The Parenthood Season So Far . . .

The Parenthood Season So Far . . .

Posted by Dustin on 10.04.2013 at 12:47 pm

So far I haven’t been too moved or wowed by “Parenthood” this season, but I am worried rage will soon strike . . . and it won’t be long before I’m yelling at my TV.

Hank moved back to town and got his camera shop back just like that. However he’s not gotten Sarah back. I just find this all so odd, as last we saw Sarah was considering going to Colorado to be with him. Sarah now seems to be the super in Amber’s apartment building. Max meanwhile is Hanks new best friend, as he’s taken up photography and is working with Hank. Actually it’s ,ore like hanging around and pestering him, but their personalities are a good fit for one another.

Ryan was off at war, being called back out of reserves. Now he’s home again and has proposed to Amber, who said yes. The family is happy, though Sarah has her doubts. She fears Amber is making her same mistakes and getting married too young. She’s trying her best to support her and help her plan the wedding. I just wonder how long Sarah can go without saying the wrong thing.

Julia is still a stay-at-home mom, but it seems she wants to go back to work. However the way she left her last job isn’t looking good for her. At the kids school she’s made a male friend who she’s stuck working with on the “Sustainability Task Force.” They basically lecture kids who bring food in bad containers to school, and then sort through the trash to recycle stuff. Maybe the kids should be thought which bins to throw things in? Just a thought. It seems obvious nothing of good is going to come from this relationship though. Julia is acting like a girl with a crush, and he’s married too and seems enchanted by her too.

Christina has decided to run against her former boss Bob Little, who is now running for mayor. She’s hired an assistant who is very gung-ho, in fact the assistant hired herself. Adam however has reservations, he feels this is a no-win campaign and Christina is putting too much stress on herself after her cancer battle. Didn’t we already go through this before? Oh yeah, Max and class president.

Finally Crosby and Jasmine have welcomed their baby. Oh yeah, there was a time jump this season obviously. They ended up naming her Aida. Have they not seen that opera/play? Aida gets buried alive in the end! Please, change the name of your baby for my sanity. We are watching them go through the painful downs of having a new baby. I mean it’s painful . . . I had to fast forward them in the latest episode. I hope they get a better storyline soon.

That’s all I have to say about the first two episodes of “Parenthood.”

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