Big Brother 15: Evicted The 1st of August and the New HOH!
So I seem to have a major problem remembering that “Big Brother” airs at 8pm on Wednesday, not 9pm . . . thus I missed last night’s episode. However I got filled in pretty quickly with the internet updates, and all the shifts in alliances.
Howard, Candice and Amanda are all on the block. Howard was suspected of being the MVP who put up Amanda, when it was really America. Spencer, winning POV, took himself down and Aaryn put up Candice up in his place. She went up when Helen told everyone that she was coming for them all if they didn’t make sure she was safe this week. Helen is still in control of the house it seems.
Howard tried to keep himself safe by making deals with the other houseguests, while Candice threw a pitty party. Spencer meanwhile told Amanda he has her back and he hopes she has his, she knows who he wants out and that’s Candice.
Andy told Amanda that he and Judd made a fake deal with Howard and Spencer to try and flip the house and oust her, but not to worry as she is safe. Amanda didn’t feel safe at all.
Amanda confronted Spencer about the plan to get her out, which he claimed was bogus. Amanda told him if he would stop this plan and get Candice out, then she could help him and he wouldn’t be a target next week. Spencer then went off on her, saying he knows she got him on the block and if she thinks he’ll kiss her ass then she is stupid. Spencer said she knew he wanted Candice out, so leave it there and just get to Thursday.
Helen talked to Candice and said he heard Spencer and Amanda arguing about who was going out this week, and Helen told her that she was not supposed to be the target, Amanda was. However Spencer is telling Amanda that he will vote out Candice . . . Candice got angry, which is exactly what Helen wanted . . . she wanted Spencer to look bad.
Candice called a house meeting and confronted Spencer about all his lies. She says everyone is telling her that Spencer is moving to keep Howard and oust her, while he keeps saying to her that Amanda is his target. Spencer told Candice that she was trying to make him look bad. In DR Spencer realized maybe Candice should go after her melt down, and that Amanda was his real target initially. Candice tells Spencer to stop talking about her, and he was going home next week if she has anything to do with it.
Aaryn talked with Jessie and GinaMarie about things. After Candice’s blowup, they all talked about how dangerous Candice really is, she is a liar and a threat. Aaryn really wanted her gone, this is her HOH and she wants Candice out.
Julie went to the living room and talked to the houseguests. She gave them some updates on real world events involving celebrities. Former contestant Brittany had a daughter, and Kanye West and Kim Kardashian had a baby named North. She also told them about the royal baby.
We then got to see Judd’s family and the small town he’s from and where they are all routing for him. Ironically Aaryn and the others inside the house think he’s lying about where he’s from, that he’s really a genius and an amazing liar, probably from a huge town.
The live vote was then held . . .
Helen, Elissa, McCrae, Judd, Andy, GinaMarie and Jessie voted to evict Howard.
Spencer voted to evict Candice.
Julie gave Howard the news that he had been evicted by a vote of 7 to 1. Howard said his goodbyes to people, not choosing to storm out like last week’s loser.
Julie talked to Howard about his game. She talked to him about the racial issues in the house and how he was able to hold his tongue. He said it was hard, and unlike the real world he didn’t have the option to walk away. He also said he has a bad temper and kept it in check. After watching his goodbye speeches, he learned America was the MVP this week. We are also MVP again, getting to choose the third nominee next week.
The new HOH game started, and it’s an endurance challenge. They are all stuck standing on a giant log which rolls and they have to keep their balance on it. They do have a rope they can hold onto to help with balance only. Of course it wouldn’t be “Big Brother” if they didn’t throw water and stuff at them. This time it looks like the log speeds up and slows down randomly. In order to inspire them to compete hard, Julie told them there would be no “Have Nots” this week. Then she offered a reason to give up . . . the first three to fall would get to open one of three boxes and in one is 5000 dollars. So far nobody jumped off to take the deal.
Next week is the big “Double Eviction Week!” I’ll update with the HOH when it’s known.
*UPDATE* Spoilers under the jump . . .
GinaMarie won HOH . . . shoot me now!
It seems Candice won the 5K, and Helen and Spencer got booby prizes from the boxes they picked.