Mistresses: Whose The Damn Daddy!

Mistresses: Whose The Damn Daddy!

Posted by Dustin on 09.03.2013 at 9:19 pm

So last night, for some reason, I thought it was the finale of “Mistresses.” No surprise that I was screaming at my TV as the show ended, as I wasn’t happy that we were left hanging in regards to the father of Savi’s kid. Thankfully we have one episode left! Also in the promos they called it the “Season Finale” and not “Series Finale,” so that’s good. ABC is expected to make a decision by the end of September as to the fate of the show (as they extended the actor’s contracts until then).

I simply wanted to smack April throughout this episode, as I couldn’t believe how Paul was reeling her back in. Their daughter went missing, the brat ran off to a Disney concert and got lost, and later told her mom that she missed her dad and their family. She wasn’t ready for her mom to marry Richard and start a new family. When Paul echoed the sentiments that he wanted April back and missed their family . . . well I knew April was gunna fold. Send Paul to jail and be done with him!

Karen got off easy when a judge decided there was not enough evidence to try her and dismissed the case. However she was turned into the ethics board who suspended her license for 6 months. It should have been forever, but her good work in their field stopped them from going that far. She thought Tom’s wife turned her in, but it was her own partner! He said she crossed one too many lines and their partnership was done. I think he is jealous. He was willing to lie for Karen and be her alibi, but she wouldn’t let him. It was learning about her relationship with Tom that was the turning point. I think he’s in love with her and this is payback.

Joss found herself without her lesbian lover and her French lover this week. Her girlfriend dumped her for sleeping with Olivier, and Olivier is headed back to Paris as he was only brought in to turn the firm around. She blamed him for ruining her relationship with her girlfriend, but he said that was all on her. She and the girl did later talk and left things on a good note. However before that, Joss went out, got drunk, almost got raped, but was saved by Harry. Harry took her home, and while she was busy being sick, he found the DNA test results in her drawer and took them . . . uh oh! I definitely have a feeling Joss and Harry could end up hooking up at some point.

Finally Savi seemed content to move on with Dom, who made partner. They went out to celebrate, but when it came to a kiss, she stopped herself. It seems she’s not quiet there yet, part of her still wants Harry back. Given she was so ready to move on, I thought that probably means Harry will turn out to be the dad.

Below are the spoilers for the season finale!



“I Choose You” – A road trip to Palm Springs for Savi’s birthday takes a shocking turn; April makes a decision about the two men in her life, Paul (Dondre’ T. Whitfield) and Richard (Cameron Bender); and Elizabeth Grey confronts Karen in a final showdown, on the Season Finale of “Mistresses,” MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. Penelope Ann Miller guest stars as Elizabeth Grey.

“Mistresses” stars Alyssa Milano as Savannah (“Savi”) Davis, Yunjin Kim as Karen Kim, Rochelle Aytes as April Malloy, Jes Macallan as Josslyn Carver, Brett Tucker as Harry Davis, Jason George as Dominic Taylor and Erik Stocklin as Sam Grey.

Guest starring are Penelope Ann Miller as Elizabeth Grey, Cameron Bender as Richard, Dondre’ T. Whitfield as Paul Malloy and Mimi Kennedy as Dr. Susannah Ayers.

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