I had been meaning to post the very happy “Glee” news that Adam Lambert joined the show for next season, but now that’s overshadowed by the tragic news that broke late last night of “Glee” star Cory Monteith’s (Finn) passing away at 31. Cory’s body was discovered yesterday afternoon in his Vancouver hotel. An autopsy is slated to be conducted on Monday. The star was battling drug addiction, one of the reasons he was absent from the final episodes of the season. All that is being stated right now is that no foul play is suspected in Cory’s death.
Big Brother 15’s Second Eviction and Sweet Revenge!
Posted by Dustin on 07.11.2013 at 8:56 pm
Ellisa, Helen and Nick all found themselves on the block this week, after Jeremy saved himself with the veto. Helen meanwhile campaigned to get Nick, considered a power player, out of the house. Ellisa and Hellen also played the “women” card and not let men control the game as they always have.
Nick meanwhile worked to try and convince others there was no “guy alliance” (which there was) because he was afraid that would get him voted out. McCrae meanwhile had to choose between Amanda (who was voting out Nick) and the Moving Company (who was voting out Ellisa).
We then went live to the houseguests for Julie Chen’s questions to them about showmances and if they have forgotten they are on live feeds 24/7. It was obvious she was fishing about some of the racist remarks they’ve made. Aaryn said “America knows a lot about us now” and Julie replied “YES they do!”
We then got more reactions of the houseguests from taped scenes about some of the racist remarks they’ve said and the houseguests reactions. Amanda eventually talked to Aaryn that the house is not happy about a lot of her remarks about race. Aaryn brushed it off and found them thinking she was racist was obnoxious and annoying and she wasn’t going to address it. She said they call her barbie and blonde, so what’s the difference. She wished she cared more about this, but said she didn’t!
The live vote began . . .
Jeremy, Kaitlin, Gina Marie, Howard voted to evict Ellisa.
Judd, Spencer (turning on the Moving Company), McCrae (also betraying the MC), Amanda, Andy, Candice and Jessie voted to evict Nick.
Julie then revealed with seven votes, Nick had been evicted! Gina Marie was devastated and in tears. I mean she acted like Nick just died the way she was bawling!
Julie talked to Julie and felt Spencer probably turned on him because he had the power in the house. Nick thinks everyone trusts Spencer. Julie told him that Spencer did turn on him. Julie told him that McCrae also turned on him as well. Nick then watched his goodbye videos.
The new HOH game began, which was a quiz game that involved the houseguests being woken up all night and given clues to the HOH game. The game was a True/False game based on various packages delivered the night before. In the head the new HOH was . . . . HELEN!
So I watched the previous weeks “Falling Skies” fairly late in the week. Actually I couldn’t get myself to pay attention to it the first two times it was on, and when I finally got through it on the third attempt I knew why. Tom and Pope’s adventure in the woods was a fairly boring episode!
This week’s episode dealt mainly with exposing Karen’s control of Hal and finding out how to get the bug out of him. The rebel Skidders helped them and Dr. Lourdes (I can’t get over that she’s now a doctor) worked to cure Hal. They succeeded in the end, and I was a bit disappointed that they seemed to go with the obvious and made Hal the mole. I hope there is another twist when we find out it was actually someone else.
Gloria Rueben’s character ended up digging into the Volm’s weapon, asking crazy reclusive scientist what he thought they were building. He didn’t know, but whatever it was the power-source was far more powerful than it needed to be. Hmmmmm. Are the Volm double-crossing the humans? Right now it seems like it.
The real President and Cochise are still MIA.
Tom decided to resign as President and go looking for Anne and Lexie, who were taken by Karen. His three boys went with him, and it was basically back to the beginning with the Mason family on their own. Gloria Rueben’s character took over control as President. There is something about her that I just don’t trust, I don’t know why.
Oh and some good news, the show has been renewed for a fourth season!
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Big Brother 15: On The Block This Week Should Be Everyone!
