Big Brother 15: The Second Double Eviction!

Big Brother 15: The Second Double Eviction!

Posted by Dustin on 09.05.2013 at 9:58 pm

We begin with Spencer and Amanda on the block, and unless the houseguests are bribed by the Diary Room people, Amanda should be going home.

Amanda accused Gina Marie of being jealous of her and McCrae because she and Nick didn’t become a power couple. Amanda just dug her hole even deeper.

Amanda had to beg Elissa for her vote this week, thinking Andy and McCrae will vote for her. She promised to be loyal to her if she would save her. She said she’d have her, McCrae and Andy all on her side. Elissa actually began thinking about it!

Amanda brought Andy into it, not knowing Andy has ANOTHER alliance with the other side! Andy realizes he’s multiple alliances could be outed this week!

Andy reported back to Judd and Spencer. He says they need to frame Elissa for turning on McCrae. Spencer began to worry that he could actually go home this week.

We then went to the living room and Julie announced it is not only the 500th episode, but the season’s second double eviction.

The voting began . . .

McCrae and Elissa voted to evict Spencer.
Judd and Andy voted to evict Amanda.

With it a tie, Gina Marie had to vote out Amanda! Amanda was PISSED!

Amanda realized it was actually Andy who double may have crossed her, and said so when she walked out. Andy knew he was toast.

Amanda talked to Julie, and she knew by her reception that people didn’t seem to like her. She did apologize for the bullying of Elissa, she felt bad about that. She watched her good bye messages, and Andy admitted to her about voting her out and his new alliance.

The next HOH game was played. It was a searching game in a pit for items. In the end, McCrae won!

McCrae ended up nominating GinaMarie and Elissa, apparently thinking Elissa was the one who betrayed him and Amanda. Andy has gotten away with it?

The veto was played, and they had to maneuver a little mouse through a maze to win. Judd won the Veto and did not decide to use it.

The house voted and of course Elissa went home unanimously. Andy pulled his double cross off!

Elissa was clueless and thought McCrae must have voted against Amanda . . . not realizing Andy was the double crosser!

The next HOH game would be played off camera. I’ll update when I know who the new HOH is. But at this point it’s safe to say McCrae is gone next week unless he wins veto to save himself.


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