The Fosters Summer Finale Thoughts . . .
First, I’m pleased as punch this show is coming back in January. Take that “One Million Moms” who tried to get it taken off the air! So now for my thoughts . . .
I loved that Callie stood up for what was right and told the truth at the hearing against Liam, even if she lost. Hopefully now that family will never get to be fosters again, and the look of guilt was written all over Liam’s face as Callie spoke during the hearing. Karma is a bitch, and it’s clear he’s a pedophile and it will only be a matter of time before something worse happens involving him.
I don’t like that Brandon and Callie kissed, but I think Jude was really harsh on his sister. The way he spoke to her made it sound like she caused the problems at the other home with Liam, and that was not cool. Now she’s planning to run away to give Liam a chance at being adopted by Lena and Steph. Obviously we have the set-up for next season, the search for Callie.
I do like that Mike stepped up when Steph confronted him over the shooting and mistake he made in his account of it, though obviously pointing out it was the adrenaline of the situation which had him hyped and he didn’t do it on purpose . . . he clearly didn’t remember everything from that night himself. Rather than let both him and Steph lose their jobs, he told her to keep her mouth shut and say she didn’t see anything and let the chips fall where they fall with him and the review . . . one of them needs to take care of the family.
I hope we’ve now seen the last of Anna, but who knows!
It looks like we may have seen the last of Lexi though, with her parents planning a visit to Mexico and not planning to return given their illegal status in the country. Honestly, good. Both Jesus and Lexi need a serious smack upside the head for being as careless as they were.