Posted by Dustin on 07.10.2013 at 8:02 pm
I have only seen from Big Brother 7 or 8 on, so I can’t compare the seasons I’ve seen with earlier ones. However from what I have seen, this has to be the worst, most unlikable cast ever assembled! Now I’m sure CBS couldn’t have ever guessed that in the first week they’d have to deal with racist, homophobic and misogynistic houseguests on this level. However I’m not sure what they expected when they clearly cast on youth and looks this season. There is very little diversity, everyone is pretty much young, beautiful and full of themselves. Sadly the two most likable characters, Helen and Ellisa, are on the block. Who would have ever guessed we’d be routing for Rachel’s sister? I feel like the house has treated her terribly! I purchased the feeds and am glad it only cost me 22 bucks with the early bird special, as I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch much of them at all. I just want to hurt all these people! They are terrible.
Elissa won MVP for the second week in a row and nominated Jeremy, but he won veto and now Nick is on the block. There has been a behind the scenes move to get Nick out over Elissa as he’s seen as a power player, but the house is just so anti-Elissa it may be hard to save her for a second week in a row.
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So I finally got caught up with “The Fosters.” The only episode I need to re-watch was last weeks where Jude got in trouble at school for wearing blue nail polish, and Lexi and Jesus needed the morning after pill because they were stupid idiots.
Jude was fairly absent from the recent episode. This one centered more on the older kids. Jesus and Lexi organized a parents get-together to talk about a church camp Lexie was going to and he wanted to follow. Lena and Stef had concerns obviously as to what Jesus might be told at the camp. In the end though it wasn’t Lexi’s parents they had to be concerned with, but Stef’s own father who wasn’t supportive of her family and relationship. I really like how they did not go with the obvious in this storyline. We are supposed to meet Stef’s mother in the future as well.
Mariana and Callie went to Wyatt’s “destroy my home that the bank repossessed” party because Mariana wanted to get out and have fun, and not have to sit through a dinner with her brother, Lexie and Lexi’s parents. She of course got drunk and learned Jesus and Lexi had sex and then took the morning after pill, which her moms bought for them. Upon arriving back home drunk, she blurted out to all during the dinner that Lexi and Jesus had sex. Oopsie! Mariana is not the innocent we all thought she was in the beginning. She’s also continuing to meet her birth mother in secret.
Callie meanwhile saw her ex Liam at the party. Earlier she had blown it with a girl in her foster support group who was apparently living in the same home as Liam. She guessed where she was by her Foster’s last names and fished too deeply for information. Liam has graduated, but still lives at home, and apparently has a temper. At the party he seemed very possessive and also showed agression with the way he talked to and grabbed Callie. By the end of the episode he showed creepy stalker tendencies by liking one of her photos on Instagram and commenting how it was a photo of the tree in her back yard.
Finally Brendon’s dad screwed up his audition with a renowned piano teacher. While he didn’t get a scholarship, he got signed on as a student and his dad promised to swing the very expensive payments for the lesson.
This episode was one of the first to give us major clues into who Liam is and what happened between him and Callie. It’s clear he is violent, possessive, and possibly insane. I don’t know if Callie was questioning the girl about Liam because she was curious about him, or worried for the girl. The previews seemed to hint at what really went down between her and Liam. I’m going to guess they had a relationship that went sour, and it got her kicked out of the foster home. However it could also have been unconsentual and she did not reveal this, as she says in the previews “once you become one of those kids, you are unfosterable.”
Read on for more spoilers for the next several episodes!
This is pretty much just some thoughts on “True Blood.” I didn’t get last week’s episode written up, so I wanted to at least post something about last week and this week and decided to mainly just do some quick thoughts on how things are developing.
First up, the Teri and Patrick story sucked balls last year, so I really don’t know why they insist on keeping it going this year. Patrick was a horrible person, Teri shot him because he had no choice. Let the story die. I don’t need to see Teri all wracked with guilt and confessing to his pregnant wife. They should have let it die!
