Army Wives: Meet The New Wives!

Army Wives: Meet The New Wives!

Posted by Dustin on 03.17.2013 at 11:06 pm

The second part of the two-parter season seven premier aired tonight, which finally introduced us to the new wives, while saying goodbye to others.

Denise, Pamela, Roxy, Roland, Emmalynn and Michael gathered to say goodbye to Claudia Joy. As requested, no big service was held, nobody wore black. They said goodbye, reading a letter she wrote just in case, and spread her ashes into the water.

Shortly after the funeral Pamela had to hop a plane back to L.A., while Roxy stuck around a little longer. By the end though she too had to go. Trevor is apparently still driving across South Dakota with the boys.

Denise and Roxy helped Michael and Emmalynn deal with things. Emmalynn once again wanted to take a semester off, much as she did before with Claudia Joy and her many health scares, but Michael wouldn’t have it. He sent her back to college by the end of the episode.

Throughout the episode we met the new batch of wives. First there was the very young Holly. She’s 18, just married, and her husband is in Afganistan. She shows up at The Hump with a home baked pie hoping they might want to sell them. Gloria gives her the cold shoulder, saying they don’t do desserts, but takes it to basically get rid of her. It’s Roxy who later eats it and decides to have her bake their desserts as it’s the best pie she’s ever eaten.

Maggie (Melissa from Pretty Little Liars) is a hard-ass retired Airborne Ranger who is newly married to an Army Staff Sergeant who apparently has some blemishes on his record. They each come to the marriage with two kids. They’ve been stuck in a one room hotel because the base housing is backed up due to the air force and army bases mergers. She goes to a town hall meeting, run by Jackie, to complain about this.

At the meeting is also Latasha. She comes off as a very well dressed, and clearly pampered wife in some respects. She’s at the town hall to complain about how long it takes dropping her kids off at school because the base doesn’t have enough personel to keep one of the gates open, which would make her commute easier. She thinks someone can volunteer for the rush hour to do it!

Latasha and Maggie end up going to The Hump together to get some drinks after they think their complaining has fallen on deaf ears. At the bar Holly is enjoying herself with some root beer and the juke box when some truckers hit on her and won’t take no for an answer. Maggie comes to her aid, a fight breaks out, and all the wives (Gloria and Roxy included) wind up in the hospital where Denise is the nurse! She wonders what went on.

Elsewhere, Roland gets a job offer at John’s Hopkins and plans to move himself and the kids there. It’s only temporary, and he’d be back before Joan’s current tour ends. She wasn’t initially happy about it, but agrees to let him do this as he is the one on the homefront and not her.

Next week the new and old wives are brought closer by news of an explosion over in Afganistan that rocks the base their men are at.

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Army Wives

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