved her life I thought? Now I want to go back to last season to review their storyline!


American Horror Story Coven Premier!

American Horror Story Coven Premier!

Posted by Dustin on 10.10.2013 at 12:10 am

So for once I’m glad I was so busy this summer that I didn’t read through all the emails I get on TV shows . . . cause I went into “Coven” pretty blind, aside from knowing it was witchcraft and who was starring in it this season. I missed the first minute, came into Kathy Bates and immediately identified her as Madam Lalaurie . . . it took 2 minutes to figure out Angela Bassett would be playing Marie Laveau, 45 minutes before she came on screen (yes I racial profiled!). I squealed with at the notion of Marie Laveau! Of course there is that academic part of me that will deconstruct this all, like the fact that there is no evidence at all the two knew each other πŸ™‚ Also at least the last time I was there, which mind you was around 2007, Lalaurie’s mansion was a private residence and not a museum (and it was the 3 previous times I was there).

The story this year is about a school for young witches in New Orleans. As the students it’s got Violet from the first season, as well as Addie from the first season (the girl with Downs Syndrome) . . . . LOVE HER! Oh and Precious too . . . LOVE HER! Jessica Lange is the Supreme Witch in control of the school, Sarah Paulson is her daughter and the headmistress she took over from, and Frances Conroy is some crazy witch who recruits girls for the school. Lange’s character is obsessed with eternal youth, and seems to be the big bad this year and Bassett seems to be her adversary (in the present). I haven’t yet figured out if Bassett is supposed to be Marie Laveau (still alive, hey Lalaruie is!), or a descendant, or someone totally different.

So far, aside from the fact I’m going to deconstruct and criticize the historical and cultural accuracy’s, I’m loving it! I can’t even begin to recap this episode without watching it 2 more times, which I’m sure I will. It was mind blowing. The best part? NO ALIENS!

Watch it! I know I will again πŸ™‚


Witches of the East End Premier

Witches of the East End Premier

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2013 at 2:24 pm

So I really enjoyed “Witches of the East End” on Lifetime. I never read the book or books it was based on, so I don’t know what to expect. In case you missed it, Lifetime has been re-running it to death this week.

The show deals with a Mother (Joanna) and her two daughters (Freya and Ingrid), as well as the mother’s sister (Wendy). The four of them are cursed, we don’t yet know why or by who. They all seem to be immortal as well, to a limit. Wendy the sister has died a lot of times, and every-time she dies she turns into a cat and then eventually comes back. Her sister worried she may only have nine-lives like a cat. Joanna has not died, her curse it to watch her two daughters die and then rebirth them and raise them again.

This time around, Joanna spelled her daughters to try and keep them from remembering their past or knowing they are witches. She felt that if they never used magic, they wouldn’t be burned and die. Unfortunately she can’t keep the truth from them forever.

Moreover, an enemy has come forth to punish Joanna. We don’t know who she is, but she’s assumed Joanna’s shape to set her up for murder. Wendy learned about this through her powers, and she returned after 25 some years to warn her sister. She says the right witch with the right techniques could actually kill her.

Later the mystery woman murdered Wendy, though it appears it won’t be long before Wendy returns. Her body turned into a cat. Joanna was forced to tell her daughters the truth about themselves in order to protect themselves from whomever is coming after them. Oh there is also this dude the mother trapped in a painting that the bad witch let out to get his revenge on them. I’m going to guess this may be the girl’s father?

It was a good show, and it tied the ratings of “Devious Maid’s” in the same slot, so it looks like Lifetime has another hit on their hands.


Castle: Thank God Becket Got Fired!

Castle: Thank God Becket Got Fired!

Posted by Dustin on 10.08.2013 at 6:00 pm

I love “Castle,” but so far this season with Richard and Kate’s separation it has kinda blown. In the latest episode Kate finally lost her job with the FBI, mainly because she couldn’t play by Washington’s rules and let things go when ordered to. I have to say, I was never so glad to see someone lose a job! Now we can get back to their normal abnormal working relationship.

All that is left now is to get rid of Alexis’ new hippie boyfriend. Who thought him up? He’s terrible! Go on now, run off to fight some cause and don’t come back!

I do hope we get to see the return of James Brolin as Castle’s dad at some point.

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Once Upon A Time: Dead Charming Walking?

Once Upon A Time: Dead Charming Walking?

Posted by Dustin on 10.08.2013 at 4:34 pm

After what I felt was a great premier, this episode left me a little bored. I feel like we really don’t need to revisit Regina/Snow/Charming’s past anymore at this point unless it’s something really important. I swear some of those scenes of Snow rallying the villagers have been done before. I honestly said “Is this a flashback of a flashback?” at one point. The only good part of it all was we got to see the Magic Mirror again, after losing the actor to “Revolution.”

On the island we saw Rumple send the shadow off to hide his dagger, which he knows could be his undoing. He doesn’t even want to know where it is. I’m gunna guess Rumple taught Pan that trick? The shadow thing that is. We also saw Rumple try and get rid of that little doll, but he couldn’t. Belle appeared to him in some kind of vision (real, his mind?). He told her how he still worried he was a coward deep down, just like his own father. She tried to bolster his spirits, and it seems the doll was a gift from his father long ago? How did Pan get it then?

Pan gave Emma a map that would lead her to him, but it would only work if she could figure out who she was. After much failing, Regina used magic to reveal the map, but it only lead to a dead end and Pan told Emma he warned her about cheating! Later she finally opened up, no matter how it hurt her parents, that deep down she has always felt like an orphan. That revealed the map, but Pan said it wouldn’t matter. He said by time she finds Henry, he won’t want to leave this island. He also said by time she leaves, she really will be an orphan. We learn that during a fight with the lost boys, Charming has been cut by a poison sword that will mean his end.

Okay, so I doubt Charming is really going to die, so why they are playing this up is beyond me. I really wanna know more about Rumple and Pan, how they know each other, are the related … I’m thinking more and more they may be family.

What the hell happened to the mermaid they trapped on the ship last week? I’m guessing she is Ariel and figures in later on in the season.

Let’s get back to Neil and Mulan, they are actually interesting! We don’t need to see any more boring Snow White and Charming flashbacks.


Parenthood, Revenge and NBC Spoilers for October . . .

Parenthood, Revenge and NBC Spoilers for October . . .

Posted by Dustin on 10.07.2013 at 1:55 pm

I haven’t posted about it yet, but I am still watching “Revolution,” which has been very different this season so far. Definitely interested in the mystery surrounding the arrival of the President. Looking forward to “Grimm” and “Dracula” which debut later this month.

On “Parenthood,” a rocky road is ahead for Julia and Joel, and Adam and Kristina.
On “Revenge,” Miles and Monroe are forced to work together again against the US President?

Read on for all the spoilers . . .

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