Big Brother 15: Let’s Do What The House (Amanda) Wants Again!
Aaryn is the new HOH this week. Amanda and McCrae talked about how they don’t know if they trust Aaryn to keep their deal, and Amanda got upset when McCrae made a comment about how she sucks and can’t win even when it’s handed to her. Amanda then broke down into tears and hid behind a garbage can. Meanwhile Spencer and Gina Marie talked about how Amanda will ruin McCrae’s life if he sticks with her in the real world.
Elissa knew that Aaryn as HOH was not good for her game, and probably not Helen’s. Helen however wanted to use her friendship with Aaryn to her advantage. She bolstered Aaryn, telling her not to feel bad for Amanda because she’s upset. Basically she blew smoke up her ass like she does Amanda. Aaryn of course thinks Helen is just a lovely person!
Amanda pulled herself together and decided to target her new victim. She was dead set on getting Helen out of this game. McCrae warned Aaryn about Amanda’s impeding move. Aaryn did want Elissa to go up, but Amanda later talked to her about putting Helen up too and making sure Helen think Elissa is the target.
Aaryn wanted to put Spencer up, she didn’t want Helen’s blood on her hands. Andy was brought in to talk about the plan to get Helen out.
Aaryn got her HOH room. From the feeds, she keeps wondering why her letters from home don’t seem to say much. Amanda ends up jealous of the HOH room, she wants to win, she wants to hear from her parents and get photos.
Helen pushed Elissa to kiss some Aaryn ass, which she didn’t want to do. She thought talking to Aaryn wasn’t even worth her time. She flat out said she doesn’t think Aaryn is not nice, and the people she hangs with aren’t nice. Helen was worried that Elissa could go home this week. They then had a falling out when Elissa seemed to be leaving her to die this week in jury house. Helen ended up in tears.
Helen cried to others about Elissa, and she got people on her side and seemed to turn the tide and vote against Elissa.
The Have-Not competition was held, it was a game played in pitch black where they dug through disgusting barrels for a key to get out of a room they were locked in. In the end GinaMarie, Amanda, Elissa and Helen ended up Have-Nots.
Elissa decided to suck up to Aaryn and kiss ass to try and stay here and stay off the block. She told her that she never once against voted against her while on the block. However then she ended up going onto a tangent about a yoga mat she was lacking and how much it sucked. Aaryn told her that if she goes up, just know she’s not the target.
Helen later talked to Aaryn, she guessed Elissa was going up. Aaryn told her either Elissa or Spencer would go home this week. Helen tried to kiss ass to keep herself off the block, even saying if Elissa and Spencer went up and then she won veto, she wouldn’t save Elissa.
In the end, Aaryn put up Elissa and Helen. Helen is clearly the target of Amanda, and therefore the house.
Veto results after the jump!
Elissa won Veto, so she’s coming off and Spencer will likely go up. My guess is Helen is going home unless she can work a miracle!
However come Thursday, Helen or anyone else in Jury can win their way back in. My guess is each has been sequestered, which is why we haven’t seen the Jury House yet.
The person who comes back will likely have to get HOH, otherwise they’ll be sent right back home.