Dallas Season Finale Shockers . . .

Dallas Season Finale Shockers . . .

Posted by Dustin on 04.16.2013 at 11:00 am

So “Dallas” pulled a 2 hour back to back episode finale last night. I often don’t like these, and I was a little miffed last night as I didn’t realize this and only set the Tivo to record the first hour. Fortunately I watched it on Tivo at Ten so I could set it to record the second part later when it repeated.

Elena and Christopher went to Switzerland to find his mother. While there they found her mother’s old doctor and a woman pretending to be his mother. Elsewhere Rebecca and John Ross learn that Pamela is dead! Over in Europe the doctor tells Christopher that his mother left Dallas because she was so badly burned. However she wanted to go home to him. She was undergoing plastic surgeries when she learned she had pancreatic cancer and died. Cliff has since paid him and the woman, her mother’s nurse, to pretend Pamela was still alive so he could control her shares of Barnes Global.

Emma agreed to go to rehab, but when she left jail she went straight to daddy. Fortunately she’s not an idiot, she played him in order to break into his safe and get evidence. She took some briefcase and a journal, the journal implicated him on drug trafficking. Ryland was arrested.

Christopher found out Elena had been talking to Drew and was furious, breaking up with her. Later he was encouraged by none other than newlywed Rebecca to forgive Elena and make things work. Meanwhile Drew meanwhile managed to frame Ryland’s henchman for drugs. He told Rebecca, who visited him in jail, that her father did indeed know she and the babies were on the rig when it blew. He was killed in jail, probably so he couldn’t further implicate Ryland.

John Ross finds out Cliff’s plane was in Mexico the day JR died. The woman JR was with at the bar also says Cliff was there watching them like a creep. Everyone thinks JR shot Cliff, but they don’t have enough to convict him. They frame him by putting a replica of JRs belt buckle, which was stolen from him, in Cliff’s safe deposit with Rebecca’s help.

Sue Ellen uses her knowledge about the Governor to blackmail him to do her bidding. Number one is getting their land back that he confiscated.

Cliff is arrested, swears he was framed, and is shocked to learn his daughter has turned against him and now the Ewings all have controlling shares of Barnes Global! Cliff’s own gun was used to shoot JR, this is proved by the cops. However he swears it was stolen weeks ago.

Later Bobby reveals the real truth to JR and Christopher. In a shocking reveal, JR learned he had cancer and only had days left to live. He had his henchman steal the gun from Cliff. He knew Cliff made that yearly trip to Mexico. He had the henchmen shoot him with the gun always planning to frame Cliff. Yup, JR killed JR!

At the end, from jail Cliff reveals to Elena that the Ewings have wronged her family like they wronged his own. He says that the land they stole from her grandfather and then later returned to her father was not the same parcel of land. JR switched the parcels, giving them dry land and his family the oil rich land. Elena goes to Mexico at the end to see some powerful guy for help . . .

Meanwhile John Ross goes to see someone with flowers, but it’s not his wife. He goes to a hotel to see Emma, who gives him her father’s briefcase. We don’t know what’s in it, we see a lot of papers. John Ross and Emma then hit the sheets . . .

I was not expecting JR to have killed JR. That was a good twist. I thought the show had been setting Rebecca up to have done it for her father, but then planned to set him up after the explosion killed her babies.

The only thing I didn’t like about the JR killed JR twist was that Bobby went along with the plan to frame Barnes for a crime he didn’t commit. Sure Barnes did other things, but now I feel like Bobby’s character has been a little tainted.

I was really hoping Emma was working against her dad, which she was. However I never thought it would be for John Ross. I do wonder what is in that briefcase he wants . . .

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