Once Upon A Time: Someone Is Back!

Once Upon A Time: Someone Is Back!

Posted by Dustin on 03.18.2013 at 2:35 pm

Above is the promo for next week’s all new episode titles “Selfless, Brave and True.” No official spoilers have been released for it, my guess is they wanted to keep things hush hush. The following two episodes are Cora centric re-runs (Queen of Hearts and The Miller’s Daughter) but enhanced with on screen text that clues the viewers into a variety of hints dropped on the show, in case you didn’t pick up on them.

Last night when this promo aired, and it got to the end, I was confused. Who the heck was that? It looked like a giant. However watching it again, and digging a bit deeper to find set photos that got leaked, it’s clearly August aka Pinocchio!


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