Under The Dome: Run Barbie Run!

Under The Dome: Run Barbie Run!

Posted by Dustin on 09.07.2013 at 8:01 pm

I realized I forgot to make a post about this week’s “Under The Dome.” I feel that at this point, we (who have not read the book) are not going to get a whole lot of answers before this season is over. There are only three more episodes left, and they are moving at a snails pace with this dome mystery.

“The Four” mapped the constellations that the mini-dome provided them by touching it, and they found four dots in a row that didn’t make sense in terms of the stars. They realized it may mark a spot on the big dome that they need to go to. Junior however started being a jerk again, saying he didn’t want to be any part of this if Angie wasn’t going to be with him. He didn’t want to solve the mystery and set her free if she planned to leave. He’d rather live and die under the dome with her. The dome didn’t like that at all. A weird wind storm started up, and it only calmed down when Junior agreed to come back to “The Four” and see what the dome wanted. So it seems the dome is a life form of some type? It senses, it feels, it controls the weather? I’m moving away from an aliens explanation and now leaning more towards some kind of “Mother Nature/Mother Earth” explanation with the dome.

“The Four” went to the spot on the big dome they mapped out and put their hands on it. They then had a bizarre vision. Each one of them held a knife, and in front of them was Big Jim, who was bleeding from wounds. Joe believes the dome wants them to kill Big Jim, which didn’t sit well with Junior of course.

Meanwhile Big Jim and Barbie had their handsful dealing with Maxine, who completely lost it this week. Maxine showed up and shot Julia at her front door. Barbie worked to save her life and get her to the hospital, and then went after Maxine. Big Jim, however, used this situation to finally rid himself of Maxine and Barbie. He learned from the radio station folks that a military call was intercepted in which the military had ID’d Barbie as being inside the dome, and that he was someone they were looking for. We never found out why, but we can assume that if the military is looking for you, it’s not good. Big Jim must have assumed that too. He ended up shooting Maxine, who found out Big Jim killed her mom, and then set up Barbie for it. He made it seem to the whole town that Barbie not only shot Maxine, but Julie as well, and that he also had killed Maxine’s mother along with Julia’s husband.

So now Barbie is on the run, but given the dome’s vision, I don’t think it will be long before Big Jim is exposed. I never thought I’d rather see Big Jim dead over Junior. Junior . . . well he can die when he’s no longer needed. I really thought they were trying to turn him around, but I guess you can’t fix crazy!

Spoilers for the next episode below!



“Exigent Circumstances” – While the manhunt for Barbie continues, Big Jim gets the residents of Chester’s Mill riled up and the town demands justice for all of Barbie’s supposed crimes. Meanwhile, Joe and Norrie must find a new hiding place for the mini dome, on UNDER THE DOME, Monday, Sept. 9 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I have read the book. And even I am hoping for answers in the next few episodes, but I kinda doubt it anymore. Yet I still watch

    Comment by CGinCA
    09.08.2013 at 12:25 pm

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