Once Upon A Time Season 2 Finale
Fixed some of the mistakes . . . I am multi-tasking this week as I watch, so I’ll have to watch most of these finales over unfortunately.
At some point I’ll probably watch this over again to pick up on clues I missed. The whole episode basically led up to a mass voyage to Neverland where the mysterious Peter Pan is in the business of kidnapping young kids. Why? We don’t know yet, but do get somewhat of a hint. I’ll give my thoughts at the end.
In Neverland past, Bae showed up on Hook’s ship, and he was thrilled to learn who he was. He did not turn him over to Pan initially, he thought he could somehow use him for his revenge. Bae was horrified to learn the truth about both his parents and Hook, he thought Hook kidnapped and killed his mother. However he felt Hook was just as horrible as his father. In the end Hook traded Bae to Pan’s men, presumable for something . . . What though? The Lost Boys actually thought Bae was a special boy they were looking for, he’s not. They have a photo of him . . . and off course it’s Henry!
In Storybrooke, everyone was preparing for the end. The dwarves, with the Blue Fairy’s help, created a potion to restore Happy’s memory. He lost it when he crossed the town line. They also gave Gold one for Belle, which he used on her.
Emma, Snow, and Charming had to team up with Regina as well as Hook. Hook realized what Tamara and Greg were planning with the destruction of the town, and he liked his life more than he liked the idea of getting revenge on Gold/Rumple. Because Henry was born in this world, he would not die. Everyone else would with Storybrooke. They kept coming up with various plans to try and save the town. They were going to try and use the last bean David and Hook stole from Tamara and Greg to escape while Regina tried and slow the crystal down to buy them time. However they realized Regina was going to sacrifice herself, and then they decided for some reason to do what they could to save her by sending the crystal through the portal. Unfortunately Hook went and stole the last bean so he could save his own hide. In the end, Emma and Regina together had enough power to stop the crystal from blowing the whole town and everyone off the map. Yay happy ending? Nope!
Their celebration was short lived, Henry was gone. Hook then returned AGAIN! Tamara and Greg took Henry, but why? Blowing up Storybrooke was never the plan, it was a distraction to get Henry. Gold used his globe to locate where Henry was, and Hook recognized the place . . .he knew where they were taking him, to Neverland and to Pan. They all borded the Jolly Roger and took off through a portal in the sea to Neverland.
So what does Pan want with Henry? Giving his lineage, he must have a lot of unknown power. Who or what is Pan? We still don’t know. All we’ve seen is his shadow. I actually think that is why he has been looking for a very special boy. I think all Pan is right now is a Shadow, and he needs to attach himself to a special boy to become human. I think Henry is that boy. Finally Bae did end up in another world . . but where? We knew that when he was found my Aurora, Mulan and Phillip. I wondered when they’d show back up. Seems he finally made it back home, or to what is left of it.
Okay first Granny didn’t have a bean, Hook did and he gave Emma the wrong pouch. Second Hook didn’t know they were taking Henry or going to Neverland. Emma told him about Henry then Gold used a globe to figure out they were going to Neverland. And third blowing up Storybrooke was the plan of the home office but Tamora and Greg decided to steal Henry for Pan, why or how they know about Pan wanting Henry I don’t know. Honestly I wish those two would just go away.
05.14.2013 at 3:53 pm
I thought Hook stole the bean initially so he could go home, but kept coming back and forth. he later acted like he was giving it to her, but didn’t. He changed sides so many times I got lost!
I think Hook knew where they were going, cause he said something about the person Tamara and Greg were taking him too as being someone far worse than they could imagine (or something like that).
05.14.2013 at 3:57 pm
Also I think Emma (or Regina) said that the plot was a distraction? They wanted Henry the whole time. I was grading while watching, so I have to watch again lol. It wasn’t really holding my attention too much either. Too much past peter pan stuff. Obviously it’s all set up for next season.
05.14.2013 at 4:15 pm
Sorry, meant to say that I thought Hook figured it out in the end, not that he knew from the beginning. I was multitasking when I was writing this up too haha. When he found out Henry was gone, he recognized where they were going and why.
And yeah, not sure how those two know of Pan or why they care. It doesn’t make sense, do they want to blow magic up or do they want it for themselves. Tamara goes back and forth each episode, I think she wants it.
05.14.2013 at 4:49 pm
Yeah it didn’t really hold my attentation either. I thought last season finale was better. The whole Tamara and Greg and their home office is starting to drag the show down. And Hook stole the bean, hung out with Charming then left then came back then they made him leave again. And you didn’t mention that Aurora, Phillip and Mulan found Neil on a beach. They better explain how Phillip is alive next season.
05.14.2013 at 6:34 pm
I did mention Bae/Neil at the very end. But it didnt occur to me till later that Phliip had been woken up. I think Cora taught Aurora how to save him. I think that was part if the deal she made with her at some point.
05.14.2013 at 6:43 pm
I missed that. I hated how they never showed them again. They just kind of showhorned them into the finale just for the fun of it. Maybe with Bae there they may show them more next season.
05.14.2013 at 9:20 pm
It was just announced that the actor who plays Bae has been added as a full time cast member for next season.
When Cora and Hook were holding Aurora and taking her heart out and putting it back in and so forth, she asked about Phillip and Cora said something like “that’s a little more difficult than a heart”
05.14.2013 at 9:23 pm
I haven’t watched the early episodes from this season in awhile so I totally forgot that. I want to rewatch them all while they are still on Hulu Plus. I’m glad they added Bae as a regular. Now they can have a love triangle with him, Emma and Hook.
05.14.2013 at 10:27 pm
I felt that the drawing that the men in neverland were looking at had a resemblance to Henry.
05.15.2013 at 1:37 am
It’s becoming a little “Lostish” the further the show gies along the more confusing its gets. By the final episode of Lost did didn’t care if they were found. I hope I can stay focused on this one
05.17.2013 at 5:44 am