Alcide is still being a @#$!wad and I hate him more and more each week. Why did they have to ruin one of the nicest guys on the show? Though I didn’t mind seeing that bunch of humans get eaten I will admit. Sam at least got Emma back, for now, and of course now he’s hooking up with the human head of that group he managed to save. Well we know she’s gunna die!
The minute Ben saved Jason with his Vampire Blood, I knew he was Warlow. Why they took till the end of the show to reveal it, I don’t know. It was so obvious. I did love Jason’s sexy-time dream about him! I’m sad that they got rid of Gramps so quickly. I am not sure where Warlow through him. Some space-time-flux? He claimed he survived 20 years there, so Gramps could too? I also really hope they don’t make Sookie still fall for Ben/Warlow, after all he did kill her parents.
Eric predictably turned the Governor’s daughter, which I thought was not only lame, but will only probably fuel his hatred for Eric and others. One by one vampires keep getting rounded up, and in the latest episode they got Pam as Tara watched. It seems Bilith’s prophecy of them all in a room roasting is coming true.
Bilith meanwhile kidnapped Andy’s daughters to use their blood, since Sookie has forsaken him. Unfortunately Jessica couldn’t control herself around them and apparently sucked them all dry. I hope she really didn’t kill all four of Andy’s daughters that would actually suck. I don’t know who to feel worse for though, Andy or Jessica who clearly is devastated over what she did.
So just some quick thoughts on this past week’s “Liars” and “Twisted,” along with some spoilers.
A continues to target the girls parents, while the two new State Troopers are closing in on the girls and wondering why murder seems to surround them. Hannah’s mom is looking more and more guilty of Wilden’s murder, though obviously it’s a red herring and we know A or someone on her team did it. By the end of the episode it looked like it could be Melissa after a confrontation with Spencer. Melissa said everything she had done had been to protect Spencer! This whole time she was trying to protect Spencer. Spencer wonders if Melissa saw “Red Hood” and if she for some reason thinks Alison is still alive? Is that who she is afraid of? Meanwhile Toby learned his mother may have died because of something she too found out while in the asylum. Everything seems to be leading up to a big twist in the books, which I’ll post a bit about below with the spoilers.
Over to “Twisted,” I’m still enjoying this show, but find it is moving EVER so slowly. Why did the dead girl Regina have Aunt Tara’s necklace? What is it about that necklace that’s so important. Are we even sure Danny killed her at this point, or is he covering for someone else? I hope things pick up!
Spoilers and spoiler discussion below! Read More »
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I’m doing a quick post with my thoughts on both these shows.
On “Drop Dead Diva” I actually loved Brittany/New Jane and hope we see her again. I thought they wrapped her new life up way too quickly and neatly, sending her off to Paris to explore the dreams she never got to, and being ordered by her new angel to stop meddling in her old life.
Parker is moving to Canada it seems, reuniting with his ex Brandy. I know they had to have a way to write him out, but did they need to make it so scummy? Kim is now the senior partner in the firm and manager, and it looks like they may try and make her and Grayson a go again. Nooooo! As much as I like Owen, I want Grayson and Jane together.
Over on “Devious Maids,” we got a few more clues to Marisol’s background. It seems she not only comes from money (we saw her own maid telling her the police were calling the night her son was arrested), but it also seems she may have had a husband who cheated on her (given her reaction to a predicament Rosie found herself in with telling her boss his wife is cheating). It also seems the couple who had the maid Flora that was murdered suspects who killed her. Marisol found the “I was raped” note, but the husband took it from her and burned it. I’m wondering if they have a son we haven’t met? Who else would they protect?
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Tonight was the first eviction of the season! Note: next week eviction night returns to Thursdays I believe.
Jessie, David and Elissa are all on the block after the veto ceremony. Elissa won MVP, but the power doesn’t keep her off the block, only allows her to nominate a third. McCrae put her up, but his real target is David. However with the house hating on Elissa for being Rachel’s sister, they seem to be targeting her.
