The Fosters: The Problem With Exes . . .
Posted by Dustin on 07.23.2013 at 5:00 pm
I didn’t think we could get a more powerful show than the last one, but the ending to this episode was insane!
This episode mainly centered around the adults for a change, which I really liked. I must have missed the resolution to Callie telling Lena and Steph about Liam? I’ll have to go back and rewatch it. As usual I was caught between TV and family stuff while I’m home in Virginia.
Lena’s ex the famous movie star, who is also a nasty beyotch, came to town for a visit. Basically we learned that Lena wants to get married, but Steph never has and thinks their domestic partnership is good enough and basically the same thing. However Lena always wanted to get married according to her ex, which is one of the reasons they split. The ex also couldn’t be monogamous, which Lena wanted. We also found out that Lena always wanted to have a baby of her own . . . All of this is leading up to the finale, which is a wedding episode for Lena and Steph. Now the baby? Well I think that could be tackled in a later season if they choose to. I guess one thing at a time!
We learned Mike has a drinking problem, which was hinted at in an earlier episode when he forgot to get Brandon to his audition in time. However it got pretty bad, and now that it’s back Steph can’t keep covering for him at work or with Brandon. She tried to at work, but their boss knew what was going on due to his sloppy performance and put him on leave.
Ana called Mariana again, and this time Jesus went with her to see their bio-mom. She’s living in a crack den with a dealer who is an abusive boyfriend. Jesus wanted to help her, but this time it was Mariana who said no. She tried to convince him that Ana didn’t want them or help, she just wants money for her next fix. For some reason Jesus lost his mind and sneaked out to see her. When it was late and he wasn’t home, Mariana told her moms what happened.
Steph went to the house, and Mike showed up to be her backup. They entered the house with guns drawn when nobody answered. The show ended with shots being fired!
Now we know Steph gets married in the finale, and they just wouldn’t kill her off. I do think Mike could be in big trouble though. Will they kill him off? I hope not! However from the previews one of them is in trouble as Brandon is yelling at Mariana that this is her fault, they brought her and Jesus into their family and they let this happen. Ouch!
Devious Maids: Open Marriages and Deceased Children . . .
Posted by Dustin on 07.22.2013 at 7:16 pm
So we learned a lot about the Powell’s this week, and why their relationship is so cold. They had a child that was struck and killed by a car. Adrian blames Evelyn because she took his eyes off him and let him step out in traffic. Since he died, their marriage went cold. She agreed to stay married to him, but the deal was he’d get his satisfaction elsewhere. That’s how the dirty little habit of his prostitution ring started. It seems they once loved one another, and probably still do. However they can’t get past the loss of their son, and who is to blame.
Marisol tried to use the info on Flora’s pregnancy and Adrian’s prostitution ring to get suspicion off her son. She learned that Flora plotted to get pregnant by a rich man and blackmail him. However we learned her son was in love with Flora, having his own fling with her, and even proposed marriage. She said no, so now the son still looks guilty. The son however remembered Flora on the phone arguing with someone, saying that he would pay! From the previews it looks like the husband of the family Marisol initially started working for may be the one who knocked up Flora. Did he kill her though? I doubt it. They’ll save that reveal till closer to the end of this first season.
Carmen’s husband, yes husband, showed up. We learned she married young, and he was not a nice guy and so she ran away. He got violent with her, and Odessa of all people came to her rescue. It seems they have something in common in terms of abusive relationships. It seems to be a turning point in their relationship as well. Odessa told Carmen to stop looking up and look around, there are good men she hasn’t considered. She was of course speaking of Sam, who has always had a thing for her.
Valentina got mad when Remi hooked up with an old ex. She and the ex fought, then she fought with Remi, before finally kissing him. He thought it was ridiculous she was in love with him when they had never been on a date, let alone kissed. So she kissed him! This is actually my least favorite storyline on the show, which sucks because La Lucci is involved in it!
Finally Rosie clued Spence in on his wife’s affair. He wanted to leave her, but Rosie made him see if he left his wife for the maid, it would look bad, he could lose custody of his son. He decided to give his wife an open marriage, with the hope that he could get it on with Rosie. However wife, after agreeing and thinking it over, realized she didn’t want Spence sleeping with anyone she didn’t know about! She of course asked Rosie if she knew who her husband liked . . . Oh boy! This is going to get explosive if, or more like when, she finds out the truth.
