Once Upon A Time: Coming Out Day . . . Almost!
So I was really surprised by where they went on the latest “Once Upon A Time.” I did not see that ending coming at all!
In Fairytale Land past, Regina had just married, or was about to marry, the King. She was still morning her true love, and still upset at Snow for ruining her life. Tinkerbell showed up and promised to help her find true love. She stole pixie dust from The Blue Fairy and used it to lead Regina to her soul mate. Regina was too much of a coward to meet him, all we know is he had a lion tattoo on his arm. She lied to Tinkerbell and told her that she was wrong, that the man was horrible, and that she a terrible fairy. Tink then got stripped of her wings by the Blue Fairy and turned into a mortal for being a bad fairy.
In Fairytale Land present, Mulan and Robin helped Neil get to Nevernever Land. They had to use Robin’s son to call forth Pan’s shadow, which would take him to Nevernever Land. However Neil ended up catching a ride, not the kid. Robin asked Mulan to join his band of merry men, but she said she had to see someone first. She had to come clean about her feelings and see what would happen. She then went to see Aurora. Aurora offered to get Phillip for her, but Mulan said it was Aurora she had come to see. Before she could say anything, Aurora told her that she and Phillip are expecting a child. Mulan hugged her, tears in her eyes, and then told her she was joining Robin Hood’s merry men. When we later saw her shake Robin’s hand, we saw the tattoo of the lion.
In Nevernever Land, Hook proposed finding and using Tinkerbell to get into Pan’s camp, as Pan trusts her. Regina however had a past with her and didn’t want to trust her. Emma figured out Regina had somehow wronged Tinkerbell, who later kidnapped Regina to kill her. Regina ripped her own heart out and handed it to her, telling her to do it, but warned her then she’d end up with a heart as black as her own. The two had girl talk and seemed to mend fences. Later Tinkerbell agreed to help them get into Pan’s camp. She also told Regina by not going to see the man the spell lead her too, she not only ruined her life, but his as well.
Meanwhile Pan continued to seduce Henry, showing him the drawing of the chosen boy, telling him that his mother was not the savior that he was. He felt Henry was the one to bring Magic back into the world. By the end of the episode Neil was dropped on the island and welcomed home by one of Pan’s boys.
I can’t figure Pan out. Is he good? Is he bad? He seemed genuinely good in this episode, wanting only to bring Magic back to the world. However he obviously has a motive we don’t know of yet. Hook already warned Emma and the others that Pan is the worst foe he ever faced. Then there is the link between Pan and Rumple that we haven’t explored yet. Maybe Rumple, as a child, spent time in Neverland?
Tinkerbell telling Regina that she ruined her life and the mans . . . I’m assuming this is because Robin ended up involved with Rumple, as did she? Also that he’s suffered much heartache with losing Marianne. I did immediately guess the man would be Robin Hood from the tattoo that obviously represented Richard the Lionhearted.
I NEVER saw the twist with Mulan coming. I always thought it was Phillip she loved, not Aurora. I didn’t even think Mulan knew Aurora. She pledged herself to help Phillip because he saved her life I thought? Now I want to go back to last season to review their storyline!
I’m guessing Pan is somehow tied to Neverland and so needs Henry to allow him (Pan) to leave Neverland, or have his powers spread to the non-magical world. Just a wild guess though.
I’m getting tired of the island forest already. Can Regina use her magic to conjure up more appropriate jungle wear than a pantsuit? And what’s with Charming hiding his injuries? Regina could probably magic them away. And how come no one is wondering where Rumple is?
10.14.2013 at 8:05 pm
Tinkerbell told Regina, not even her magic could save her from the poison. I think the key to beating Pan, no matter his intention, is for parents to unite and their children accept them. Pan said early on that feeling like an orphan was something Emma and Henry had in common…
10.16.2013 at 11:39 pm
Great thoughts Eric!
10.17.2013 at 10:42 am