The house had it’s first huge scandal, someone drank a bottle of red wine, the only wine they had, and the have-nots were planning to celebrate with it. Jeremy said he drank it all, but I believe he was covering for others. The house think Aaryn, who has something going on with Jeremy, really drank it. The house has clearly already formed into clips and couples. I haven’t been watching the feeds as much yet, but I will start soon. The loss of After Dark to TVGuide really blows too.
A plot formed by “The Moving Company” to get David out, figuring if Elissa keeps getting MVP through Rachel’s fans they can then control her.
The voting works the same way as it always has, and one by one the houseguests went in to vote.
Amanda, Nick, Spencer, Howard, Helen, Judd, Jeremy, voted to evict David.
Aaryn, Candice, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Jeremy voted to evict Elissa (the audience booed these votes).
Julie then revealed by a vote of 7-5, David has been evicted.
The new HOH game was played. It’s endurance, and one of the jug filling games, but they were put on teams and they could fill a jug for their own HOH (which was bigger) and then I believe a smaller jug to knock everyone on their team out? I didn’t hear the rules exactly. It’s not gunna be known till after 11 at least who the new HOH is, so I’ll update it then.
*update* the winning pair has to decide who the new HOH will be between them, if they fill the other jug it seems neither get HOH? For some reason CBS kept cutting my audio when Julie was talking.
*update 2* Jeremy/Aaryn won, and it seems Aaryn is HOH. Which means Elissa of course is in big trouble. There is also talk they cheated . . . Hmmm . . . .
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So ABC has been airing the remaining episodes of “666 Park Avenue” as well as “Zero Hour” on Saturdays. I’m still angry about the cancelation of “666” as it was my favorite new show of the year. These final few episodes still show how good it was, and I really hope we aren’t left with some giant unsolved mystery.
Henry has been gearing up for a run for city council, but is slowly becoming a man he never thought he would, using dirty politics and Gavin’s pull with people to get the seat. However he’s justifying it with the “once I’m in there I’ll do good things” excuse. Even Laurel, aka Sasha, didn’t know why her father was helping him. Gavin only said Henry was a good man and would do good things, or something like that. But we all know that Gavin isn’t a good man, right? What the heck is he though? Sasha referred to him as “The Dragon” in her attempt to have a priest kill him. We know The Drake also had that secret society, but we haven’t been able to connect Gavin to them . . . yet.
After Sasha got caught trying to kill her parents, she said she did it because everything they had given her had been at the cost of other people. Gavin said those people were not innocent, they had done very bad things. They then banished her into the stairway in the floor. Gavin has his own way to open it as Jane did with her locket, he used a watch he carries. They then sent Sasha down the steps and to “a new life.” Does it lead to an alternate reality? Or does she just end up with a whole new life?
Last week Jane tracked down the descendants of the man who sacrificed Libby in the past, the one who tried to kill her own grandmother too. She found out he was still alive, well over one hundred, and cursed by what they had done. They were all cursed and could never die it seems . . . . Is Gavin one of them? This guy was in pitiful shape, but after a meeting with Jane he got his youth back somehow. Perhaps Gavin has stayed young or at least healthy by his work at The Drake? Jane had done what the old guy had been waiting years for, and he (and Gavin) kept calling her “the light in the darkness” (or something like that). Hmmmmm . . .
Now young again, the man moved into the Drake and into Mavis’ old apartment. Jane eventually figured out who he was through an old photo, and Gavin presumable knew who he was all along. He was also trying to right the wrongs of the past. In his apartment he was making a replica of the dragon tiled floor in the basement, and using the blood of women he’d been killing in the mortar. He kept saying “this time it would be done right.” My guess? He means to sacrifice Jane to make up for not killing her grandma as planned.
Elsewhere the writer, his model lover, and his art gallery owning wife continued with their drama. We learned the model was actually run down years ago and left for dead by the wife, who was drugged out of her mind. Gavin found her paralyzed and gave her her legs back, at a price of course. That’s how she got pulled into this. The wife learned about her husband’s affair and in a drunk and drugged stopper went to the new guys apartment to take him up on an earlier offer. I guess she’s probably mortar by now!
Spoilers for the next and final two episodes below . . . .