Posted by Dustin on 07.21.2013 at 10:08 pm
So for once I wrote this WHILE watching the show, so it’s more detailed than my past few posts.
Warlow saved Sookie from Lafeyette/Sookie’s Daddy. He blasted the spirit out of Lafeyette’s body, something I don’t know why Sookie didn’t do. Sookie told her dad’s spirit to get the bleep out of her life, forever! Bilith was after Warlow, which he could feel, and Sookie decided to try and save him from Bilith as Warlow had now saved her life twice. Once night started to come, Warlow made Sookie bind him just in case he was driven to hurt her. After she tied him up, they talked about his history and why he’s waited so long for her. They also talked about his desire to turn her to be with him forever, which she wasn’t too fond of. Sookie said she seemed to be a danger whore, she realizes a pattern with the men she falls for, and perhaps she needs to just accept the truth about herself. Sookie loosened Warlow, and allowed him to feed on her! Then they got naked and did it, but this all seemed too unreal, the blurred lens made it seem like a dream. As they did it there was this magical fairy light that came from, well down there . . . . What the hell was that?
Jason went to sign up with the Vampire PD force to try and infiltrate them and save Jessica. Unfortunately his plan hit a snag when Sarah Newlin showed up! Or did it? Sarah excused everyone else to talk to him alone. He told her he was here to get Jessica, and if she didn’t let him then he’d expose her as the whore for Christ she really was!
The line of the show goes to Jason! Sarah then got twisted, forcing Jason to watch Jessica and some other guy do it while they watched for scientific information. However the male vampire didn’t want to play the game and do it, and after torturing him for awhile she let him and Jessica go. Dear Sarah Newlin, Jesus does NOT love you!
At the vampire prison Eric and Pam faced off with one another while the others watch. Neither killed the other though. The Governor was furious, so he brought Eric’s sister in to kill her in front of Eric to make him feel the pain he did when he lost his daughter Willow. Some scientist had a virus he thought could kill vampires and he injected it into his sister as their first official test. If it worked, they plan to infect a new batch of Tru Blood with it. Eric was then left to watch as the virus took its toll on Nora. She slowely started to die, but Eric wouldn’t let her go.
Willow demanded her father put her in with the general population, not seclude her from the other vampires. The governor was looking for a way to fix her, to use their research to cure her. Willow wanted the preferential treatment to stop, and she told him that he was just as responsible for how she was as Eric was. Willow wanted to be with Tara, who may be able to help her understand things about herself. She was eventually put in general population. Tara helped understand what was going on, including that Eric was summoning her and she had to go to him.
Willow glamoured the guards into getting her to Eric and Nora. They stole some doctor and guard disguises to get out of the compound. Willow wouldn’t leave without Tara and Jessica though. Eric also found the new Tru Blood plant, which was contaminated with the same virus given to Nora, to kill all the vampires. Uh Oh!
At some motel, Sam argued with his new girlfriend Nicole over where to take Emma and if he should even keep running. Alcide and his dad ended up at the same hotel Sam was at of course. Alcide broke into Sam’s room, but they had long checked out. Sam ended up contacting Emma’s grandma. He was willing to give her to her, but not that pack. She swore she had left them, and from now on it was only her and Emma. Later Alcide confronted Sam, he was furious that Sam gave Emma to Martha and that they left him and his pack. Sam tried to reason with Alcide, who told Sam and Nicole to leave and never come back basically. Alcide said if Sam ever came back, he was dead! I might have to start calling him Asscide from now on. What a jerk! Way to ruin one of my favorite characters.
Andy’s lone fairy daughter came to. She wanted a real name, so Andy named her Adeline. However she wanted to remember her sisters, so Andy named the other three B, C and D names. The sole fairy took all four as a long hyphenated name to remember her sisters. Adeline Braverman(?) Charlene Danica. I really can’t believe they all died!
There was another mess with Terry, he was trying to access some safety deposit box that Arlene knew nothing about. Arlene thought Terry was going to try and kill himself. Holly suggested they get a vampire to make Terry forget the war and what happened with their glamouring. Holly had a friend they used to try and glamour Terry into forgetting the marines, the war and Patrick. The trick seemed to work, but later while taking out the garbage Terry was shot in the neck! *update* Terry paid another army guy to kill him (I missed this when I had to run out of the room). Terry ended up dying in Arlene’s arms. WOW! I hated his story, but didn’t want to see him dead.
