Big Brother 15 + Face Off and Project Runway Thoughts . . .

Big Brother 15 + Face Off and Project Runway Thoughts . . .

Posted by Dustin on 08.16.2013 at 1:12 pm

I’m at the point where I probably won’t bother watching “Big Brother” until next Thursday, unless word comes that Aaryn actually put on her big girl pants and made a bold move. Otherwise she should have thrown the HOH to Amanda like Amanda wanted (but it was hilarious to see her crying and throwing another pity party after she lost again). Amanda is now running the game, it doesn’t matter who the HOH is if it’s someone she control. Zzzzzzz!Might as well just give the game to Amanda if these idiots don’t take her and McCrae out and soon.

“Face Off” began this week and this season it’s the vets verses the newbies. Some of the vets they brought back I’m glad to see get a second chance, others like Frank I don’t know why they bothered? He ended up in the bottom in the first week again. I’m sure he’ll be gone sooner rather than later. None of the newbies really made an impression on me this week to be honest.

“Project Runway” has been on for a few weeks and it is drama drama drama this season. We’ve got a crazy Russian that walked off, the diva guy who everyone is afraid to speak up around, and the environmental guy that they kept around far too many weeks as far as I’m concerned. I was glad to see two of these three go, and diva guy probably should have gone this week too!




  1. I can’t imagine that there will be much to see on BB until next Thursday. Andy may have given the game to Amanda when he didn’t use last week’s POV and blindside her but I haven’t ruled out Helen just yet. McCrea could smarten up and flip on Amanda at the end. Surely he knows that she’s using him and they don’t have a future together after they leave the house.

    I fear that Project Runway may have jumped the shark. This season they, clearly, didn’t invite designers to participate so much as personalities. One of them contestants can’t even sew. I can’t help but wonder what Kate’s lawyers put in writing to get her invited back. Too many team challenges make it hard to watch.

    Great post! Love your insights!

    Comment by DiatribesAndOvations
    08.16.2013 at 2:07 pm
  2. I don’t think it will matter who they bring back because if that person doesn’t win HoH they will be right back out the door.

    Comment by Just_Wondering
    08.17.2013 at 8:56 pm

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