Big Brother 15: Eviction Night and HOH!
So what we found out from Julie is that apparently America didn’t get things wrong? Aaryn was who was nominated overwhelmingly by America the MVP, Elissa went up because she was second in line and Judd put Aaryn up, and GinaMarie was third which is why she was the veto replacement.
Aaryn launched a campaign to stay and get Kaitlyn out, saying she’s (Kaitlyn) been mean for weeks and is the strongest player. She told this to Judd, who felt she was making good points. Kaitlyn was a good player, and Aaryn was hated by all.
Later Helen and Elissa talked to Judd about who he wanted out. Judd told them what Aaryn just said, Kaitlyn is a stronger player and Aaryn has enough enemies as is and will just keep going up on the block. Elissa however hates Aaryn and wants her out, but Jessie (who is the most forgettable one in the house) said Kaitlyn was a way sneaker player.
Judd talked to Candice and Howard about their opinions, and he made them think about getting Kaitlyn out as she’s a strong player. Howard however couldn’t think about keeping Aaryn because she’s such a monster.
Aaryn came to Helen with a deal to gain their trust, she will throw HOH this week if they keep her. Elissa and Helen talked about it, but she still wanted Aaryn to go.
Judd ended up telling Helen, Andy and Jessie about the alliance he made with Kaitlyn, Howard, Spencer and Gina Marie. He doesn’t feel good about that alliance at all. This made Helen even more convinced they should vote Kaitlyn out.
Helen told Elissa in confidence what Judd told her, and of course Elissa told Kaitlyn that Aaryn is telling people about a deal she has with some others . . . she suggested a house meeting to call people out or she (Kaitlyn) will go home. Aaryn overhears this, and goes straight to Helen for help! Helen has no idea why Elissa is ruining things.
Helen confronted Elissa while GinaMarie and Judd were there what she is doing? Why was she stirring things up? Eventually everyone ended up in the same room with Aaryn and Kaitlyn arguing with one another over this alliance. Helen was pissed, Judd was pissed! Aaryn ended up attacking Elissa for starting trouble, spreading lies and making her look bad because it makes her look bad. Elissa’s plan seemed to work, with Howard thinking Aaryn just needs to go to get peace back in this house.
Julie went to the houseguests in the living room for questions and then the vote. EVERYONE voted Kaitlyn OUT!
Kaitlyn was given the news. She just walked to and out the door, only hugging Aaryn goodbye.
Julie talked with her and told her that outside of the house, everyone has been referring to her, Aaryn and GinaMarie as the mean girls, and they see Aaryn as the leader of the group. Julie asked her why she participated in such ugly behavior. She said Aaryn rubbed off on her, and she does have regrets about who she aligned with.
The next HOH competition began and it was a casino themed game. It’s a variation on skeet-ball and a roulette wheel. They were going for the highest number/score with one throw/roll. In the end, Aaryn WON with the highest score possible. Not being able to play in the veto this week, Elissa is probably a goner!
America is also once again the MVP this week!
Jeff was on for the final few moments to give his thoughts on how things were going. Of course Julie asked about Jordan. They are still together and “almost engaged.”