Finally Bilith put himself into a coma, with the doctor’s help, so he could commune with Lilith to figure out what to do next. He wanted to know where Jessica was, but all Lilith cared about was Warlow. Bilith came out of his coma and ended up drinking what little of Warlow’s blood they have in order to find him. The blood allowed him to daywalk. Bill ended up going to the Governor’s house, controlled all his guards to shoot each other, and the Governor was stunned. How was he doing this during the day? Bill wanted to know about the room with the sun rays, but the Governor wasn’t going to talk. He said he’d rather die a martyr. Bilith then ripped his head off! Probably the best thing he’s done!
Big Brother 15: On The Block … and America Screws Up?
Posted by Dustin on 07.21.2013 at 8:56 pm
I still have not been able to get into this season of “Big Brother,” and by the ratings I guess I’m not alone. I normally have so many “Big Brother” posts in the summer it’s not funny, but this summer I just don’t seem to care about the show sadly. From the horrible racist people, to those I couldn’t care less about, to the backfiring MVP twist, so far this season has been a bust for me. Yet here I am blogging about it 🙂
Judd became the new HOH for the week. Loved that and he is one of the few I like this season.
Kaitlin felt she deserved safety for a few weeks given what the house just put her through last week. Good luck there!
Everyone was worried that Elissa and Helen would strong arm Judd this week and get him to do what they wanted. Howard convinced Candice to try and stay close to Judd this week.
Everyone was worried about the MVP twist that Julie teased to the houseguests.
Judd got his HOH room, and he talked to some of the guests saying he was considering put up GinaMarie as he didn’t feel she actually wanted to be here the way others wanted to. Elissa tried to convince him to put up Aaryn, while Howard suggested Kaitlin. They said GinaMarie would be a waste really.
Howard and Candice started a little showmance. Howard probably should put some better fitting underwear on under those baggie sweat pants and track pants he wears though. America can see all of little Howard, I’m just saying!
Aaryn tried to make a deal with Judd, and Judd was worried if he didn’t put her up MVP might, and that he thought keeping such a target like Aaryn in the game would be good.
The Have-Have-Not comp was played, and in the end Kaitln, Spencer, Andy and Candice became the have-nots.
Amanda pushed Judd to put up Howard, because Howard was after her and McCrae. In fact a lot of the house wanted Howard out it seems.
In the end Judd put Aaryn and Kaitlin back on the block!
SPOILERS below for the MVP nom and veto results!
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Posted by Dustin on 07.20.2013 at 9:43 pm
So “Mistresses” is a summer show I’ve been watching, but haven’t really blogged about. Initially I wasn’t sure if I would like it, but after a few episodes I’ve found myself hooked. I also wasn’t sure if I wanted to add it to the blog. It’s the perfect show for me because it’s so soap-like, but the ratings were initially horrible and ABC has a terrible reputation (well in my mind) with these summer shows that they never renew after one season. However the ratings have been getting better (but not much), and TVLine reports the casts has had their contract option extended. So it sounds like it’s possible ABC may actually give it a season 2.
The show is a remake of a BBC show, in which four friends find their lives turned upside down by affairs. Either they are having one, had one, or found out their husband had one. Oddly enough the storyline I was initially the least interested in, that of April, is the one I’m most interested in now. She found out her dead husband had an affair, was planning to leave her (so said his mistress) and fathered a child with the woman. The woman showed up wanting money, and April idiotically bent over backwards to help this woman and her child. Oh she hated her, but she wanted to do right by the kid. At the end of the last episode, as she finally moved on and found happiness with a new guy after years of morning her husband . . . her dead husband shows up on her doorstep!
That’s what I like about the show. The over-the-top soap campiness of it. I actually do hope the show gets a second season, if only because I know this season will somehow end on a cliff-hanger and I hate when things are left unresolved.
The Fosters: Liam Exposed . . . And What’s Up With Jude?
Posted by Dustin on 07.17.2013 at 8:27 pm
So the latest episode of “The Fosters” confirmed our suspicions, Liam raped Callie. Though she never used the word rape on the show, she did say he forced her to have sex with him when she told him she was not ready. What started as him flirting with her and making her feel special ended with him raping her, and she suspected the new foster girl in the house was going through the same thing . . . or would shortly. By the end of the episode Callie told Lena and Stef what happened to her.
