True Blood: Bleep The Pain Away!

True Blood: Bleep The Pain Away!

Posted by Dustin on 07.15.2013 at 10:29 am

So some quick thoughts on the latest “True Blood . . . . ”

I was wondering how they’d turn Warlow around from a zero to a hero, and they managed to do it. We learned Warlow came to Sookie’s parents with the deal and to inform them how she was special, but her dad flipped out and was going to kill her after drugging her with Nyquil to “save” her from a fate worse than death. Warlow intended to turn her into a Vampire Fairy like him, so they could be immortal together. Her dad didn’t like that.

Sookie didn’t believe Warlow when he told her that her dad was going to kill her, but through a seance with Lafayette she learned it was true. Unfortunately daddy possessed Lafayette and means to still cary out his plan to drown Sookie! The show ended with him doing just that. I didn’t understand why she didn’t fairy power blast him. She probably will next week.

One by one more vamps got taken by the Vampire Police. Pam last week, Jessica this week, and Eric gave himself up to try and save Pam. At the containment center they were doing all these experiments on vampires, clearly to learn their weaknesses. Steve, being the kiss-ass he always has, tried to gain favor with the Governor by turning over info on Eric and Pam. The end of the show had them in a room together with two stakes and they were ordered to fight it out, maker and progeny. It was like Thunderdome . . . two men enter, one man leaves!

Bilith came to Sookie’s to take Warlow away, which he could as he/she was his maker and ordered Warlow to come with him/her. We learned about Lilith and Warlow’s past in 3445 BC (or around that number). Basically she was drawn to him while he was fishing, said “God told her about a creature like him, how he was destined to save the Vampire race” and then she turned him. Years later he returned home, he was the King’s son, so he is a Prince. They thought he was long gone, and Lilith warned him he could never go back. He didn’t understand this until he was filled with fairy blood lust and slaughtered everyone but young Nall (Nail?), Sookie’s Great XXXX Grandpa. I’m not sure, but I think that Warlow and Sookie would be related if he was the prince, and Nall became it after everyone died? Anyways, it’s clear why Bilith commanded Warlow to come with him, he needs his blood to save the Vampires. My guess is it will make a new type of Tru Blood that will make vampires into day walkers like Warlow. Though they’ll have to negate the “horny” effect of it somehow.

Alcide continued to be an ass, and his father finally put him in his place by wondering if he was doing what was best for the pack, or doing what that she-bitch he’s with wanted him too. Alcide then banished his dad, who said he never joined Alcide’s pack.

Andy got to his fairy kids, but it seemed that only one of the four was alive. He managed to save her with a stash of V from the police evidence room. Holly suggested that they say the others simply went back to live with their mom. I can’t believe they are dead and was hoping the one that they saved may somehow bring the other three back.

Finally after Jessica stirred up old feelings in Jason, and then got taken by the Vampire Police, Jason went to sign up to become a member. Obviously in order to infiltrate the group. Jason as a spy? Really?

Posted in:
True Blood

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Kind of weird of Warlow to tell Sookie’s parents what he was going to do to her in about 15 year’s time… He could have just waited and not told the folks.

    It’s spelled Niall – I couldn’t figure out if he was Warlow’s son.

    Comment by DNA
    07.18.2013 at 1:29 am

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