Grey’s Anatomy: Poor Bailey!

Grey’s Anatomy: Poor Bailey!

Posted by Dustin on 04.28.2013 at 4:04 pm

So this past week more of the shiz hit the fan in the crucifixion of Bailey. Jackson, seeking to protect the hospital, called in the CDC, which basically began a witch hunt and Bailey was to be burned at the stake. It seemed like Meredith was the only one on her side, and she led the charge to stand by Bailey. I loved this!

Bailey overheard The Chief talking to one of his patients, who was timid about having their son have a life saving procedure at the hospital of death. He basically threw her under the bus, saying the cause was one doctor who is not working and every OR has been cleaned and verified. She was hurt, and left before he told one of the interns that this wasn’t Bailey’s fault, it could have happened to any one of them, but he needed to calm them down.

Later when Bailey was cleared, she was relieved, but hurt. The problem was the gloves she used, bought by Pegasus of course. They lead to her obtaining a staff infection without her knowing. I wonder if this will mean more trouble for Owen? However she was not able to forgive Chief Weber. She lashed into him. She said she stood by him when he was a drunk, when he was cheating on Adele, and he couldn’t even stand by her. It was powerful stuff! Go Bailey!

Other things going on. Joe is moving on with the Douchebag Dr, and Alex has finally realized he’s in love with her, but losing her. Meanwhile the kid Owen has been watching over, well his mother ended up dying. He’s now in the care of his grandma, who is probably not capable of watching him. Christina is realizing how much a kid means to Owen, and that she’s going to lose him over it.




  1. The second that storyline started I thought to myself…that kid is going to end up with Owen!!

    Comment by Brooke
    04.28.2013 at 7:58 pm
  2. I felt bad for Jackson in this episode. While I am unfamiliar in these situations, what else was he supposed to do? All of Bailey’s patients were sick so of course she needed to be examined…and truthfully without the CDC, would they have discovered it was the cheap gloves? Honestly, I understand loyalty to Bailey but the truth had to be found out and now she can be treated for MRSA and get back to work.

    Comment by Cheryl
    04.29.2013 at 7:54 am
  3. Yeah it’s been pretty clear Owen will move to adopt this kid. I thought so too. However this is Grey’s Anatomy, so the chances are only 25% in Owen’s favor and 75% that Shonda kills this kid somehow!

    Comment by Dustin
    04.29.2013 at 1:33 pm

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