Other happenings . . . Lexie ran away, but it was a plot between her and Mariana, who had made up. They were trying to keep Lexie from being sent to boarding school. Her parents didn’t want to go to the cops, and in the end it came out that they were undocumented. When Lexie learned she was illegal as well, she was not happy. But it also gave her an ace. She came home, but threatened to call immigration herself if they forced her to go to a boarding school. Damn! Lexie and Mariana are both little devils.
I wanted to smack the hell out of Jesus in this episode for how he blamed Mariana for everything that had happened with Lexie. Really Jesus? Maybe you should have kept it in your pants, or at least have used protection! Kids these days think the worst thing that can happen from unprotected sex is getting pregnant. No, it’s not!
Mariana continues to see her bio-mom Ana, who keeps pushing her to get her money or “things” she can sell. She swears she needs the money to go to rehab, but I don’t think so! She’s still a junkie.
Finally Jude made a new friend at school. What’s up with this kid? I have the feeling they are trying to hint that he may be gay, but I’m not sure. Do you have thoughts on this? Share them!
Despite protests from groups like “One Million Moms,” the show has not yet been canceled, but no news yet on renewal. Recent episodes have been hitting series highs in the ratings, which is good. The promos are calling the final few episodes the “summer finale,” which is also good as they aren’t saying “series finale.”
Spoilers for the finale three episodes of the season below!
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Pretty Little Liars: A Meets The Parents!
Posted by Dustin on 07.17.2013 at 4:44 pm
On the latest episodes of “Pretty Little Liars” A has been targeting the girls parents. Emily’s parents have been reported for child endangerment, Aria’s mom got attacked by bees via a nest placed in her car, and now Hannah’s mom has been arrested for Wilden’s murder and Hannah’s in trouble for hiding evidence!
Did Hannah’s mom kill Wilden? She swore at the end she was innocent, that she didn’t know how the gun got into her closet where Hannah found it, nor how her fingerprints ended up on the bullets. The gun was Hannah’s father, and he noticed it was missing after they had a talk one night . . . . It sure looks like she’s guilty, but with A anything is possible.
A jerk at school spread lies about sleeping with Aria, and later someone in A garb smashed up his car. It looks like next week Aria’s little brother gets blamed for it. Again, did he do it, or is this more of A’s games? He did say he would take care of the jerk . . .
Emily and Aria both had a brilliant idea during this episode, they told Hannah it might be time to tell her parents about A. Ya think? At this point I think that would be a brilliant idea!
Mona returned and exposed Spencer for knowing that Toby took her camper. This caused some mistrust among them. I would gather the fact that Spencer’s family has yet to be targeted by A and their games will eventually have the girls once again wondering about Spencer, her family and how connected to A they are . . .
Spoilers for the next three episodes ahead!
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Devious Diva Sunday: Thoughts on Drop Dead and Maids!
Posted by Dustin on 07.17.2013 at 12:02 am
So once again some quick thoughts on this week’s episodes . . . .
On “Drop Dead Diva” Angel Paul finally bought himself some underwear, and shirts. Sad face! He really is the worst guardian angel ever!
Stacey decided she wanted to be a mom, and Jane supported her. I’m not sure I can see Stacey in charge of another human being honestly. She can barely take care of herself!
Grayson made a play for Jane with a romantic dinner, but Jane seems to finally be over him and hung up on Owen, who is still furious with her and unable to forgive her. Really? When Grayson finally comes around, Jane has moved on? I don’t think she really has, I think she’s just in denial.
On “Devious Maids” we learned that Flora was pregnant, and Adrian’s friend the Coroner covered it up in the autopsy report. Now who is the daddy? We don’t know, but that is probably who killed Flora! Marisol is on the case, with a friend in the DA’s office. Just who is Marisol? My guess is she is someone pretty important to have all these connections!
Carmen’s attempt to get a record deal fell flat, thanks to Broomhilda thwarting her plans. Eventually Ex-Brandon from “Days” will fall for her and help her out. That’s obvious.
Zoila found herself caught between her current husband and her old flame, Genevieve’s brother that she brought back to town. Unfortunately her daughter caught on to this and tried to use it to convince her mom to let her be happy with Remi.
Finally Rosie found herself caught in a love triangle of sorts. She is in love with her employer Mr. Spence, who loves her, but is married to his witch of a wife Peri who he can’t seem to break free of. I’m feeling an affair coming on sooner rather than later!
