Big Brother 15: Eviction Night and New HOH!
Andy and Aaryn are on the block, and Aaryn thinks she will go home because Andy has deals with everyone in the house. Andy is hoping to use McCranda to stay in the house, but plans to ditch them after this week (unless they get HOH of course).
Amanda continued to be just a nasty horrible human being to Elissa. Amanda also didn’t understand why everyone else is being so nice to Elissa. She ranted to everyone about how horrible Elissa is, but it only made her look like the bully. She even claimed she hates that this makes her look like a bully. Uh, that’s cause you are one! Even her allies, like Andy, started realizing that Amanda is just appalling. Amanda announced that anyone who is nice, or even talks to Elissa, is her new target. Way to score points Amanda!
Gina Marie, Andy, Judd and Spencer all had an Amanda pow-wow in the back yard. They all finally realized they are just handing this game, and win, to McCranda. Wow, it took this long for them to realize this? Helen told them weeks ago! The four of them decided to form a new alliance to get McCranda out at this point. They named themselves “The Exterminators.”
Amanda kissed Aaryn’s ass. She said she tried to get Elissa to put up GM, but Andy was with them longer and that’s why he was her target. Aaryn says she put in so much work for people who won’t keep her safe, and it didn’t matter in the end. Aaryn and Amanda cried together. Seriously? All you did was Amanda’s work all season! She doesn’t feel bad for you one bit you twit!
Aaryn wasn’t as stupid as she seemed, she knew Amanda was probably more loyal to Andy. She felt she had GM’s back, now she just needed Spencer and Judd. Aaryn tried to make her pitch, saying she was going to get Amanda and McCrae out . . . Spencer however wanted to keep Andy, and Judd wasn’t convinced.
Aaryn realized she might have to throw people under the bus to get McCranda’s votes. Aaryn even through herself under the bus, saying she was a huge target and she has done most of the dirty work in this game. If she stays it’s better for everyone. Aaryn then told Amanda that Spencer told her that he’d put up McCranda up . . . Amanda called Spencer out, he said it was a lie. Spencer reported back to Judd and Andy. Aaryn told Amanda it’s clear he’s lying, and she has done everything for them and Andy has really done nothing in this game. Amanda wavered, but not enough.
Before the vote, we got an update on various showmance couples from the past who ended up getting married. We then went to the living room, where Julie talked to Judd about his return, and Amanda’s decisions this week. Amanda claimed she and Elisa have made amends, now everybody knows not to push her buttons!
Judd, Spencer, Gina Marie (in tears), Amanda and McCrae voted to evict Aaryn.
SURPRISE! Another unanimous vote, everyone did what Amanda wanted again! So much for everyone realizing they were handing the game to McRanda?
Julie then revealed the news to Aaryn, and talked to her after the vote. Aaryn told Gina Marie to vote with the house to not become Amanda’s new target. Julie asked her about her and Elissa’s hatred of one another. Aaryn felt betrayed that Elissa didn’t tell her about being Rachel’s sister upfront. Julie then brought up the racist remarks she said early on. Aaryn blamed being a southerner and said her words were taken wrong, that’s just how they talk, and she didn’t mean to be seen as a racist. Julie wouldn’t let that go, she then read off her remarks word for word! Aaryn of course didn’t remember saying any of those things, and she didn’t mean them seriously. She watched her goodbye videos, in which Elissa had nothing to say other than “have fun in the jury house, or don’t!” Aaryn did say she feels bad because of her remarks and how it makes her look, but in Texas they say things like that and it’s not taken literally. Julie told her when she gets home and watches everything, she hopes she has a new perspective on things.
The HOH game began, and they were dressed as rabbits with their feet tied to force them to hop. They had to weave eggs through a fence/puzzle to release the egg and then hop across the yard to put it in a basket and fill it. Of course it’s an endurance challenge! A punishment for the losers would be given to those with the lowest scores. America voted, and those with the lowest scores will wear a chicken suit for 48 hours.
Next week’s live eviction will be another double eviction.
I’ll update as soon as I know who the new HOH is. Finger crossed it’s not McCranda!
HOH results below!
Gina Marie won, Amanda is already in her ear about how Elissa sent her BFF Aaryn home. Really? You all voted her out!