Big Brother 15: On The Block … and America Screws Up?

Big Brother 15: On The Block … and America Screws Up?

Posted by Dustin on 07.21.2013 at 8:56 pm

I still have not been able to get into this season of “Big Brother,” and by the ratings I guess I’m not alone. I normally have so many “Big Brother” posts in the summer it’s not funny, but this summer I just don’t seem to care about the show sadly. From the horrible racist people, to those I couldn’t care less about, to the backfiring MVP twist, so far this season has been a bust for me. Yet here I am blogging about it 🙂

Judd became the new HOH for the week. Loved that and he is one of the few I like this season.

Kaitlin felt she deserved safety for a few weeks given what the house just put her through last week. Good luck there!

Everyone was worried that Elissa and Helen would strong arm Judd this week and get him to do what they wanted. Howard convinced Candice to try and stay close to Judd this week.

Everyone was worried about the MVP twist that Julie teased to the houseguests.

Judd got his HOH room, and he talked to some of the guests saying he was considering put up GinaMarie as he didn’t feel she actually wanted to be here the way others wanted to. Elissa tried to convince him to put up Aaryn, while Howard suggested Kaitlin. They said GinaMarie would be a waste really.

Howard and Candice started a little showmance. Howard probably should put some better fitting underwear on under those baggie sweat pants and track pants he wears though. America can see all of little Howard, I’m just saying!

Aaryn tried to make a deal with Judd, and Judd was worried if he didn’t put her up MVP might, and that he thought keeping such a target like Aaryn in the game would be good.

The Have-Have-Not comp was played, and in the end Kaitln, Spencer, Andy and Candice became the have-nots.

Amanda pushed Judd to put up Howard, because Howard was after her and McCrae. In fact a lot of the house wanted Howard out it seems.

In the end Judd put Aaryn and Kaitlin back on the block!

SPOILERS below for the MVP nom and veto results!

So it seems America didn’t listen, read or follow directions carefully. Elissa got nominated by America’s vote as the third person on the block. My guess is America really thought they were just nominating her for MVP again! Fortunately she does win the Veto this week. We don’t know yet who her replacement is. My guess, it will be whoever came in second for America’s Vote. I hope whoever that is, America knew what they were voting for when they selected them! My guess it will end up being someone like Helen, again with America thinking they were voting for MVP . . .




  1. Lol, I wouldn’t be surprised if America wasn’t listening. Were they told that America was the MVP? If not, that could stir some drama as to who was MVP.

    Comment by Marie
    07.22.2013 at 11:22 am
  2. I believe they were only told there was a twist involving MVP this week, not what it was. They think one of the evicted maybe got to be it . . . .

    Comment by Dustin
    07.22.2013 at 11:45 am

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