Falling Skies: The True Mole!
Posted by Dustin on 07.15.2013 at 7:00 pm
So last week I was disappointed that Hal seemed to be the mole, and was hoping there would be a second one to be revealed. Well this week the show delivered just that. We found out that the true mole is Lourdes! She ended up shooting and killing the real President, so now the new President and Weaver have realized there is a second mole, and maybe Hal was never the leak. Wow, never would I have suspected Lourdes. Her face is crawling with the eye bug things, so I don’t think they will safely get all of them out of her like they got the one out of Hal.
Cochise returned the president safely to Charleston, but he didn’t make it to the end of the episode thanks to Lourdes. We did learn what the weapon does and why it needs so much power. It creates a grid to destroy the Eshvetti, but also protect the earth because the weapon the potential to destroy everything on earth. So the grid has to be constantly destroyed and refreshed, which is why it needs so much power. Tom knew this, the Old President knew it, now the New President and Weaver know it. They all agreed to reveal this to the masses as it would cause widespread panic.
Finally the Masons traveled around looking for Anne and the baby, ran into a backwoods family, and eventually Tom and the boys got separated. At the end the boys went on to look for Anne, while Tom tried to help the family and only got himself caught by the aliens. Uh oh!
There are only three more episodes left this season. The previews said the most shocking reveal is yet to come, and it seems to involve Tom somehow. What did the aliens do to Tom all that time they had him?
True Blood: Bleep The Pain Away!
Posted by Dustin on 07.15.2013 at 10:29 am
So some quick thoughts on the latest “True Blood . . . . ”
I was wondering how they’d turn Warlow around from a zero to a hero, and they managed to do it. We learned Warlow came to Sookie’s parents with the deal and to inform them how she was special, but her dad flipped out and was going to kill her after drugging her with Nyquil to “save” her from a fate worse than death. Warlow intended to turn her into a Vampire Fairy like him, so they could be immortal together. Her dad didn’t like that.
Sookie didn’t believe Warlow when he told her that her dad was going to kill her, but through a seance with Lafayette she learned it was true. Unfortunately daddy possessed Lafayette and means to still cary out his plan to drown Sookie! The show ended with him doing just that. I didn’t understand why she didn’t fairy power blast him. She probably will next week.
One by one more vamps got taken by the Vampire Police. Pam last week, Jessica this week, and Eric gave himself up to try and save Pam. At the containment center they were doing all these experiments on vampires, clearly to learn their weaknesses. Steve, being the kiss-ass he always has, tried to gain favor with the Governor by turning over info on Eric and Pam. The end of the show had them in a room together with two stakes and they were ordered to fight it out, maker and progeny. It was like Thunderdome . . . two men enter, one man leaves!
Bilith came to Sookie’s to take Warlow away, which he could as he/she was his maker and ordered Warlow to come with him/her. We learned about Lilith and Warlow’s past in 3445 BC (or around that number). Basically she was drawn to him while he was fishing, said “God told her about a creature like him, how he was destined to save the Vampire race” and then she turned him. Years later he returned home, he was the King’s son, so he is a Prince. They thought he was long gone, and Lilith warned him he could never go back. He didn’t understand this until he was filled with fairy blood lust and slaughtered everyone but young Nall (Nail?), Sookie’s Great XXXX Grandpa. I’m not sure, but I think that Warlow and Sookie would be related if he was the prince, and Nall became it after everyone died? Anyways, it’s clear why Bilith commanded Warlow to come with him, he needs his blood to save the Vampires. My guess is it will make a new type of Tru Blood that will make vampires into day walkers like Warlow. Though they’ll have to negate the “horny” effect of it somehow.
Alcide continued to be an ass, and his father finally put him in his place by wondering if he was doing what was best for the pack, or doing what that she-bitch he’s with wanted him too. Alcide then banished his dad, who said he never joined Alcide’s pack.
Andy got to his fairy kids, but it seemed that only one of the four was alive. He managed to save her with a stash of V from the police evidence room. Holly suggested that they say the others simply went back to live with their mom. I can’t believe they are dead and was hoping the one that they saved may somehow bring the other three back.
Finally after Jessica stirred up old feelings in Jason, and then got taken by the Vampire Police, Jason went to sign up to become a member. Obviously in order to infiltrate the group. Jason as a spy? Really?